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CONTENTS 3GA LISTING, PART I Cохранить документ себе Скачать


A lecture given on 27 September 1962

Thank you.

This is what?

Audience: 27th of September AD 12.

Now, the subject of tonight’s lecture has to do with something you haven’t been paying very much attention to and on which there’s very little technology and which I’ve even got notes for; it’s the first time I think in history. I sometimes come in with notes but I seldom use them. In this particular case I asked Suzie to give me some data from an earlier lecture so that we could compound these lectures and put them all together. And this lecture is all about listing. And you never heard about listing before, obviously.

You’ve heard about listing for 3DXX and the list must be complete. And you’ve heard about listing this and listing that. Well, just so nobody misses it, see, when a goal is found, see, when a goal is found you then have a number of lines, called „lines.“ And item by item, you ask the question of these lines, you see. You ask the question of the lines of the pc and he gives you the answer and that is written down. And that is called line listing. And when you have finished all the lines completely, there is a free needle on all of the lines and you have a Clear. Unless you list the goal, you don’t have one.

Now, I just wanted to put this in as data in case anybody had missed it. Listing is not Prepchecking. It’s different. Listing is done in Model Session. Listing is done with very good auditing. And anybody who believes that it could be done with slap-happy, Q-and-A auditing sort of thing has got another think coming. And it is a very smooth operation.

Now, in view of the fact that it is not studded with stellar actions and such as, „Well, I found the dynamic, I found the goal, I found the item!“ Some people don’t think it is important. But it is listing that makes the Clear.

Now, the things that are listed are items. And today we are listing forty lines. Forty lines-forty. You have sometimes seen marquees on carnivals and so forth: Forty girls-forty. But these are forty lines-forty. And these are all listed. And these lines each contain items which are terminals.

Now, lists are not done by significances. This is an important point because somebody, sooner or later, is going to mess up a line and fix it up so that it can only be answered with a significance. I’ll give you an example. Here’s a goal: you say, „To be good enough,“ as the goal, and then say, „For what?“ See? That gives you a significance. Well, the line must always be answered-or written in such a way that it can be answered with an item.

Now, there are several reasons for this. You want to know why people can’t go Clear just by finding goals. Well, that’s because you can reach infinite distances in the world of thought and therefore reach amongst all of these massy, massive, electronic, supercharged masses called items, which exist in spaces, and which are all jammed up on the time track to time zero, called the GPM. And the GPM is only slightly composed of thought. The GPM is composed of masses. And the masses make up the difficulties that the pc is having. Now, please remember that. Please, please remember it.

It is so easy to face thought, that in all fields of philosophy they thought that thought was enough. And it aren’t, you know. Read the philosophers if you want to know how far they thought thought could think.

No, the GPM is made up of masses. And it is masses that keep the pc from going Clear. Not thoughts. In other words, you could audit forever - forever, spelled: f-o-r-e-v-e-r (underscored with an exclamation point afterwards)-in the field of thought without producing a Clear.

And the reason we’ve made it and others haven’t is based on this one point-this one point: that we have discovered that the bank and the reactive mind contains masses. Whether those are expressed as pictures, as in engrams, as circuits, as machines or anything else, they are masses and they exist in space. And the confrontation of those masses is what makes deaberration. And you could thought and think and thunk and figure and figure and think and thunk and thought for generations, for eons, and for the next two hundred trillion years without making a Clear. Now, do I make myself very positive on this?

Because you’re liable to slip on this, you see? The reason this is liable to slip is thought is so easy for a thetan to confront. He’s nothing, thoughts are nothing-duplicate perfect. See that? Perfect duplication. See? So he most easily goes to think and he avoids the masses. And you’re going to hear, as the years roll on, people leaping up here and leaping up there and expostulating the fact that somebody could go Clear with „thinks“-because it’s so painful going Clear on masses. They’re so hard to confront, so people are going to take the easy road out and try to go by thinks. You understand?

So we have to make that clear on listing-that listing consists of getting items, getting the pc to confront items and name them. Now, that is what listing consists of. And you don’t, as an auditor in listing, don’t have to stress this point. All of the mechanical data is already there. You just go through the action of listing and all the rest of this takes place. But that pc is confronting masses! It’s terribly important. See?

