This issue of the Six Levels is dedicated to only one thing-the clearing of any level of case.
A careful analysis of its every part of every step will discover it is a process in itself.
SLP 7 does not include many processes found in earlier SOPs and SLPs. They are omitted not because they are not good but because they are not entirely direct. They will reappear in later issues of SLP, no doubt. In this No. 7 we do not have something which will then become something else. We have a unique process series which while it retains form, enforces simplicity.
The reason for this issue and its stand-to-the-side-of the evolution of processing in Scientology is that Issue 5, and even 6 with its emphasis on creativeness, used without enough selectivity, lose us the intelligence and personality gains prominent earlier in the fall of 1955. The processes are still there - they are not being concentrated upon, lost a bit, in the multitude of choices of No. 5 and No. 6. Thus No. 7 is especially made for staff auditors.
In SLP 7 the goal or finite end of any process given is detailed. The actual rationale is delineated and the entirety of the processing is done in accordance with one positively asserted assumption as follows:
When the pc goes more anaten than he is when not being audited, he is in the grip of a real or affected Code break and is out of session. Any drop of alertness is a drop of ARC, first with the auditor, second with the bank, always. Therefore a drop of consciousness denotes a break with the auditor which must be repaired before the session continues.
Done without the above strict rule, I cannot guarantee any success from No. 7. It is too strong a process series, in other words, to omit any precaution.
Two-way comm must be stressed at all times.
The body of your preclear is a quivering hunger for overt acts. On consideration level these are problems. The auditor begins his auditing with this first barrier. He must surmount it by:
1. Two-way comm to establish good ARC
2. Directly remedying havingness of problems or
3. Remedy of overt acts by Creative Processing
4. Alleviating a chronic somatic or problem by remedying their scarcity or
5. Increasing ARC until all problems or somatics seem unnecessary.
7I (a) Find the auditor.
7I (b) Find the preclear.
7I (c) Find the auditing area (light locational processing).
7I (d) Establish that a session is in progress.
7I (e) Accept, discuss every comm preclear originates.
7I (f) Acknowledge every command execution by preclear.
7I (g) Agree on process and command before using it and do not confuse it.
7I (h) Use two-way comm liberally.
7I (i) Follow the Auditor's Code.
7I (j) [changed] Remedy havingness of problems by selecting communication terminals or universes (not conditions) and use command "Invent a specific problem _____ could be to you."
Note 1 - Can be run with best gain by discovering "weakest universe" by two-way comm about weak people and things and then using this person so discovered as the name in the "blank" above.
Note 2 - "Invent a specific problem _____ could be to you" has a reverse command: "Invent a specific problem you could be to __________ ;" however, this is the overt act side and should be handled with care if used.
Note 3 - At SLP 7I (j) chronic somatics can be alleviated (and should be) by "Invent a problem your leg (or stomach or liver) (never your lameness, your ulcer, your illness, as these are conditions, not terminals) could be to you." Using mock-ups of overt acts to body and having pc, when he has created them, even black ones, get how each part or fragment of the mock-up is entirely dedicated to destroying the pc's body and so make mock-up vanish. To the body, separation can occur from anything only when it has done enough overt acts to the body to cancel all obligation, obligation being the first bargain or agreement possible to a free being (pledged word).
Note 4 - It is distinctively understood that within this or the next step the chronic somatic will be alleviated before the clearing is continued.
Note 5 - A very few pcs have lost the ability to invent problems with any reality these run on "Tell me some lies about the environment," and then or problems as above.
7I (k) Run pc on ORDERS. Two methods: Opening Procedure 8-C and direct command, latter preferred. "Tell me some orders you wouldn't mind receiving." "Tell me something that would obey you."
Note 6 - These commands are phrased to be permissive to the pc, commanding from pc to environment.
Note 7 - Orders are an "all-the-way route." The wall is an order (postulate) complicated by the order to be solid and endure. The reality of the preclear depends on his ability to receive orders. If he can't, he can't see a wall.
Note 8 - Don't stick the pc on one subject or object in running orders. If the bank turns up an engram, don't insist he get parts of it he can receive orders from. Also do not insist he take orders from various parts of environment.
Note 9 - In Level One don't solve any problems. Increase by various means as above, the problems preclear can have.
