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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- False Data Stripping (DEBUG-8, ESTO-36) - P790807 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Оценивание Ложных Данных (ЭСТО-36, ДЕБАГ-8) (ц) - И790807 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 790807 - HCO Policy Letter - False Data Stripping [PL036-058]
- 790807 - HCO Policy Letter - False Data Stripping [PL047-040]
- 790807 - HCO Policy Letter - False Data Stripping [PL054-039]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
(Also issued as
HCOB 7 Aug 79
Remimeo Sups Tech Qual Execs ALL STAFF Product Debug Series 8
Esto Series 36



When a person is not functioning well on his post, on his job or in life, at the bottom of his difficulties will often be found unknown basic definitions and laws or false definitions, false data and false laws, resulting in an inability to think with the words and rules of that activity and an inability to perform the simplest required functions. The person will remain unfamiliar with the fundamentals of his activity, at times appearing idiotic, because of these not-defined and falsely defined words.

Verbal hatting is the main source of false definitions and false data. Someone who “knows” tells someone else a definition or a datum. The person now thinks he knows the definition (even though nothing in the field makes any sense to him). The word may not even read on the meter during misunderstood checks because the person “thinks he knows.”

A politician is told by an advisor, “It doesn’t matter how much money the government spends. It is good for the society.” The politician uses this “rule” and, the next thing you know, inflation is driving everybody to starvation and the government to bankruptcy. The politician, knowing he was told this on the very best authority, does not spot it as false data, but continues to use it right up to the point where the angry mobs stand him up in front of a firing squad and shoot him down. And the pity of it is that the politician never once suspected that there was anything false about the data, even though he couldn’t work with it.

There is no field in all the society where false data is not rampant. “Experts,” “advisors,” “friends,” “families,” seldom go and look at the basic texts on subjects, even when these are known to exist, but indulge in all manner of interpretations and even outright lies to seem wise or expert. The cost, in terms of lost production and damaged equipment is enormous. You will see it in all sectors of society. People cannot think with the fundamentals of their work. They goof. They ruin things. They have to redo what they have already done.

You’ll find people whose estimate of the environment is totally perverted to the point they’re walking around literally in a fog. The guy looks at a tree and the reality of the tree is blurred by the “fact” that “trees are made by God” so he won’t take care of the tree because he is convinced.

What we’re trying to cure in people is the inability to think with data. This was traced by me to false data as a phenomenon additional to misunderstood words, although the misunderstood word plays a role in it and will have to be allowed for.

When a person is having difficulty in an area or on a post, when he can’t seem to apply what he has “learned” or what he is studying or when he can’t get through a specific drill or exercise in his training materials, you will suspect he has false data in that area or on those materials. If he is to use it at all effectively he must first sort out the true facts regarding it from the conflicting bits and pieces of information or opinion he has acquired. This eliminates the false data and lets him get on with it.


We are looking here at a brand new discovery I have made which is that it can be nearly impossible to hat anyone who is sitting on false data on the subject you are trying to hat him on. This is the primary reason people cannot be hatted and False Data Stripping therefore enables a person to be hatted even though other approaches have failed. This is a very valuable discovery — it solves the problem of inability to hat or train.


False data on a subject can come from any number of sources. In the process of day-to-day living people encounter and often accept without inspection all sorts of ideas which may seem to make sense but don’t. Advertising, newspapers, TV and other media are packed with such material. The most profound false data can come out of texts such as Stanislavsky (a Russian actor and director); and even mothers have a hand in it, such as “children should be seen and not heard.”

Where a subject, such as art, contains innumerable authorities and voluminous opinions you may find that any and all textbooks under that heading reek with false data. Those who have studied study tech will recall that the validity of texts is an important factor in study. Therefore it is important that any supervisor or teacher seeking to use False Data Stripping must utilize basic workable texts. These are most often found to have been written by the original discoverer of the subject and when in doubt avoid texts which are interpretations of somebody else’s work. In short, choose only textual material which is closest to the basic facts of the subject and avoid those which embroider upon them.