Now, the mind, according to every philosopher on the track from here back to none, is composed of thought. See? They all believed it was composed of thought. It was full of think. And nobody ever asked, „What the hell is all this think stuck in? How come he can’t unthink?“

And you know, I pondered this one question for years and years and years and years and years before I finally came down to the answer of it. You address masses. And you will never think a person through to anyplace. Interesting, isn’t it? You confront him through.

Now, all of the material that underlies clearing, it’s tremendously extensive. There have been tremendous quantities of it deleted as unnecessary and it comes down to this simple operation known as listing. And the operation looks so simple that it can slip. It is near perfect now; it is very near this. And it contains a complexity of combinations which are staggering once you begin to look them over.

The GPM is composed of masses. And these masses are composited identities. It’s actually masses of identities.

I’ll show you what happens. The thetan sails through life, he’s wearing a body the whole way, he’s being hit by trucks and hitting trucks and beating his wife and being spat in the face of, you know? She’s been hanging new dresses on herself and corseting herself so that you can put a circle of your fingers around her waist. There’s all kinds of impacts, compression, suppression, so forth. And all the time, this thetan is emanating energy and absorbing energy and emanating and absorbing, and energy is being emanated at him or her and things are absorbing his or her energy and here they are, you see? And when they finally take the body and put it in the six-foot box, or in the tree or in the sand dune or other customs, or send it back to be melted down for the new doll-body factory; when they finally finish up with this, they don’t bury with it the masses. That’s very interesting. But those masses are not buried. The thetan tucks the old tin cans sadly under his arm and goes clanking away, dragging every chain of that lifetime.

And not having any way to get rid of them and not knowing what to do with them and being low on havingness anyhow, he sort of tucks them all together and wads them up, you know? He takes a whole lifetime and makes it look like a Kleenex and stuffs it someplace because it may someday be of use. And also because he’s never known what the devil to do with it. He tries to shove it into bodies and it doesn’t stick. He says it belongs to bodies and wears it on himself This thing is pretty fabulous when you come to think about it. What the devil is he going to do with his accumulated bric-a-brac? A lifetime looks like a picnic-ground Monday. With no place to put any of the debris. So he’s sort of liable to pack it over into the corner and wad it down. When you finally get all through he’s got a GPM that’s a honey. Because he’s done this hundreds of lives, thousands of lives, millions of lives, and every one of them had its residue.

Well, there it is. There’s the stuff. There’s the junk. Not only that, but this material has the oddity of appearing in his vicinity as a whole beingness, as a machine, as a circuit, as a thinkingness. All kinds of weird things occurs. He sees himself yesterday and he says, „Ooooh! There’s somebody.“ Yes, there was somebody. And this is very, very often compounded. But sometimes he does see somebody, don’t you see? He sees you or he sees somebody, or he sees another thetan and he wonders whether or not it isn’t a valence or an item, or whether you aren’t part of his bank. And you know there are people walking around right now that think everything else and everybody else they see is just part of their own reactivity.

In the story Fear (not calling off any of my own bibliography), the stunt of walking down the street and being absolutely sure that the whole street is knocked down and dismantled as soon as one is out of sight of it, you see, and making sure that the people who are talking together don’t just stand there like dummies after one has gone by and never move thereafter, you see - this feeling that the whole world is an emanation of self could be a result of one of these packed-up banks. He can’t any longer tell the difference between an identity in the bank or an actual being or anything like this. It gets to be pretty mixed up. He finally gets so he doesn’t know them and he doesn’t know himself and he doesn’t want to know. He doesn’t know how it got that way and he doesn’t know what to do with it.

So he invents psychology, which proves to people that you’ve got to be crazy to be clever. „Be Glad You’re Neurotic“-have you ever read that great textbook? Well, that actually is the type of textbook that a thetan writes when he’s just given up, man. He says, „There must be some use for it.“ He’s been saying that for trillennia, you see? So finally he knows the use for it; you write a book about it and say, „Be glad you’re neurotic.“ It’s a valuable possession.

Well, you’d think processing some pcs that you were trying to take away their head when you take away an item sometime. They’d be very sad about it and they’d be very upset and they’d be very this and very that. The item you’re trying to get is a crazy man that has made this person unsuccessful his whole lifetime, hasn’t even been a game, he didn’t even know he had it. See? This thing is pretty wild.

