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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - 3D Criss Cross Assessment, Part I (SHSBC-128) - L620320 | Сравнить
- TV Demo - 3D Criss Cross Assessment, Part II (SHSBC-129) - L620320 | Сравнить



An auditing demonstration given on 20 March 1962

LRH:All right. And anything happen in this break that upset you in any way?

PC: . don't think so.

LRH:Anything happen in this break that upset you in any way? What are we getting a fall on here? You? Yes. What — what are you doing here? It keeps falling on "you." There it is.

PC:If I knew, it wouldn't fall. No responsibility, no responsibility, no responsibility. I'm not fond of my current identity.

LRH:All right. All right. Good. Now, is it all right with you if I be — continue with this session now, huh?

PC: Mm.

LRH:we continue with the session? Anything wrong with the session?

PC:we haven't got down the terminal I told you about yet.

LRH: Well, all right. Now, that terminal is "being somebody famous."

PC:Yeah, it's being a famous person incognito and then revealing yourself you know, some — having them find out who you were. It's letting an incognito slip. Something like that.

LRH:All right. Okay. Is there anything else? Hm?

PC: don't think so.

LRH: All right. All right. Let's get back to see if we can do some of this nulling.


LRH:Anyway, we're grinding this thing out the hard way. Now, did anything happen in the middle of the session during the break that you shouldn't have done? That we've got a tone arm rise here almost.

PC:. used some toilet paper on a roll that was down rather low, and I always feel like a swine when I do.

LRH:Okay. All right. Anything else? Are you withholding anything else? No. Anything else? All right. Okay. Yeah, let's get back to this list. Okay?

PC: Mm.

LRH:Squeeze the cans. All right, that's a little much. Squeeze the cans. All right. Well, whatever it's doing, it's loosened up your tone arm.

PC: Mm.

LRH:Squeeze the cans. Oh, fine. That brought your tone arm down considerably. It just . . .

PC:oh yeah, I sort of feel like I'm gettin' back in session.

LRH:oh, I see. And in addition to that, we've got your sensitivity well down for a one dial drop. Okay? PC: Mm.

LRH:All right. Here we go. Here we go. All right. A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. Now, I'm going through this list and sort these out.

PC: Mm.

LRH:A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. Going to have to assume that is null. Thank you. All right. Torpedo. Torpedo. Torpedo. And that is null. Thank you.

LRH : A cavalry charge. A cavalry charge. A cavalry charge. All right.

Have you got an ARC break?

PC: It sounds as if all the interesting ones are going.

LRH: All right. Are you losing something here? Is that what you're losing? Is it because you're losing something All right. Let me check it again.

PC: Mm.

LRH: A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. Oh, yes. Well, you did have an ARC break there, didn't you? Any other ARC break? Yeah, what's that?

PC: I guess anybody thinking anything else about me.

LRH: Any . . . what?

PC: I guess anybody who thinks of me anything else.

LRH: oh, I see. All right.

PC: Small variations.

LRH: All right. All right. You got any other ARC break here? I'm getting a little rock slam on an ARC break. What's this?

PC: Well, there are things, I guess, on it that I would feel it was discreditable to be.

LRH: And what's that?

PC: Sort of to be an elf.

LRH: Yeah?

PC: or a kidnapper or burglar. I'd rather be a murderer if I´m going to be something along that line.

LRH: All right. Well, what's the upset here? Any upset?

PC: No, just on those first three or the first couple of ones, I was sorry to see them go. I thought, well, I don't feel too much interested in the rest. I don't care what it turns out to be, much.

LRH: All right. All right.

PC: It won't be anything very interesting anymore.

LRH: All right. A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. Now, we get one out of three here on this.

PC: Well, if it's going null, it's going null. That's the way it is.

LRH: Well...

PC: It can't always be what you want.

LRH: Have you invalidated it? Yeah, well, when did you invalidate it?

PC: After checking with the German Dienststelle to see if I had my records straight for the First World War, and I didn't. I've got the name wrong The guy I thought I was didn't exist. I may have been somebody else . . .

LRH: Yes.

PC: ... but it was kind of a maybe on the subject.

LRH: oh, I see. I see. All right. Well, let's continue on with it here.

PC: Mm. Mm.

LRH: All right? Cavalry charge. Cavalry charge. Cavalry charge. Okay. There's something going on here. I'm going to run this at a higher sensitivity.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Okay? See if we can't pick this out of the hat a little bit better and ignore this big sweep.

