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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Group Processing Series B - Attention (4ACC-31) - L540304 | Сравнить
- Group Processing Series B - Spaces (4ACC-30) - L540304 | Сравнить
- Group Processing Series B - Work (4ACC-32) - L540304 | Сравнить

CONTENTS GROUP PROCESSING SERIES B: WORK Cохранить документ себе Скачать


#0985 5403C04 4ACC-32

I want you to get, now, some things for which you are not setting an example. Some more things which you're not setting an example for. Some more things you're not setting an example for. And some things which are not setting an example for you. Now get that one with certainty. Something that isn't setting an example for you. OK.

Now let's get some work you could do without killing you. Work you could do, wouldn't kill you. Now let's get some things you could do without somebody immediately telling you that you had to do them some other way. There must be one. Now something you could repair without somebody taking the tools out of your hand. And some efforts you could engage in which would be productive. Alright.

Now let's run a very, very wicked little process. Let's get you deciding to work, and then have somebody in front of you decide that you won't work. And then you decide to work, somebody decides in front of you that you won't work. And so forth, back and forth. Alright. Now let's have somebody in front of you decide to work, and you decide they won't. And get that back and forth. Alright. Now let's play it in the other direction. Let's you decide to work, and somebody decides that you won't work. And go back and forth on that. OK. Now let's get somebody in front of you deciding to do some work, and you decide they won't. You get that back and forth several times. Alright.

Now let's get two people that you most closely associate with work, two other people, your mother and your father, something like that, and let's have one of them decide to work and have the other one stop it. Back and forth, many times. OK. Now let's reverse the role. The person that's been doing the stopping, now let's have this person decide to work and the other person stop it. Now let's reverse the role the other way around again, the way it was the first time. One of them decides to work, the other one stops him. Alright. Let's set that aside.

And now let's get you deciding to work and somebody in front of you deciding to stop you, one way or the other. And get that back and forth, first you decide to work, then they try to stop you. Now let's reverse that role. Somebody in front of you decides to work and then you decide to stop them. And so, back and forth. OK. Let's set that aside.

Now you get the idea of enjoying work. Put some enjoyment for work out in front of you. Put it there some more. Enjoyment for work. OK. Now put out some enjoyment for work and then, further away from you, have somebody sympathize with the fact that you have to work. Put that out there alternately. Enjoyment for work, then somebody sympathizes with the fact that you have to work. OK.

Now let's have somebody else enjoying working, and you sympathize with them for having to work. They're enjoying working and then you sympathize with them. Then get them enjoying working and you sympathizing with them. Alright.

Now let's get two other people out in front of you that you associate with work, and one of them be enjoying work and the other one sympathizing because the other one has to work. Now do it the other way too, now. Reverse the roles of these two people. OK.

Let's find a couple of objects and hold onto them and don't think. OK. Let go. And find some places where you're not.

Now any of you has a ridge or a black mass or a, anything of this character, I want you to make it hold the forward two upper corners of the room. I want you to make it hold the upper forward anchor corners of the room. Just like you hold the back two anchor points of the room. But you just make it hold those two anchor points up in the front of the room. Now don't let it think, just make it hold. Make it hold it some more.

Now make duplicates of it holding corners of rooms in a similar fashion, all over the place. Anyplace you can find two upper corners of a room, make a duplicate of it, hold those two corners. Start using up the corners for miles around with it. Hang up lots of them. Hang up some more of them. OK. Throw these away.

Now let's find some spaces you are not occupying. OK.

Now mock up your body facing you with its arms holding onto the two forward upper anchor points of the room. And make it stay there and don't think. Tends to disappear, put it there again. OK.

Now take duplicates of this body, your body, and hang it up in such a way its hands are grasping two upper corners of rooms, and just keep on doing it as long and as far as you've got rooms to do it in. A new body for each two new corners you can find. OK. Let's sweep these aside. And now let's just take various and assorted bodies and pin them up the same way, duplicating each one many times in different rooms. OK.