Now, it’s listing that gets rid of all these items and that accumulation. The fantastic thing has occurred of finding out how it is that the masses came into being in the first place. And that’s really pretty fantastic to plumb that particular secret. But that is the secret of any being. That is his secret. How did the masses materialize in the first place?

They materialized through an alter-isness of his basic purpose. And if he never altered his basic purpose and never lost and never had any conflict with life because of his basic purpose and was always able to carry it out, theoretically he would have gathered no mass. Theoretically. It was never opposed, he never opposed anything with it, don’t you see? Theoretically it’d never happen. So it’s an alter-is of this one idée fixe, the basic purpose of the being.

Now, he just-one day he was floating out amongst the clouds and he was awful bored and he didn’t have anything to do, and by God, he thought something up.

He says, „Well. .

See, he doesn’t care-he’s gone beyond caring now, see?

And he says, „Well-no games. I think I had better have a basic purpose. I really should have a purpose in life. What would be a good purpose in life?“

There’s no reason for him to have it at all, you see?

He says, „To catch catfish. That will be it. That’s a good, laudable purpose. Catfish are evil beings and I’m going to catch catfish. And that’s going to be my purpose in life.“

So he gets a job as a street sweeper, walking around with a dustbin, spearing paper. There aren’t any catfish. Well, he’s in trouble now, you see? He’s got to go through all the motions of materializing catfish so he can catch catfish. And then he’s got to have some opposition to him doing this. And then he’s got to have this and he’s got to have that. And the laws of games set in at once. And he starts individuating out of existence, having made this basic purpose.

Now, he little envisioned any vast consequences of this, or that he would forget his basic purpose, or it’d be so lost as to be unexecutable. Or to face the fact that the one thing he did with strain was his basic purpose. He could do anything else well. But this one was tough to do. He had to do it and it was very hard to do. It practically wore him out, but he never much paid any attention to that. But the reason he was accumulating everything and had unsuccessful lives and didn’t have a game was the reason why-the only thing is he is specialized in his game, you see? The game must only be to catch catfish. He may play no other game.

So there is his idée fixe, his total limitation of ability. And as he goes along the trillennia, this thing snowballs in terms of mass. He accumulates beingnesses. He opposes beingnesses. He gets mental image pictures of these things. He tries to oppose his own goal. He does everything you can think of And eventually he’s walking around and he doesn’t know whether he’s afoot or horseback, much less able to or not able to catch catfish. Finally he has - thinks he has thousands of purposes and he can’t execute any of them and he is a confused boy.

Now, there is a school of thought, an interesting school of thought, that tells you that livingness is necessary. You very often hear an auditor say this. I’ve never come down under it or made many comments about it. But here’s the truth of this school of thought of „livingness is necessary“: Familiarization with something raises ability. You go out and pat an automobile for a while and you’ll improve your ability to drive.

Now, that is true. Because it’s an analytical, causative motion whereby the individual is actually touching and withdrawing from an automobile. And familiarization will result so long as the person is at cause. Now, that’s as far as that livingness thing goes. But because it exists to that degree it has been stretched to an enormous extent. And what does it look like now? Well, if you have enough automobile wrecks you won’t mind them. And you know that isn’t true? It just isn’t true.

Now, if you have a goal to wreck cars, you won’t have much trouble in automobile wrecks, because that’s your basic purpose, after all. You’ll be able to wreck cars with enormous impunity. You’ll be amazing. You’ll be somebody like Lucky Teeter. You can go out on a fairgrounds and run cars over jumps and smash them into walls and lock them up in barns and set it on fire, and do all kinds of mad things on the subject of wrecking cars, and it looks like familiarization. But every once in a while this fellow, Lucky Teeter, will pick up some young fellow that he’s going to train-and here’s something very peculiar-he never seems to be able to train these young fellows. They wreck cars all right. And wherever Lucky Teeter has gone, you come in the town a short time afterwards, you will find that there’s one or two young fellows in the hospital there recovering from burns, breaks and contusions.