PC: Mm.

LRH: A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. A U-boat commander. And that is out. Thank you. Torpedo. Torpedo. Torpedo. Thank you. That is out.

Cavalry charge. Cavalry charge. Cavalry charge. Thank you. That is out.

Blown paper. Blown paper. Blown paper. Blown paper. Thank you. That is out.

Deep, cold water. Deep, cold water. Deep, cold water. Thank you. That is out.

A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. And that is in.

PC: Mm.

LRH: And there's my R/S. And I said I would pick it all up with an R/S.

PC: You're kidding

LRH: And I will.

PC: You know, I bought an Eskimo carved polar bear in a Washington book shop once, and I almost fainted while buying it. I wanted it very much — I started to buy it, and I almost passed out cold.

LRH: All right. All right. All right. Now, here we go. Here we go. Doing a little bit better now.

PC: I'm glad to see some of them nulling even if they're ones I like.

LRH: No, it isn't, it isn't whether they're nulling or not. Frankly, frankly, I'm rather sorry, when I just don't pick this out on the R/S, and I think I will.

PC: Mm. Mm-hm.

LRH: Because I've got — only got R/S on about three or four items, but I haven't . . .

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: I haven't actually noted them previously, but that's just me.

PC: Mm. Mm.

LRH: I haven't noted them down. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. Thank you. That is in.

Something falling. Something falling. Something falling. Let's get that. Something falling. That's out. Thank you. A car in the wrong place. A car in the wrong place. A car in the wrong place. A car in the wrong place. Thank you. That is out.

A burglar. A burglar. A burglar. Thank you. That is out. It's not a burglar. Feel better now?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. A murderer. A murderer. A murderer. A murderer. A murderer. And that is out. Thank you. A ghost. A ghost. A ghost. Thank you. That is out.

A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. Thank you. That is in.

An elf. An elf. An elf. Thank you. That is in. Something dropped on his head. Something dropped on his head. Something dropped on his head. Thank you. That is out.

An iceberg An iceberg An iceberg. An iceberg. Thank you. That is out.

A plane coming out of a cloud. A plane coming out of a cloud. A plane coming out of a cloud. Thank you. That is out.

Clapping hands together in front of somebody's face. Clapping hands together in front of somebody's face. Clapping hands together in front of somebody's face. Thank you. That is out.

Arresting them when they haven't done anything. That is out.

Somebody suddenly throwing you into deep water. Somebody suddenly throwing you into deep water. Somebody suddenly throwing you into deep water. Thank you. That is out.

Shooting someone's horse out from underneath him. Shooting someone's horse out from underneath him. Shooting somebody's horse out from underneath him. And I think I could develop that into an R/S with the greatest of ease. That is in.

Cops in your own home. Cops in your own home. Cops in your own home. Thank you. That is in.

A kidnapper. A kidnapper. A kidnapper. A kidnapper. Thank you. That is out.

A prowler. A prowler. A prowler. A prowler. A prowler. A prowler. Thank you. That is in.

Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. I'm going to leave it in.

A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. Thank you. That is in. All right.

Have you invalidated anything? Bang. What's that?

PC: Just I was thinking it was a weird combination. Fairies and polar bears, for God's sakes.

LRH: oh, all right.

PC: I don't know why it should be sensible, but it seems remarkably miscellaneous.

LRH: All right. Okay. Any other invalidation there? All right. Thank you. All right.

A person running an animal body. A person running an animal body. A person running an animal body. Thank you. That is out.

A place that's been all changed around. A place that's been all changed around. A place that's been all changed around. Thank you. That is out.

Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Thank you. That is in.

An evil-intentioned person. An evil-intentioned person. An evil-intentioned person. Thank you. That is out.

Something out of the wrong time stream. Something out of the wrong time stream. Something out of the wrong time stream. Thank you. That is out.

Somebody suddenly springing out of hiding. Somebody suddenly springing out of hiding. Somebody suddenly springing out of hiding. Thank you. Somebody suddenly springing out of hiding. What do you think about that?

PC: I was thinking it was mean — I gave you a tongue twister on that one, like "Peter Piper picked," you know.

LRH: Is that so . . . is that's . . . we ware having . . . I would rather . . . I rather thought so.

PC: Yes. It was a mild version.