Now let's find some spaces you're not occupying. Throw those all away. Find some spaces you're not occupying. OK.

Now let's pop some things into the environment, in your surroundings, to which you don't have to compare yourself. Just find some more to which you don't have to compare yourself. OK. Now let's find some things in the environment that aren't comparing themselves to you. OK.

Now let's mock up your body, or anything you can get for it, and have it surrounded by a clear mass. Perfectly clear mass. And duplicate this many, many times. Let's throw all those away now. And let's mock-up the body each time, with a clear gelatinous mass around it. Perfectly clear, nothing in this mass, not even any significance. No matter what shows up, and so on, continue in the direction of having this totally clear. Duplicate it many more times. OK.

Let's find some spaces you're not in. Now let's find a couple of objects and hold onto them and don't think. OK. Let go. Find some places where you are not.

And get the most certainty you can on the following: Conditions of mind which are not chronic with you. Let's get some more of those now, physical and mental conditions which are not chronic, which are not continuous with you. Now let's go over these again. Conditions of mind which are not chronic with you. OK.

Now let's check off some physical conditions which are not always existing with you. Get some more of them. Physical conditions which are not chronic. Get some more physical conditions which are not always with you. And now some emotional states which you're not chronically in. OK.

Now let's mock up the body flip-flopping. Flip-flopping with terror and dying as a result of it. And then do it again and again and again and again and again and again. And some more. Mock up that body flip-flopping. Uncontrollable terror, flopping all over the place, screaming with agony, falling down, kicking the bucket, bang! Alright. Throw all those away.

Now let's mock up the body as totally unconsciously stupid and knowing nothing, and you trying to get it to know something. And let's do that many times, over and over. Over and over, many times. OK. Sweep that away.

Now mock up the body unconscious, giving a little pop as it perishes, and wasting away to dust. Goes unconscious, gives a little pop as it perishes and wastes away to dust. Over and over, many times. Run this cycle. OK. Throw those all away.

Now mock up the body as growing older and older and getting very aged. and perishing, all the time with the thought that it never accomplished anything. Do that several times. Mock it up, getting older and older and more and more caved in, never accomplishes a thing, and then perishes without ever having accomplished anything. OK. Throw that away.

Now mock up the body getting uglier and uglier, less and less beautiful, and unable to procreate any more, and perishing. Do that many times. Do that many more times. Get it losing it's looks and abilities and depending upon everybody to help it, but it perishes, never accomplishes anything. Can't procreate. OK. Let's throw all that away.

And hold onto a couple of objects and sit there and don't think. OK. Let go. Find some places where you are not. Alright.

Now let's check over some people who are not at this moment endowing a sphere around you, let's just pretend there's a sphere, who are not endowing this sphere with life. People who are not giving it life. For sure now. Let's get some more people who aren't endowing your body with life. Let's find some more people who aren't giving you life. Now let's find some people who aren't taking life away from you. And now some people who are not giving you life. Get some certainty.

And now let's discover some people who are not just about to take your life away. Now let's find some people, against whom you do not have to actively defend yourself. And some people whom you are not actively defending. OK.

Now mock up the MEST universe as exclusively owned by you. And do it again, and do it again, and again and again and again. Let's do that some more. Mock up the MEST universe as exclusively your property. Let's do this many more times. Now let's mock up god as your own invention. And do that many times. Let's do that many more times. Now let's mock up your hometown as invented and owned by you. Do that many times. Now mock up the United States as invented and owned by you. Now let's mock up Great Britain, and all of her colonies, as invented and owned by you. Do that many times. Now let's mock up Earth as invented and owned by you. Let's manage it. OK.

Now let's mock up your body and everything that belongs to it as invented, created and owned by you. And let's do that many more times. And some more times. Mock up your body and everything around it and surrounding it and pertaining to it, as invented and owned by you. OK.

Find a couple of objects, hold on and don't think. Let go. Find some places you're not occupying. OK. Find the floor beneath your feet.

End of session.