Now, you know by experience that if you break your leg once it’ll heal up pretty well. And if you break it twice you have a little harder time at it. And if you break it three times it starts to get pretty difficult. And you break it four times you don’t even bother to heal it up. In other words, you don’t get used to it.

And the basic lie on the track is that you can get used to this universe. See? That is a wild game that passed off in some direction or another and it’s never materialized. So a thetan keeps on going up the time track expecting at any time to get used to the universe. And he’s getting less and less and less and less effective, picking up more and more psychosomatics, picking up more and more difficulties, having more and more GPM, always hoping he’s going to get used to this livingness. That’s one of the biggest operations that was ever pulled off on life. And it’s one of the primary operations of this universe. That you can just get used to it-you’re all set-if you can get used to it. If you just fall down enough wells, you’ll eventually get an expert well-faller-downer.

Familiarization, oddly enough, requires an entirely different action. The pc must be at cause. And the pc must do the reaching and withdrawing. And life, if you will notice, does most of the reaching. And the person is carefully educated in this universe that he cannot have caused it. Having built it, he’s now told somebody else did. Uniform lie.

You get the compositings of these lies and you get the fact that there was no possibility of a person living his way out of it. This is one of the earliest philosophies that you run into when you start to do listing. I’m not berating this universe. One isn’t berating it just to say what it’s about.

The individual, then, as far as the GPM-take any cycle of the GPM; operates as the whole GPM-the individual, then, is a universe. He is building up as a universe; he is collecting the mass of a universe, so on. Because he apparently follows identically the pattern of this universe. The physical universe is a ba-is basically built on a postulate which was alter-ised. That’s apparently the mechanism of the sixth dynamic. That’s apparently how it was built. Now, a thetan does this same thing and he builds up on this basic purpose. ,

Now, here’s what’s wonderful about this. There is only one basic purpose at a time. This is quite fabulous. There’s just one at a time. Now, why that is, I don’t know, see? You can find an earlier basic purpose in the individual-it governed an earlier cycle. But you won’t find that earlier cycle. I’ve thought for a while you could reach deeper in the bank and you could do some things like that-no, you can’t. You find the goal you find and you will only find one. That’s qu-that’s nuts, you see? You’re only going to find one goal in this individual-until it is gone-and then you can find an earlier goal. Then list it out. And then you can find an earlier goal. But at no time do you find two goals! This may be-come as a surprise to some of you, because I’ve never said it that emphatically. There isn’t any such thing as two goals.

As you sit there as an auditor finding goals, you’ve paid your money and you takes your chance. There it is, man. There’s only one. I don’t care how long the list is, there’s only one goal on it. You can console yourself with this interesting fact: that it does exist. Or the person wouldn’t be here. It is here, in other words, and there’s only one.

Now, that one has accumulated unto itself, by collisions with other identities and activities, many more purposes. What is the purpose of a catfish? Well, this is one of the ways-you get it by oppgoals-one of the purposes of a catfish could be „not to get caught.“ And an individual who is catching catfish will eventually pick up the goal „not to be caught.“ And it’s all tangled up in the GPM and he very often doesn’t know whether it’s his or somebody else’s or anything else.

Other way: He goes up the track-the silly goof-and he’s been catching catfish and catching catfish, but for some reason or other, Town and County Planning has eradicated all catfish, you see? They’ve gotten rid of them all and they passed an ordinance, you see, against them and said that this is it, see? And this is unreasonable because it isn’t even in their department, you see?

But the individual is kind of wiped out about the whole thing so he gets the goal „to eradicate all governments.“ He decides that because, you see, he has to eradicate all governments in order to catch catfish, see. You get how this works, see. Now, in the process of eradicating all governments he finds out that he can’t rouse up people to doing anything about it. He goes around and they’re all reasonable, you know? They say, „Well, Town and County Planning men mean well, and they aren’t all idiots the way you say, and they’re perfectly reasonable, and you have to have planning.“

Here’s all sorts of weird and odd things, you see. So eventually he decides to hell with this, I’d better dream myself up another idea here. And he does. And he decides to increase his ability to convince people. Here’s another goal: „to convince people.“ Now he finds out that the people are just in total overwhelm with regard to the government, and even though he convinces them, nothing happens. They just go on paying their income taxes and tearing down their homes and so forth.

