My current concern is tech quality over the world. Whereas the majority of auditors do a good job, there are some who don’t, and it is these who have our reputation at stake.
The general outness has been traced (as usual) to out TRs and metering.
Lack of a Cramming in Qual Divs and even lack of Qual Divs is what has brought this about.
TRs and metering are out of the view of a C/S. He only sees what is written on the Auditor Report.
A Cramming should exist in every org and every bog should cause the auditor to be sent to Cramming on the material missed.
As TRs and metering are not visible to the C/S, Cramming should always add “Two hours TRs and metering” as a matter of course. This was the way it was when tech was more consistent.
A TR 1 that can’t be heard (or blows the pc’s head off), a TR 2 that consists of “That didn’t read. That read” and TR 4 that is pure Q and A, plus missed reads and bypassed F/Ns can wreck any program.
A Cramming in every org and required verification of TRs and metering will go a long ways to improve tech quality.