It can happen, if you do False Data Stripping well and expertly without enforcing your own data on the person, that he can find a whole textbook false — much to his amazement. In such a case, locate a more fundamental text on the subject. (Examples of false texts: Eastman Kodak; Lord Keynes treatises on economics; John Dewey’s texts on education; Sigmund Freud’s texts on the mind; the texts derived from the “work” of Wundt (Leipzig 1879 — Father of Modern Psychology); and (joke) a textbook on “Proper Conduct for Sheep” written by A. Wolf.)


False Data Stripping should be used extensively in all hatting and training activities. Current society is riddled with false data and these must be cleared away so that we can hat and train people. Then they will be able to learn useful data which will enable them to understand things and produce valuable products in life.

False Data Stripping can be done on or off the meter. It can be done by an auditor in session, by a Supervisor, Cramming Officer or Word Clearer or by an exec, Esto or any administrator. Students and staff can be trained to do it on each other.

Not a lot of training is required to deliver this procedure but anyone administering it must have checked out on this HCOB/PL and have demoed and drilled the procedure. If it is going to be done on the meter (which is preferable) the person doing it must have an OK to operate an E-Meter.


It will be found that false data actually comes off in gradients.

For example, a student handled initially on false data on a particular drill will appear to be complete on it. He goes on with his studies and makes progress for a while and then sometimes he will hit a bog or slow in his progress. This is usually an indication that more false data has been flushed up (restimulated or remembered as a result of actually doing studies or drills). At that point more basic false data will come off when asked for. The reason for this is: when you first give a student false data handling he doesn’t know enough about the subject to know false data from the true. When he has learned a bit more about the subject he then collides with more false data hitherto buried. This can happen several times, as he is getting more and more expert on the subject.

Thus the action of stripping off false data can and must be checked for and used in any training and hatting. The rundown has to be given again and again at later and later periods, as a student or staff member may come up against additional faulty data that has been not-ised. It can be repeated as often as necessary in any specific area of training until the person is finally duplicating and is able to use the correct tech and only the correct tech exactly.


There is a philosophic background as to why getting off false data on a subject works and why trying to teach a correct datum over a false datum on the subject does not work. It is based on the Socratic thesis-antithesis-synthesis philosophical equation.

Socrates: 470 B.C.-399 B.C. A great Greek philosopher.

A thesis is a statement or assertion.

Antithesis: opposing statement or assertion.

The Socratic equation is mainly used in debate where one debater asserts one thing and the other debater asserts the opposite. It was the contention of Socrates and others that when two forces came into collision a new idea was born. This was the use of the equation in logic and debate. However, had they looked further they would have seen that other effects were brought into play. It has very disasterous effects when it appears in the field of training.

Where the person has acquired a false thesis (or datum), the true datum you are trying to teach him becomes an antithesis. The true datum comes smack up against the false datum he is hanging on to, as it is counter to it.

In other words, these two things collide, and neither one will then make sense to him. At this point he can try to make sense out of the collision and form what is called a synthesis, or his wits simply don’t function. (Synthesis: a unified whole in which opposites, thesis and antithesis, are reconciled.)

So you wind up with the person either

In either case you get an impossible-to-train, impossible-to-hat scene.


Probably we have here the basic anatomy of the “glib student” who can parrot off whole chapters on an examination paper and yet in practice uses his tools as a door stop. This student has been a mystery to the world of education for eons. What he has probably done in order to get by, is set up a circuit which is purely memory.

The truth of it is his understanding or participation is barred off by considerations such as “nothing works anyway but one has to please the professor somehow.”

The less a person can confront, the more false data he has accumulated and will accumulate. These syntheses are simply additives and complexities and make the person complicate the subject beyond belief. Or the collision of false data and true data, without the person knowing which is which, makes him look like a meathead.

Therefore, in order to cure him of his additives, complexities, apathy and apparent stupidity on a subject, in addition to cleaning up misunderstood words, it is necessary to strip the false data off the subject. Most of the time this is prior to the true data and so is basic on the chain. Where this is the case, when that basic false data is located and stripped, the whole subject clears up more easily.