And so he finally says, „To squeal with this.“ He says, „I’m just going to be above it all.“

Now, you try to get him on an E-Meter and, of course, he yo-yos all the time. It’s all right, I washed that one out last night so I can use it.

Now, you think your old goals will never be used again. You’d be surprised. They live on and on.

You see how it goes?

Now, he could have thousands of these things. He’s got the oppgoals, and he’s got the goals he had to have because of the goals, and then he finally finds out that catfish are sympathetic and come around and nibble at him when he’s in despair, so he has a goal to be in despair. See? And it’s all around. And then he doesn’t know what he’s trying to do after a while. Is he trying to be above it all? Or to eradicate governments? Or convince people? Or what? And somehow or other he overlooks the basic goal. He never seems to be able to get near it. It’s so charged up by this time that he can’t approach it. He doesn’t recognize it. He doesn’t know what he’s trying to do.

And here is a being who is totally built, you might say, as far as the mass he’s collected, on a purpose, being purposeless. And the result of his purpose is eventual purposelessness. And the reason he’s purposeless and can’t seem to get anything done is because he has a tremendous purpose that he doesn’t know anything about, and to break your heart, didn’t need in the first place.

Now, finding the goal is difficult. Sometimes it just drops in your lap. Finding the goal is difficult. And therefore, listing it by comparison appears to be less vital and so you’re likely to neglect it. But this is true: Bad listing, or bad auditing during listing, can wipe out and cancel any benefit of the goal and make the pc worse! Just remember that when you’re teaching HPAs and other people to list, see? Just remember that. Bad listing can wipe out all the hard work that the goal finder has done. A goal can become utterly and completely submerged and unrecognizable, completely challenged, mishmashed and the pc turned into a bundle of sensation and dizziness and no pain, and everything pushed out of line and messed up with bad listing.

How can you do this?

All right. Let me show you the basic mechanism. When you’re checking out this goal, it isn’t a goal unless it has pain on it. You all know that. All right. Their sen comes and goes. Sen is not opposition. I will tell you what sen is: Sen is the product of the three buttons: Suppress, Careful of and Failed to reveal. Now, I’ll tell you some other time about Big Tiger, but you can just rack it up for now that you’ve got, in an ordinary Tiger Drill, you’ve got-this is an ordinary Tiger Drill-you’ve got over on the left side-if you can envision it here.

You’ve got three buttons here; you’ve got Suppress, you’ve got Careful of and you’ve got Failed to reveal. They’re the guard of the left. And here we have: Invalidate, Suggest and Mistake. And they’re the guard of the right. Got these three now? Group your Tiger Drill this way.

These buttons, Suppress, Careful of and Fail to review [reveal] produce sen, and these buttons produce pain. That ought to make Tiger Drilling awful easy for you. Not Big Tiger, but ordinary Tiger. See? Awful easy. There they are.

It doesn’t much matter the order in which these buttons are hit in this particular drilling. But remember this: The goal fires falsely on the buttons on the right, Invalidation, Suggest and Mistake. They make the goal fire falsely. See? This goal I just gave you, „to be above all,“ it fires falsely if there’s any fire in it at all, you see? You know, ticks and things-not rocket reads - but ticks and so on. It makes it look like it’s the goal, you see? Because of these three buttons: Invalidate, Suggest, Mistake.

All right. Sen-sensation, motion, misemotion, so forth-these things are caused by Suppress, Careful of and Fail to reveal.

And when the goal doesn’t fire it’s in the left-hand column: Suppress, Careful of and Fail to reveal.

And when the goal falsely fires it’s over here in the right-hand column: Invalidate, Suggest and Mistake. You got that? That’s very neat, isn’t it? All right. Well, call that just ordinary Tiger Drill. You see the goal fires, pick a right-hand button; goal doesn’t fire, pick a left-hand button. Got it?

Sensation is totally not the product of opposition, although opposition will also give you sensation. You should ask yourself, „Why does opposition give you sensation?“ It’s because you’re suppressing it and it’s suppressing you. Actually, suppression gives you sensation. Being careful of gives sensation. Fail to reveal gives a sensation. See, it’s a pull-in. Got it?