7I (l) "What could change you?" "What would leave you unchanged?" (Run alternately one question, then the other.)
In a populated area (park, RR station, etc.) have pc tell auditor something he wouldn't mind not-knowing about persons or the persons not-knowing about him which auditor spots for him.
Auditor: "Do you see that (man, woman, described slightly)?"
Pc: "Yes."
Note 10 - Make allowances for your pc's ability to see people clearly. Run if possible with glasses off if he still has them.
Auditor: "Tell me something you wouldn't mind not-knowing about that person."
Note 11 - The pc selects things he already can know to not-know. He does not give things he does not know anyway. This stress is the willingness to not-know things one already knows. Otherwise pc will become confused.
Note 12 - If two-way comm won't keep the pc alert he is on stuck flow. (See Scientology 8-80.) Run "other side" as below:
When pc to spotted person has been run flat or to a dope-off, reverse to:
Auditor: "Tell me something you wouldn't mind that person not-knowing about you."
Note 13 - Run one side for hours, then the other side, in ordinary use.
Note 14 - Observe that in SLP 7 we omit all other spottings. These are good, but Waterloo Station is the cream of Level Two SLP 5, and auditors have been too involved in lower steps to run Waterloo Station. For god's sakes don't neglect it. It's the most valuable process in Scientology. It handles TIME!
Note 15 - The goal of Waterloo Station is not to make the pc make one thing vanish. That phenomenon is just the start. Auditors have been quitting when the pc made somebody's hat disappear. When the pc can make the whole universe wink on and off at his consideration to know or not-know it, you're getting somewhere-so don't stop at a hat.
Note 16 - Don't give the pc back what he has just not-known. If he not-knew it, he not-knew it.
Note 17 - If an auditor is so hungry for overt acts that he has to provoke the pc into them by breaks and poor compliance with procedure, just ask the pc to hit the auditor a few times. It'll remedy it.
Run in quiet places.
Preparatory: "What contracts could you break?"
7III (a) Think a placed thought.
The object is to train the pc to think thoughts exterior to his head and thetan bank to obviate the "cave-in phenomena of Axiom 51. "
Commands (auditor indicating object or position):
"Think a thought in (on) that _____."
Alternate command: "Do you see that (object)? Think a thought in (on) it. Did the thought appear where it is?"
7III (b) Choice rehabilitation.
Using the ability acquired in Level Three (a), have the pc make choices between two objects indicated by auditor.
Command: "From (indicated point) make a choice between (indicated positions or objects)."
7III (c) Directed Decision Rehabilitation.
Using the ability acquired in (a) and (b), exercise the pc on decisions.
Command: "Make a decision about that (indicated object) in or on that (indicated object)."
7III (d) Permissive Decision Rehabilitation:
Using the abilities acquired in (a), (b) and (c), turn pc loose on decisions. Decisions must be outside head and bank.
Command: "Decide something."
Done in an auditing room with a book and a bottle. Commands:
"Do you see that book?"
"Walk over to it."
"Pick it up."
"Not-know something about its color."
"Not-know something about its temperature."
"Not-know something about its weight."
"Put it in exactly the same place."
"Do you see that bottle?"
"Walk over to it."
"Pick it up."
"Not-know something about its color."
"Not-know something about its temperature."
"Not-know something about its weight."
"Put it in exactly the same place."
"Do you see that book?" (etc.)
The object of this step is to restore abundance on any and all communication possibilities. Done in an auditing room.
7V (a) Create Confusion:
Commands: "Mock up a confusion."
Alternate command: "What confusion could you create?"
7V (b) Creating Terminals:
The pc may have to be coached into mocking up unknown confused black terminals and thus into good terminal mock-ups.
"Mock up a communication terminal."
"Mock up another communication terminal."
7V (c) What Wouldn't You Mind Communicating With:
Duplicate the auditing command exactly. Don't red-herring (go chasing after facsimiles).
"What Wouldn't You Mind Communicating With?"
7V (d) Creating Family Terminals:
Have pc mock up until he has an abundance of any and all persons he has ever used as anchor points.
"Mock up your (father, wife, mother, husband)."
"Mock him (her) up again."
Route 1: An exteriorized step done as given in The Creation of Human Ability.