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CONTENTS PROCEDURE CCH CCH ZERO: CCH 1: Cохранить документ себе Скачать
P.A.B. No. 133
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
35/37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1

1 April 1958


Compiled from the Research Writings and Taped Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard

(The following series of PABs are devoted to an elucidation of Procedure CCH and should by no means be taken as a complete exposition of that procedure. This course of information will be fully covered in the newly completed but as yet unpublished basic handbook for all auditors: “The Student Manual” by L. Ron Hubbard, which is the most comprehensive book ever issued from the pen of LRH on auditing procedure and all that a Scientologist should know about how to audit and practice.

Further, the numbers of the CCHs don’t necessarily agree with “The Student Manual” except from CCH0 to 5, since these PABs are based on a workable procedure called Procedure CCH [Long Form], given by LRH to the HGC staff auditors here in Washington, D.C., in 1957.)


CCH 0 is firstly establishing the Rudiments of the session, discussing the goals of the preclear for the intensive — also established at the beginning of each separate session — handling the present time problem and clearing the auditor for the preclear. The latter has become very important in modern auditing.

One establishes the session by calling the preclear’s attention to the room, the auditing environment, to let him know that he has arrived for a session. This can be done by light “Locational Processing.” At this point one doesn’t have to belabor the Rudiments.

Following this there is a discussion of the preclear’s goals for the session and intensive and making sure that these goals are not wild or completely outside the preclear’s reality. He may, for instance, want to be an Operating Thetan while hiding in mystery and he will thus not achieve that goal unless he has full reality on it. In other words, the auditor makes sure that the goals which the preclear has set for himself are goals which the preclear can work towards and attain without much difficulty.

The auditor then defines for himself — but does not inform the preclear of — his own goals and intentions for this session so that he does not grope blindly with techniques without knowing which way and why he is guiding the preclear. Often auditors work in the dark without setting goals for themselves toward which to guide the preclear. Best of all is when the auditor can align the preclear’s and his own goals for the intensive.

After this the auditor must inquire if the preclear has any pressing present time problem which needs immediate attention. It is fairly safe to say that every preclear on

earth today has a present time problem. The more the preclear has the easier they can be handled. If the problem is not pressing and will not interfere with the processing, then the auditor can continue further. Should there be a scarcity of problems the preclear will hold on to and dramatize that problem and the situation has to be remedied either with Problems of Comparable or Incomparable Magnitude or by Locational Processing.

A lot here depends upon auditor judgment of the case (and it is, of course, best to have preclears tested at the London or Washington Academies to aid the auditor), but should the preclear be too low to handle the present time problem, the auditor should only run Locational Processing to bring the preclear up to present time. Preclears who are very low toned do not even vaguely have their thinkingness under control, and to run “problems” would be a waste of time.

Since many preclears do not know much about their condition or what they are working towards, LRH has found a very good way to clear this matter. This process is a Rudiment called “Clear the Auditor” and known as “Help.” It is surprising, after running this process for an hour or so, to find that many preclears do not believe that they can be helped by anybody and are unclear as to what the auditor can do for them.

This is the best way of clearing the auditor and making the fact that they can be helped to help themselves clear to them.

The commands for this process are as follows:

“Could I help you?” “How?” “Could you help me?” “How?”

“Can I help anybody else?” “Who?” “How?” “Could you help anybody else?” “Who?” “How?” “Do other people ever help other people?” “How?” “Do men ever help women?” “How?”

and the auditor just does this on a big, long bracket.

Of course, it is necessary to see that the preclear does not give machine answers and that he is fairly sure that this can be done. Two-way communication here is important and a lot of it could be used.

This process becomes a fantastic way of dealing with the preclear and is valuable in many ways. For example, you can take Father and Mother valences which are usually aberrative and run them on Help in brackets.

Running Help is necessary on a case that is hung up, because the only reason he is sitting there is to “waste” help. You can run such a case on any process, no matter how excellent, on a basis of “wasting help” until the case simply cannot find enough ways to waste help and he goes down the tone scale.