Now, these buttons can get tangled up with the right-hand buttons so that sometimes you get the goal firing and you find out it was a Suppress that was firing. But boy, that’s all tangled up. And if you analyzed it very carefully you’d find out it was an invalidation which had been suppressed, you see? It’s intertwined, it’s a mess in other words. And you get it straightened out, but this is your order of action.

Now, you got this guy, he’s got his goal-there’s got to be pain, see, while you’re listing that goal. There must be pain. There’s also going to be some sensation and so forth. But while you’re listing that goal, if you got the pc to suppressing you, the auditor, or if you the auditor got to suppressing the pc, his right goal will turn into a total sen. It is his goal and he’ll get nothing but sensation on all lines. In other words, he’s suppressing the auditing; he’s being careful of the auditing; he’s failing to reveal things. Don’t you see? And the net result of that is it’ll look just like a wrong goal.

And one of the primary tests of whether or not it’s the right goal is whether on listing it produces pain. And if a goal only produces sensation, on listing, your first conclusion perhaps would be to call it a wrong goal. Ah, but supposing you have Joe Jinx who almost got through the Comm Course. He failed; he couldn’t remember where the door was. And you got this fellow listing and you hear his auditor’s report, see? You get his auditor’s report.

And he says, „Well, I don’t know, the pc, every time I ask these questions, ‘Who or what would want to catch catfish?’ and so forth, the pc just goes dizzy, or cries.“

You finally say, „You knucklehead, what the hell’s happened around here?“

Maybe you were the goal finder, see? „Did I miss? Could it be? Know that thing rocket read. Tiger drilled for hours and prepchecked and so on. It read and produced pain at that time.“

Right then you’d start to think, „Well, look-a-here, I-this guy’s doing something wrong!“ And you’d find out, yeah, he’s doing something wrong.

This is the way he was auditing the goal: „Now, who or what woulduh-would-uh-uh-uh-who or what would want to try cat-uh-no, that’s wrong. Uh-who-uh-huh-uh ... What cat-. No, that’s the wrong line. Who or what would try to catch catfish? Yes. What’s the answer?“ Or he reads the auditing question, „Who or what would want to catch catfish?“

,And the pc says, „A fisherman.“

And the auditor says, „No, you had that, you had that a couple of lists back. You had that a couple of lists back. Can’t have that one, you have to think of another one. You have to think of another one. That’s no good.“

Or supposing it went like this: The pc says, „Well, a fisherman.“

„Well, why would a fisherman want to catch catfish? You sure that’s the right answer? Now, what’s the date of that?“

„The date of what?“

„Well, the date of that.“

Or the pc says, „I’m sorry, I’ve lost the auditing question.“

„Well, you must have a missed withhold then.“ And the first thing you know it’s all over on the left-hand column. You got it?

Now, if you weren’t the goal finder and you weren’t sure it was the right goal to begin with, ah-ha! You’re going to invalidate your fellow auditor and you’re going to say somebody found a lousy goal. And you could just beat your brains out now because you try to do a Dynamic Assessment when it’s already been done. And you can’t find any dynamic and you can’t find any item and you can’t find nothing. You make yourself a lot of work and then you decide to prepcheck the goal. And accidentally the auditing gets prepchecked and all of a sudden the goal has pain on it again. Do you see that?

It isn’t opposition that makes the sensation then. It’s the suppression of the opposition and the suppressiveness of the opposition that causes the Sensation. See? Therefore, listing becomes very important.

Now, there are various tests for whether a goal is the right goal or the wrong goal. And with Tiger Drill these days and expert auditing and getting the goal to fire at the beginning of every session you’re not going to get this type of submergence. That was another step taken. There’s very little chance of a wrong goal being run. Very little chance of it. Because in the first place a goal when found ought to be checked by another auditor. I don’t care who found it, including me; it ought to always be checked.

You always look it over, because in the first place, it might be one of these in-and-out affairs. You may not be aware of the fact that some goals have been tiger drilled, Big Tiger, for twelve hours and then faded. But they weren’t rocket reading and they didn’t look like a goal. They were very out most of the time, but they still produce sensation, they still produce pain on the pc for that period of time.

Some mornings you get up and you just should have stayed in bed, you see? You chose that goal to go into. The pc feels wonderful. So what! You didn’t find the goal, you see? That’s how long they’ll hang on sometimes. But remember, those goals aren’t rocket reading worth a nickel.

