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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Training and Interning Staff Auditors - B720107 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Обучение и Проведение через Интернатуру Одиторов из Персонала - Б720107 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720107 - HCO Bulletin - Training and Interning Staff Auditors [B012-008]
- 720107 - HCO Bulletin - Training and Interning Staff Auditors [B048-008]
- 720107 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - 0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples - Part D - Grade II Processes [B012-009]
- 720107 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - 0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples - Part D - Grade II Processes [B048-009]
- 720107R - HCO Bulletin - 0-IV Expanded Grade Processes - Triples - Part D - Grade II Processes [B096-007]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Dept 1Dept 1
Qual SecsQual Secs
Interne SupersInterne Supers
Ds of PDs of P
Cramming OfficersCramming Officers



First and foremost when you start out to train an auditor really honestly do it.

First and foremost when you start out to train an auditor really honestly do it.

Don’t monkey about with it, or half do it, or brush it off. Actually get it done. Get a finished capable able to audit in high volume with high quality Auditor.

Don’t monkey about with it, or half do it, or brush it off. Actually get it done. Get a finished capable able to audit in high volume with high quality Auditor.

Each auditor is an individual. You can’t train a mass of auditors. You can train individual auditors. This has to be kept in sight despite having a lot of students in a class.

Each auditor is an individual. You can’t train a mass of auditors. You can train individual auditors. This has to be kept in sight despite having a lot of students in a class.

In other words you take this person and push him on through and get the job of training Done.

In other words you take this person and push him on through and get the job of training Done.



To begin a staff auditor trainee is selected because he wants to be an auditor, has a fair study record, has no serious Ethics history and no psychiatric background. If you violate these points you will not get an auditor and if you select one with an actual insane history you will be violating the Auditor’s Code.

To begin a staff auditor trainee is selected because he wants to be an auditor, has a fair study record, has no serious Ethics history and no psychiatric background. If you violate these points you will not get an auditor and if you select one with an actual insane history you will be violating the Auditor’s Code.

HCO Dept 1 is the recruiting point for auditors. If HCO fails, it’s up to the D of P or even the Executive Director to get auditor trainees.

HCO Dept 1 is the recruiting point for auditors. If HCO fails, it’s up to the D of P or even the Executive Director to get auditor trainees.

In recruiting staff auditors it is done 1 for 1 with Admin hirings.

In recruiting staff auditors it is done 1 for 1 with Admin hirings.

Usually already existing staff and Dianetic Course or Academy students are the personnel pools for auditor trainees.

Usually already existing staff and Dianetic Course or Academy students are the personnel pools for auditor trainees.

When field auditors are brought into the org who have never done org interneships they go this same route, regardless of their class. If already classed, such as VIII, they are simply faster to make into staff auditors.

When field auditors are brought into the org who have never done org interneships they go this same route, regardless of their class. If already classed, such as VIII, they are simply faster to make into staff auditors.



The moment someone is designated as a staff auditor trainee he comes under the Interne Supervisor. He remains under the control of the Interne Supervisor throughout his entire span as long as he is in the org and until he has his final HGC okay to audit for the class of that org.

The moment someone is designated as a staff auditor trainee he comes under the Interne Supervisor. He remains under the control of the Interne Supervisor throughout his entire span as long as he is in the org and until he has his final HGC okay to audit for the class of that org.

If the org sends him off for higher classes, he is again under the Interne Supervisor.

If the org sends him off for higher classes, he is again under the Interne Supervisor.

The Interne Supervisor is in Qual Division V. In a small org it is combined with Cramming Officer. In a tiny org it is combined with Cramming Officer and Qual Sec. But if this last is done there must also be a word clearer-programmer in Qual.

The Interne Supervisor is in Qual Division V. In a small org it is combined with Cramming Officer. In a tiny org it is combined with Cramming Officer and Qual Sec. But if this last is done there must also be a word clearer-programmer in Qual.



The moment the trainee comes under the Interne Super he is Programmed.

The moment the trainee comes under the Interne Super he is Programmed.