One has to understand that the case which isn’t changing is trying to waste help. It isn’t a case of “finding the auditor” in the Rudiments nowadays, but of “clearing the auditor.” The only point on which he can be cleared is “Help” — ”Can I help you?” or “Can you help me?” and asking “How?” each time to keep the command real to the preclear and applicable. No conditional answers are accepted and the preclear has to find real answers.

The whole purpose of CCH 0 to quote from “The Student Manual,” is “to make known the beginning of a session to a preclear and the auditor so that no error as to its beginning is made; to put the preclear in a condition to be audited. “

CCH 1:

CCH 1 is known as “Give Me That Hand,” and is one of the most effective entrances to cases yet devised. Apart from having great beneficial effects it is also used as a Rudiment. For example, soon the preclear finds that there is a mass sitting in front of him (the body of the auditor) and that he is occupying a mass in the chair — and thus the environment takes on a more real shape.

To illustrate this better, here is a brief description from an LRH lecture to the Washington, D.C., HGC staff auditors: “Most preclears are completely unaware of their own body or that of the auditor. GMTH brings the preclear back onto the Scale of Reality, which runs this way (from the top of scale down):

Postulates, Agreements, Solids (masses, terminals), Communication Lines But No Terminals, which dwindles into Confused And Complex Communication Lines, and eventually into No Lines — and you’ve got mystery.

“Applying the Scale of Reality to GMTH, you have a preclear who is in mystery. You take his hand often enough with an acknowledgment (‘Thank you’) at the execution of the command and he slowly, through some dope-off, becomes aware of a solid line of communication — your arm grasping his hand to his arm — and that becomes more solid until he goes through the complexities and confusions of communication lines and gets them straight enough to recognize a solid terminal sitting in front of him (the auditor’s body sitting there, a mass, a terminal). He thus gets into communication with a solid terminal. As he comes upscale he does not have to use solid comm lines to communicate but can do so by agreements (symbols, words) and higher upscale just by postulate.

“As Opening Procedure by Duplication demonstrated the accuracy of the Know to Mystery Scale, so Give Me That Hand proves the accuracy of the Sub-Zero Tone Scale and the Reality Scale. Preclears will go into dope-off and a state of confusion, engrams will fly off as the complexities and confusions of comm lines fade into where his and your hands will become real to him. He will most likely recognize you as the first real terminal he has ever had.”

This is a Tone 40 process.

Tone 40 has been defined as “Giving a command and just knowing that it will be executed despite any contrary appearances. “ (This is not the 18th ACC definition.) In other words, Tone 40 is positive postulating.

“The Student Manual” has the following to say about the procedure and the running of this unique process: “Physical action of taking hand when not given and then replacing it in the preclear’s lap and ‘Thank you’ ending the cycle. It is Tone 40, with clear intention, one command in one unit of time, no originations of preclear acknowledged in any way, verbally or physically.” However, one can freeze the process after a cycle of action has been completed if one is sure that something is occurring which needs further “fishing” for a cognition.

This is the first step to the control of the preclear’s body, which is the basic element of Control-C-H (CCH). We first have to bring the preclear’s body under your and then his control before we can attempt to bring his attention or thinkingness under control. And processing follows that basic pattern all the time — control of body, attention and thinkingness.

This is a very precise process, being Tone 40, and Tone 40 demands accurate precision into which one has to be trained to be efficient. Further information will be found in “The Student Manual,” which will be published shortly, or in the Validation Courses run in Washington, London or by Gold Seal Certificate holders.

As a last note on this process, there is a negative side to this if your preclear is “withholding” communication from you and it simply runs in smooth Tone 40 as follows: “Don’t give me that hand.” “Thank you.”

The preclear will get frantic after a while and want to give you his hand. By telling him to withhold his hand, and acknowledging it so that he receives the acknowledgment, you are telling him to do what he has been doing all his life and consequently ruin that mechanism which has been “withholding” all the while, when you take over the automaticity.