A real goal goes in and out and it rocket reads and doesn’t read and it ticks and it ticks sporadically, and then it won’t read at all, and then it gives you three beautiful rocket reads, and then the pc says, „Well, I’m in, that’s it!“ And having asserted this, of course, you get three ticks.

Or he says, „I-I just ... Well, I-I guess I’d better not have to put my attention on this anymore. They’ve just found it in and if I just kind of withdraw over here and not pay any attention to the auditor, it’ll stay in.“ Pcs do the darnedest things. And then you get-after these three nice, beautiful rocket reads-you get three complete no-read-at-all. All kinds of wild things occur on goals, but that is not necessarily the subject of this.

Let’s say the goal has been tested, the goal has been checked out and there you have the goal. Now you’ve turned it over to somebody who lists or you’re listing it yourself Now, at the beginning of every session, which is done in Model Session, you want that goal tiger drilled until it fires.

Now, how fire is a fire?

Well, you’ll find a goal which has been listed halfway out has about a half a rocket read left on it. And then they start going sporadic on their reads. They start going prior and latent and they start doing other queer things. They do all kinds of oddball things.

These, by the way, can usually be straightened out. You can usually resurrect a goal no matter how long it is-if you want to spend that much time on it-to make it absolutely read, a perfect instant read, every time. Now, how long it’ll stay that way-the pc coughs and it doesn’t read like that now, do you see? So you want that thing to fire every time.

Now, you see, that’s a good provision. Because if it’s the wrong goal and is made to fire every time, and if you prohibit listing unless the goal fires - you got that rule, see? Goal no fire; no list. See? Why, the worst that’s going to happen to a pc is he’s going to get three or four or five listing sessions and there’ll be no goal. And nobody can make it read and nobody can do anything to it and nobody can resurrect it and-Big Tiger and everything else - nothing can pull it back to life again. There’s no pain on it. There’s no sensation on it. There’s just nothing. It’s gone. You see what would happen even if you had a wrong goal? See, that’s a wonderful safety factor there, no matter how good you are as an auditor or how good the fellow who’s doing the listing or the goals finding and so forth, you can always miss, see? So that’s a good safeguard to have in there.

Completely aside from this, listing is not effective unless the goal is firing. You won’t get listing done unless you get the goal firing. That’s why old listing took so long. Did you know it took upwards to two hundred hours? Did you know it took that long? And that was done without getting the goal to fire. It was done on too few lines. And it was done this way and it was done that way. It still produced some Clears.

These characters are always very, very happy now to get sixteen or twenty-four lines at least. They say, „Well, that’s funny, I mean, you know I kept rolley-coastering. I’d get up in the morning, I’d put myself on an E-Meter and I’d read 2.75; then after I’d had a cup of coffee I’d read 3.l; then by noon it would be settled down with a total free needle; by five o’clock in the afternoon it’d be reading 2.5.“ It worries them.

Well, why are they worried? Why do they put themselves on E-Meters and do other odd things like this?

They got pieces of GPM still kicking them, see? Their needle was free in the session, then a couple of days later a piece of the GPM from the same channel keyed in on them. Do you get what happened to them?

When that’s all listed clear on enough lines, that doesn’t happen. You see, you got a high degree of stability. And if the goal is made to fire at the beginning of every session-just at the beginning, right after the beginning rudiments-that goal was made to fire, and made to fire so that you say, „To catch catfish-pang!-To catch catfish-pang!-To catch catfish-pang! That’s fine. Let’s get on.“

How much of a rocket read must that have?

Boy, I pity you, I pity you-the questions that are going to be asked you and you and you by people doing listing on the subject of how fire is a fire? Because as the goal begins to pass away and the force and power of it deteriorates, you’re going to get decided differences in what a fire looks like and what is a fire. Eventually the goal is going „Tsk, tsk, tsk.“ And eventually the goal is going „Tsk.“ You’re going to have more people coming to you saying, „Gaaaaaaa!“

Of course you look for the other signs: Pc still getting pain on listing, lines are going fine, pc’s looking good, everything’s going along like a hot shell. And there we are. Say, „Go on, go on, list, list, list.“

„Yeah, I know, but I can’t get it to fire.“

„Well, get the pc to fire instead. Go on, get a listing.“

This is what-this is what you face. This is my subtle revenge on this matter for all of the questions you’ve asked me.