The Programming is standard. It is varied only to take account of what the trainee has already done in the way of Basic Staff Hat, Staff Status, word clearing and formal courses in auditing.

The Programming is standard. It is varied only to take account of what the trainee has already done in the way of Basic Staff Hat, Staff Status, word clearing and formal courses in auditing.

All trainees into an org begin at the bottom regardless of class.

All trainees into an org begin at the bottom regardless of class.

A typical standard program would be:

A typical standard program would be:

  • WC1.
  • WC1.
  • WC2 earliest materials read or heard.
  • WC2 earliest materials read or heard.
  • Staff Status I.
  • Staff Status I.
  • Basic Staff Hat (Vol 0 OEC).
  • Basic Staff Hat (Vol 0 OEC).
  • SS II Tech Div.
  • SS II Tech Div.
  • Problems Of Work WC2 star rate and clay demo.
  • Problems Of Work WC2 star rate and clay demo.
  • This HCOB.
  • This HCOB.
  • Interne HCOBs and P/Ls.
  • Interne HCOBs and P/Ls.
  • Student Hat.
  • Student Hat.
  • HDC in the Dianetics Course (no auditing required for provisional cert for a staff trainee).
  • HDC in the Dianetics Course (no auditing required for provisional cert for a staff trainee).
  • HDC Interne Pack in Interneship for preliminary okay to audit Dianetics.
  • HDC Interne Pack in Interneship for preliminary okay to audit Dianetics.
  • Dianetic Auditing as an Interne under D of P and/or C/S.
  • Dianetic Auditing as an Interne under D of P and/or C/S.
  • High Hour Flubless Record achieved on Dianetics resulting in final HGC okay to audit Dianetics – a fully validated Dianetic Cert.
  • High Hour Flubless Record achieved on Dianetics resulting in final HGC okay to audit Dianetics – a fully validated Dianetic Cert.
  • Academy 0 to IV study to Provisional Class IV full time on Academy.
  • Academy 0 to IV study to Provisional Class IV full time on Academy.
  • Interne Pack study.
  • Interne Pack study.
  • Preliminary HGC okay to audit. Auditing under D of P and/or C/S.
  • Preliminary HGC okay to audit. Auditing under D of P and/or C/S.
  • High Hour Flubless Record achieved on 0-IV resulting in final HGC okay to audit and fully validated HGC Class IV.
  • High Hour Flubless Record achieved on 0-IV resulting in final HGC okay to audit and fully validated HGC Class IV.
  • In a Class IV org the program would be just as above.

    In a Class IV org the program would be just as above.



    All this time, the trainee’s top boss is the Interne Supervisor. This does not diminish the authority of a Course Super over the trainee when he is on a course or the Cramming Officer when he is in Cramming.

    All this time, the trainee’s top boss is the Interne Supervisor. This does not diminish the authority of a Course Super over the trainee when he is on a course or the Cramming Officer when he is in Cramming.

    When he has his final HGC okay for Dianetics he could be off the Interneship if he were just to go on with Dianetics. But in an org this has its limitations. A C/S has trouble getting a program done where an auditor cannot fly ruds or do a correction list so it is best to carry on to Class IV HGC final okay to audit.

    When he has his final HGC okay for Dianetics he could be off the Interneship if he were just to go on with Dianetics. But in an org this has its limitations. A C/S has trouble getting a program done where an auditor cannot fly ruds or do a correction list so it is best to carry on to Class IV HGC final okay to audit.



    In a Saint Hill or an Advanced Org the standard program goes right on up as follows.

    In a Saint Hill or an Advanced Org the standard program goes right on up as follows.

    In a Class IV org where a staff auditor is sent to a higher org, he comes again under his own org Interne Supervisor even though he is gone. It used to be that the Staff Training Officer kept track of students gone to a higher org for training but this has not worked. It is best that the Interne Super carries on and keeps track of him and gets him done and back.

