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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- 3D Criss Cross - P620109 | Сравнить

CONTENTS 3D CRISS CROSS Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Course 3D ListCourse 3D List



To prevent misassessment I have been developing some new methods of obtaining a 3D package. Because goals lists get lost there is need also for ways of getting a 3D package without having the goal.

To prevent misassessment I have been developing some new methods of obtaining a 3D package. Because goals lists get lost there is need also for ways of getting a 3D package without having the goal.

One of these is to run O/W on self, list the pc’s answers and then ask the pc, “Who would you treat like that?” Bleed the meter and nul and you will find an item of the 3D package you can then use, either as criss cross or to get a goal and modifier. This is very workable and useful. It is most useful in 3D Criss Cross.

One of these is to run O/W on self, list the pc’s answers and then ask the pc, “Who would you treat like that?” Bleed the meter and nul and you will find an item of the 3D package you can then use, either as criss cross or to get a goal and modifier. This is very workable and useful. It is most useful in 3D Criss Cross.

Further, if a pc blows clear on assessment, you can do the above, find his goal and modifier and get the Goals Problem Mass keyed back in again. The GPM will always key back in by finding the modifier to a goal.

Further, if a pc blows clear on assessment, you can do the above, find his goal and modifier and get the Goals Problem Mass keyed back in again. The GPM will always key back in by finding the modifier to a goal.


Criss Cross, complete, consists of the following steps:

Criss Cross, complete, consists of the following steps:

  1. Ask the pc “What kind of person or being haven’t you liked?” and make a complete list.
  1. Ask the pc “What kind of person or being haven’t you liked?” and make a complete list.
  • Nul the list and locate one item that remains in (or was the last in). (Make sure ruds are in in all nulling.) (There may be more than one item staying in. If so take strongest read.)
  • Nul the list and locate one item that remains in (or was the last in). (Make sure ruds are in in all nulling.) (There may be more than one item staying in. If so take strongest read.)
  • Ask the pc “What kind of person or being have you liked?” and make a complete list.
  • Ask the pc “What kind of person or being have you liked?” and make a complete list.
  • Nul the list and locate one item as in 2.
  • Nul the list and locate one item as in 2.
  • The two resulting items are called TEST ITEMS. They are not necessarily 3D package items.

    The two resulting items are called TEST ITEMS. They are not necessarily 3D package items.

    1. Write the item found in 2 at the top of a sheet of paper. Ask the pc “Who or what would oppose (item)?” Make a complete list. (Never suggest any item to a pc ever.) Bleed the meter for all items.
    1. Write the item found in 2 at the top of a sheet of paper. Ask the pc “Who or what would oppose (item)?” Make a complete list. (Never suggest any item to a pc ever.) Bleed the meter for all items.
  • Nul this list down to one item (assessment by elimination as always, of course).
  • Nul this list down to one item (assessment by elimination as always, of course).
  • Write the item found in 4 down at the top of a sheet of paper and proceed as in 5.
  • Write the item found in 4 down at the top of a sheet of paper and proceed as in 5.
  • Nul this list down to one item.
  • Nul this list down to one item.
  • Write the item found in 5 at the top of a sheet and proceed as before.
  • Write the item found in 5 at the top of a sheet and proceed as before.
  • Nul the list to one item.
  • Nul the list to one item.
  • Write the item found in 8 at the top of a sheet and proceed as before.
  • Write the item found in 8 at the top of a sheet and proceed as before.
  • Nul down to one item as before.
  • Nul down to one item as before.
  • Continue to do lists and items as in 9, 10, 11 and 12. BE VERY ACCURATE IN FINDING THE RIGHT ITEM EACH TIME.

    Continue to do lists and items as in 9, 10, 11 and 12. BE VERY ACCURATE IN FINDING THE RIGHT ITEM EACH TIME.

    The two lists will eventually collide as a solid package. It will not be easy (or perhaps even possible) to find anything else on the case. When this condition is reached, you have 3D package items of high level, capable of being run.

    The two lists will eventually collide as a solid package. It will not be easy (or perhaps even possible) to find anything else on the case. When this condition is reached, you have 3D package items of high level, capable of being run.

    When doing listing and nulling, carefully note whenever an item gave the pc a painful somatic or a dizziness. It will be the painful somatic type of item that is the terminal, the dizzy or “winds of space” item that is the oppterm.

    When doing listing and nulling, carefully note whenever an item gave the pc a painful somatic or a dizziness. It will be the painful somatic type of item that is the terminal, the dizzy or “winds of space” item that is the oppterm.

    1. Select which is terminal, which is oppterm by usual tests.
    1. Select which is terminal, which is oppterm by usual tests.
  • Find the goal, oppgoal and Modifier for the package.
  • Find the goal, oppgoal and Modifier for the package.
  • Run with 3D type commands.
  • Run with 3D type commands.
  • When this package is well discharged or blows, do another 3D Criss Cross using the items that were being run in 15 as the starting points for steps 5 on.

    When this package is well discharged or blows, do another 3D Criss Cross using the items that were being run in 15 as the starting points for steps 5 on.

    You will be rather amazed how much this type of assessment does for the case and how low a level case it can be done upon.

    You will be rather amazed how much this type of assessment does for the case and how low a level case it can be done upon.

    You’re welcome.

    You’re welcome.