All right. Now, a listing session is a wrong session, you’re going to get certain manifestations occurring in that session which are very easily distinguishable, and so forth. But the subject of what I’m telling you right now is, is smooth auditing. (Take that up in the second lecture, see, the exact lineups.) But the trouble that you’re going to have, is-been because of the various preventions. Really not with wrong goals. The trouble you’re going to have is with lousy listing, see. Because that’s unspectacular.

Listing is quite exciting. You find lots of items. And all of a sudden you find an item and, „Oh, woof, what’s that? Wow, whoa. Wow!“ the pc says.

You say, „What’s-what happened?“

„Who-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho, what happened? Whew. It’s a planet I swallowed. Damn fool stunt. Thetans sure are stupid. Swallow a planet. There it went! Stuck to another planet. Yeah. Wonder what the other planet ... Ulp!“

In other words, there’s a lot of excitement to be had in listing. And there’s the other thing that you want to train people to do about listing: Is the randomity produced by the pc is usual, ordinary, standard; the convulsions, the foam at the mouth, these things are not anything to worry the seasoned auditor. What he is supposed to do is ask the next listing line. That is what he is supposed to do. And when people come running to you and their face looks so white that a paper company would pay a fortune-they’d-that is-they-he says, „Huh-heh-huh-a-heh...“ Pc ...

You go back and you find out what’s happened. Nothing. The pc just got off items one and two. They were counter-opposed, they both stuck together, and all of a sudden the whole back of his head blew off and his body coordination went kind of baaaah for a minute, and he’s sitting in the chair going like this, getting over the shock. Now without an auditor. What you’re supposed to do is ask him the next auditing command.

And if you can train a listing auditor to be able to confront pcs and ask for the next auditing command, and write it down and not fumble paper and drop the sheets all over the floor, and a few things like that, your listing sessions will go off like a bomb, the goal stays in, the pain all stays on, you don’t-you need a minimum number of Prepchecks and the guy goes Clear - swish. That’s very much to everyone’s interests. It’s a minimal number of auditing hours.

Now, the worse a listing sessions are, the longer it takes to list a goal to free needle. And the monitoring thing is not the state of the pc’s bank but the smoothness of the auditing of the listing auditor. That is almost the total determination factor on how long it takes a pc to go Clear after the goal is found. One pc doesn’t have more items than another pc. That is almost neglectable. You don’t have to do anything about that. They all come out about even.

But one pc’s list will get longer and longer and longer and longer and lo-. What’s he doing? Well, he’s actually not blowing anything, so he keeps putting the same items back on the list, hoping they will blow, you see. He isn’t in-session. The rudiments are out. Other things are wrong. So therefore, it appears that he has a much longer list.

The length of time it takes to go Clear is determined by the skill, quietness and ability of the auditor doing the listing.

And by and large, so far I’ve found that the goals found at Saint Hill, that those goals which were found to have been-gone out, apparently, or weren’t the goal-that was of last year, you see-goals were found and run on other Routine 3s. They were the goal, but they’d just been very badly listed. And the pc was total sen and hadn’t gotten any better and everything ...

A person takes his life in his hands leaving here without his goal listed, let me tell you that. I’ll just put that across the pan. You think you save time by going home. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha. Not so.

So anyway-just holding that horrible thought up to you-it’s the quality of the listing auditor. So my point of this lecture is simply this: is listing may not be spectacular’ You might say anybody can do listing. But just remember this: Anybody who can do listing must also be a very excellent auditor. He’s got to be smooth. He doesn’t have to be clever, he doesn’t have to be spectacular, but he’s got to be smooth, he’s got to be able to keep the pc in-session and he’s got to be able to do his job without chopping the pc up. In other words, he’s got to be pretty good.

What you try to keep from happening in a listing session is randomity, questioning, Q and A, auditor taking up items, all of this nonsense. The best listing session is an almost totally muzzled session. No comments, no two-way comm, nothing. That’s the best listing session. It’s just a bare-bones session.


Thank you.