    In a Class IV org where a staff auditor is sent to a higher org, he comes again under his own org Interne Supervisor even though he is gone. It used to be that the Staff Training Officer kept track of students gone to a higher org for training but this has not worked. It is best that the Interne Super carries on and keeps track of him and gets him done and back.

    Before a trainee is sent at org expense he has to sign a five-year contract beginning the five years after he returns. He is liable for full cost personally if contract broken plus penalty charges.

    Before a trainee is sent at org expense he has to sign a five-year contract beginning the five years after he returns. He is liable for full cost personally if contract broken plus penalty charges.

    • Class V in the SHSBC.
    • Class V in the SHSBC.
  • Class VI in the SHSBC.
  • Class VI in the SHSBC.
  • Class VII SHSBC. His previous org Interneship is credited and he goes into Power auditing. If no previous Interneship he does the whole trip as above up to this point.
  • Class VII SHSBC. His previous org Interneship is credited and he goes into Power auditing. If no previous Interneship he does the whole trip as above up to this point.
  • Class V, VI, VII Interne Pack under upper org Interne Super.
  • Class V, VI, VII Interne Pack under upper org Interne Super.
  • Class V, VI, VII Interne auditing under D of P of upper org.
  • Class V, VI, VII Interne auditing under D of P of upper org.
  • High Hour Flubless auditing resulting in final HGC ok to audit in upper org and validated cert.
  • High Hour Flubless auditing resulting in final HGC ok to audit in upper org and validated cert.
  • Class VIII Course.
  • Class VIII Course.
  • Class IX Course.
  • Class IX Course.
  • Class VIII and IX Interneship Pack under Interne Super of the Class VIII org.
  • Class VIII and IX Interneship Pack under Interne Super of the Class VIII org.
  • Class VIII and IX Auditing under D of P of higher org.
  • Class VIII and IX Auditing under D of P of higher org.
  • High Hour Flubless auditing resulting in an HGC okay to audit and fully validated Class IX certificate.
  • High Hour Flubless auditing resulting in an HGC okay to audit and fully validated Class IX certificate.
  • Special C/S Course including AO lines.
  • Special C/S Course including AO lines.
  • C/S Interneship in the higher org.
  • C/S Interneship in the higher org.
  • Flubless C/Sing resulting in an HGC okay to C/S.
  • Flubless C/Sing resulting in an HGC okay to C/S.
  • Class X Course.
  • Class X Course.
  • Class X Interne Pack.
  • Class X Interne Pack.
  • Class X Auditing under D of P.
  • Class X Auditing under D of P.
  • High Hour Flubless Class X auditing resulting in a Class X HGC okay to audit and a fully validated certificate.
  • High Hour Flubless Class X auditing resulting in a Class X HGC okay to audit and a fully validated certificate.
  • Class XI and XII Course.
  • Class XI and XII Course.
  • Class XI and XII Interne Pack.
  • Class XI and XII Interne Pack.
  • Class XI and XII Auditing under D of P.
  • Class XI and XII Auditing under D of P.
  • High Hour Flubless Class XI and XII auditing resulting in an HGC okay to audit Class XI and XII and fully validated cert.
  • High Hour Flubless Class XI and XII auditing resulting in an HGC okay to audit Class XI and XII and fully validated cert.
  • Flag Class XII and Solo C/S Course.
  • Flag Class XII and Solo C/S Course.
  • Flag Programming and repair of all omissions under Interne Super.
  • Flag Programming and repair of all omissions under Interne Super.
  • Flubless C/Sing on all lines.
  • Flubless C/Sing on all lines.


    Where a trainee for an org goes to a higher org he is under the Interne Super of the higher org to whom the Interne Super of the lower org can write. This line is to speed up such trainees.

    Where a trainee for an org goes to a higher org he is under the Interne Super of the higher org to whom the Interne Super of the lower org can write. This line is to speed up such trainees.



    To get such points done, accurate admin is vital.

    To get such points done, accurate admin is vital.