Some people are prone to accepting false data. This stems from overts committed prior to the false data being accepted. The false data then acts as a justifier for the overt.

An example of this would be a student studying past Mis-Us on a subject, cheating in the exam and eventually dropping the subject entirely. Then someone comes along and tells him that the subject is useless and destructive. Well, he will immediately grab hold of this datum and believe it as he needs something to justify his earlier overts.

This actually gets into service facsimiles as the person will use the false data to make the subject or other people wrong.

So if you see someone who is very prone to accepting false data on a particular subject or in general, the answer is to get the prior overts pulled. Then the person will not need to justify his overts by accepting any false data that comes his way.


You may not easily be able to detect a false datum because the person believes it to be true. When False Data Stripping is done on a meter the false datum won’t necessarily read for the same reason.

You therefore ask the person if there is anything he has run across on the subject under discussion which he couldn’t think with, which didn’t seem to add up or seems to be in conflict with the material one is trying to teach him.

The false datum buries itself and the procedure itself handles this phenomenon.

When the false datum is located it is handled with elementary recall based on 1950 Straightwire. Straight memory technique or Straightwire (so called because one is stringing a line between present time and some incident in the past, and stringing that line directly and without any detours) was developed originally in 1950 as a lighter process than engram running. Cleverly used, Straightwire removed locks and released illnesses without the pc ever having run an engram.

Once one had determined whatever it was that was going to be run with Straightwire, one would have the pc recall where and when it happened, who was involved, what were they doing, what was the pc doing, etc., until the lock blew or the illness keyed out.

Straightwire works at a lock level. When overdone it can key in underlying engrams. When properly done it can be quite miraculous.


A. Determine whether or not the person needs this procedure by checking the following:

B. Establish the difficulty the person is having — i.e. what are the materials he can’t duplicate or apply? These materials must be to hand and the person must be familiar with the basic true data on the subject being addressed.

C. If the action is being done metered, put the person on the meter and properly adjust the sensitivity with a proper can squeeze.

D. Thoroughly clear the concept of false data with the person. Have him give you examples to show he gets it. (This would be done if the person was receiving False Data Stripping for the first time.)

E. The following questions are used to detect and uncover the false data. These questions are cleared before they are used for the first time on anyone. They do not have to read on a meter and may not do so as the person will not necessarily read on something that he believes to be true.

The questions are asked in the above sequence. When an area of false data is uncovered by one of these questions one goes straight on to Step F — handling.

F. When the person comes up with an answer to one of the above questions locate the false datum as follows:

If the person has given you the false datum in Step E then this step will not be needed: just go straight on to Step G.

G. When the false datum has been located, handle as follows:

Continue as above until the false datum has blown. On the meter you will have a floating needle and very good indicators.


If you suspect the datum may have blown but the person has not originated then ask: “How does that datum seem to you now?” and either continue if it hasn’t blown or end off on that datum if it has blown.

H. When you have handled a particular false datum to a blow, going earlier similar as necessary, you would then go back and repeat the question from E (the detection

step) that uncovered the false datum. If there are any more answers to the question, they are handled exactly as in Step F (location) and Step G (handling).

That particular question is left when the person has no more answers. Then, if the person is not totally handled on the subject under discussion, one would use the other questions from Step E and handle them in the same way. All the questions can be asked and handled as above but one would not continue past a point where the whole subject has been cleared up and the person can now duplicate and apply the data he has been having trouble with.

I. CONDITIONAL: If False Data Stripping is being done in conjunction with Crashing Mis-U Finding one would now proceed with the Crashing Mis-U Finding.

J. Send the person to the Examiner.

K. Have the person study or restudy the true data on the subject you have been handling.


When the above procedure is done correctly and fully on an area the person is actually having difficulty with, he will end up able to duplicate, understand and apply and think with the data that he could not previously grasp. The false data that was standing in the road of duplication will have been cleared away and the person’s thinking will have been freed up. When this occurs, no matter where in the procedure, one ends off the False Data Stripping on that subject and sends the person to the Examiner. He will have cognitions and VGIs and on the meter you will have an F/N. This is not the end of all False Data Stripping for that person. It is the end of that False Data Stripping on the person at that particular time. As the person continues to work with and study the subject in question, he will learn more about it and may again collide with false data at which time one repeats the above process.


