The following processes should be used by all Scientologists and other earlier processes should be discarded except for research.
Class I: Assists.
Class I: CCHs, Op Pro by Dup and SCS.
Class I: ARC Straight Wire.
Class II: Problems Intensives (Modern).
Class II: Prepchecking Auditing, goals, etc.
Class II: Goals Listing.
Class III: 3GA Ordinary.
Class IV: 3GA by Dynamic Assessment. Class II:Items Listing.
Classes II, III and IV: Tiger and Big Tiger Drills on goals, items, lines, single words, names, persons.
All except Assists, CCHs, Op Pro by Dup and SCS are done in Model Session. If a process is not mentioned above, do not use it.
NOTE: Any of the above Processes, except 3GA ordinary goals finding and 3GA Dynamic Assessment may be done in Co-audits under direct supervision of classed auditors.
For the greatest gain achievable by an auditor in his class, use the above. An auditor attempting processes above his class will have failures and spoiled cases.
Use of processes above Classification can result in cancellation of certificates. We can clear Earth. Why spoil cases in the process?