    A checklist of all points in the above program is made up with the trainee’s name on it and is kept up, with dates by the Interne Supervisor. This is kept in an Auditor Interne File, which files are kept by the Interne Supervisor. Thus at any time he can catch up any fall-off-the-lines and get the trainee going again.

    A checklist of all points in the above program is made up with the trainee’s name on it and is kept up, with dates by the Interne Supervisor. This is kept in an Auditor Interne File, which files are kept by the Interne Supervisor. Thus at any time he can catch up any fall-off-the-lines and get the trainee going again.

    A vertical Auditor Trainee Progress Board is kept by the Interne Supervisor. This has a space under each of the headings, left to right. Boxes along the top, left to right, serve to indicate the exact action the trainee is doing.

    A vertical Auditor Trainee Progress Board is kept by the Interne Supervisor. This has a space under each of the headings, left to right. Boxes along the top, left to right, serve to indicate the exact action the trainee is doing.

    The trainee’s name is on a tab that is pinned to the space. The name tab is newly dated each time it is moved to the right. Thus the Interne Super can chase up any faltering student.

    The trainee’s name is on a tab that is pinned to the space. The name tab is newly dated each time it is moved to the right. Thus the Interne Super can chase up any faltering student.

    Various bugs occur – the student is held in the HGC as an auditor because of HGC hours stat. The course gets flubby and 3 weeks becomes 4. Or somebody has illegally put the student on a special project and he’s off the course. HCO begins to use the students as a personnel pool, etc, etc. Or the student bogs for lack of cramming or case repair.

    Various bugs occur – the student is held in the HGC as an auditor because of HGC hours stat. The course gets flubby and 3 weeks becomes 4. Or somebody has illegally put the student on a special project and he’s off the course. HCO begins to use the students as a personnel pool, etc, etc. Or the student bogs for lack of cramming or case repair.

    The Interne Super’s stat is Completions of steps on the board. One point for each left to right move of a trainee’s name.

    The Interne Super’s stat is Completions of steps on the board. One point for each left to right move of a trainee’s name.

    Thus the Interne Super has a vested interest in recruiting trainees or his stats will collapse.

    Thus the Interne Super has a vested interest in recruiting trainees or his stats will collapse.



    It is wise to greatly prefer that students pay for their training before being recruited.

    It is wise to greatly prefer that students pay for their training before being recruited.

    Purely for free services have a bad history in orgs.

    Purely for free services have a bad history in orgs.

    As this Interneship is also the same Interneship for paying students only a portion should be staff trainees as such. The difference is that the staff trainee must be contracted to the org and must continue on in the HGC.

    As this Interneship is also the same Interneship for paying students only a portion should be staff trainees as such. The difference is that the staff trainee must be contracted to the org and must continue on in the HGC.

    Only the very best, most ethical fast study trainees should ever be sent to a higher org. The percentage of losses is too high otherwise. It is too hard on the org’s income otherwise.

    Only the very best, most ethical fast study trainees should ever be sent to a higher org. The percentage of losses is too high otherwise. It is too hard on the org’s income otherwise.

    If somebody else just must go to a higher org, let him pay his own way. Don’t make your org a subject of freeloading. It hurts your own pay.

    If somebody else just must go to a higher org, let him pay his own way. Don’t make your org a subject of freeloading. It hurts your own pay.



    Part-time study, by which an HGC auditor part-time studies the next level while still auditing is a complete failure. By actual record they just never make it.

    Part-time study, by which an HGC auditor part-time studies the next level while still auditing is a complete failure. By actual record they just never make it.

    Do the steps fully with full attention on each while it is being done. Don’t have the trainee finishing the last one and doing the next one. You’ll rarely get a product.

    Do the steps fully with full attention on each while it is being done. Don’t have the trainee finishing the last one and doing the next one. You’ll rarely get a product.

    Sharply and efficiently and crisply get each step of the horizontal board full and industriously done each in turn.

    Sharply and efficiently and crisply get each step of the horizontal board full and industriously done each in turn.

    And you’ll make splendid auditors and make them fast.

    And you’ll make splendid auditors and make them fast.