False data buries itself as the person may firmly believe that it is true. Sometimes the person will have such faith in a particular person, book, etc., that he cannot conceive that any data from that particular source might be false. One artist being false data stripped had received some false data from a very famous painter. Even though the data didn’t really add up and actually caused the artist tremendous problems, he tended to believe it because of where it came from. It took persistence on the part of the person administering the False Data Stripping to eventually blow this false datum with a resulting freeing up of the artist’s ability to think and produce in the area.


Misunderstoods often come up during False Data Stripping and should be cleared when they do. One would then continue with the False Data Stripping. One person being false data stripped knew he had some false data from a particular source but the false data was a complete blank — he couldn’t remember it at all. It was discovered that he had a Mis-U just before he received the false data and as soon as this was cleared up he recalled the false data and it blew. This is just one example of how Word Clearing can tie in with False Data Stripping.


False Data Stripping can be done over and over as it will come off in layers as mentioned before. If False Data Stripping has been done on a specific thing and at some later point the person is having difficulty with a drill or the materials, the stripping of false data should be done on him again. In such a case it will be seen that the person recognizes or remembers more false or contrary data he has accumulated on the subject that was not in view earlier. As he duplicates a drill or his materials more and more exactly, former “interpretations” he had not-ised, incorrect past flunks that acted as invalidation or evaluation, etc., may crop up to be stripped off.


CODE. False Data Stripping is done under the discipline of the Auditor’s Code. Evaluation and invalidation can be particularly harmful and must be avoided. All points of the code apply.

RUDIMENTS. One would not begin False Data Stripping on someone who already has out-ruds. If the person is upset or worried about something or is critical or nattery, then you should fly his ruds or get them flown before you start False Data Stripping.

OVERRUN. One must be particularly careful not to overrun the person past a blow of the false datum. The stress in recall is that it is a light action which does not get the person into engrams or heavy charge. Keep it light. If you overrun someone past the point of a blow, he may drop into engrams or heavy charge. Just take the recall step to a blow and don’t push him beyond it.

DATE/LOCATE. Date/Locate is another way of getting something to blow. If a false datum does not blow on the recall steps despite going earlier similar, then it could be handled with Date/Locate in session as ordered by the C/S. This would normally be done as part of a False Data Stripping Repair List. Date/Locating false data would never be done except in session as ordered by the C/S or as directed by the False Data Stripping Repair List. The auditor must be totally starrated on Date and Locating and practised in it before he attempts it.

FALSE DATA STRIPPING REPAIR LIST. The False Data Stripping Repair List is used in session by an auditor when False Data Stripping bogs inextricably or the person is not F/N GIs at Exams or gets in trouble after False Data Stripping has been done. A bogged False Data Stripping session must be handled within 24 hours.

NEW STUDENTS. Students who are new to Scientology should not use this procedure on each other as they may be insufficiently experienced to deliver it competently. In this case the Supervisor or someone qualified would administer False Data Stripping to those students who need it.


The problem of the person who is unable to learn or who is unable to apply what he learns has never been fully resolved before. Misunderstoods were and are a major factor and Word Clearing must be used liberally. Now, however, I have made a major breakthrough which finally explains and handles the problem of inability to learn and apply.

Man’s texts and education systems are strewn with false data. These false data effectively block someone’s understanding of the true data. The handling given in this HCOB/PL makes it possible to remove that block and enable people to learn data so they can apply it.

With the ability to learn comes stability and the production of valuable products. With stability and the production of valuable products comes the achievement of one’s purposes and goals, high morale and happiness.

So let’s get to work on stripping away the false data which plagues Man, clogs up his ability to think and learn and reduces his competence and effectiveness. Let’s increase the ability of individuals and the human race.