LRH: All right. I thought that was probably what that was banging on.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Because I wasn't getting a read on it, but I was getting a read.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Somebody suddenly springing out of hiding. Somebody suddenly springing out of hiding Somebody suddenly springing out of hiding. Thank you. That is out. Ambushers. Ambushers. Ambushers. Thank you. That is out.

A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. Thank you. That is in. Somebody . . .

PC: Fairies, civilians and polar bears — too much!

LRH: That's a little bit rock slammy, that one, by the way, "civilian."

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Mm. I mean, it was when I hit it previously. All right.

Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Thank you. That is in.

A rat. A rat. A rat. Thank you. That is in.

Being a famous person incognito and letting somebody find who you are. Being a famous person incognito and letting somebody find who you are. Thank you. That is out.

Well, we're getting there, madam. We're getting there very nicely.

PC: Good. Civilian one's funny.

LRH: Haven't got too many of them. I haven't got too many left here.

PC: Well...

LRH: All right. Just let me — let me count them for you.

PC: Mm.

LRH: All right. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.

PC: Hm.

LRH: All right. Let us carry on.

PC: Let's roll.

LRH: Have you thought of anything?

PC: No, just the great hilarity of about last week — Herzog was coaching me, and suddenly in the middle of it I realized he was a civilian, and I got the giggles.

LRH: oh, yeah.

PC: And what I was giggling about — and I said, "You're a civilian." And then for about a half an hour, all he would do was point to himself and say, "I'm a civilian," and I'd almost fall off the chair.

LRH: oh, yeah. All right. Okay. All right. Now are you withholding anything? Thank you. All right. Here we go. All set?

PC: Mm.

LRH: All right. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. I'm going to jack this up just a little bit on sensitivity.

PC: Mm.

LRH: A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. Well, that's still an agitaty sort of thing, so we're going to leave that in. Okay?

PC: Mm.

LRH: All right. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. All right. And that is in. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. So, we'll leave it in. Thank you.

An elf. An elf. An elf. Thank you. And that's in.

All right. What did you just think of so hard?

PC: Polar bears. You know, they're white on white. They can be very startling because they're so well camouflaged, you know.

LRH: oh, yeah, all right. Yep. All right. Very good. Shooting somebody's horse out from under him. Shooting somebody's horse out from under him. Shooting somebody's horse out from under him. Thank you. That is out.

Cops in your own home. Cops in your own home. Cops in your own home. Cops in your own home. That's in. Thank you.

A prowler. A prowler. A prowler. Thank you. That is in.

Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. Somebody with unexpected traits. That's out. Thank you.

A snake. A snake. A snake. Thank you. That is in.

Something wrong?

PC: I itched. I scratched.

LRH: All right. You okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. That's in. What did you just think of?

PC: I guess I was wondering whether you looked tired or not.

LRH: oh, dear no.

PC: Getting busy again.

LRH: oh, dear. you got a nice big rock slam on it. All right. A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. A civilian.

PC: Mm?

LRH: A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. All right. That's in. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. That's an interesting latent read. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. That's in. All right.

A rat. A rat. A rat. A rat. That's in.

All right. How you doing?

PC: Fine. Goddamnedest collection.

LRH: Yes, it's quite a collection, isn't it?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Here we go again. Here we go. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. There's something weird about this polar bear. It reads, and then it rock slams, sort of. A polar bear. A polar bear. Yeah, that's in. Thank you.

PC: Mm.

LRH: A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog. A dog. All right. Very sporadic read. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. Did you invalidate that?

PC: Just that I don't like the ones that are long so much.

LRH: oh, you trying to get rid of the ones that are long

PC: Mm.

LRH: Well, thank you for . . .

PC: They always seem so untidy.

LRH: Yes. All right.

PC: Also a long string of overts: I'm always stumbling over dogs that I didn't know were there and treading on their paws and tail.

LRH: Okay. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. And that is knocking. Thank you. It's in. All right.

A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. Well, I can still get a rack on that.

An elf. An elf. An elf. An elf.

Which would be the most startling, a fairy or an elf?

PC: I would be more startled by an elf. I would rather expect a fairy. I've always been surprised I haven't seen any this life.

LRH: Well, they're two different types of surprises.

PC: A bit.

LRH: I see. All right. Let's take a look at this. A fairy. A fairy. A fairy. Thank you. That is out. An elf. An elf. An elf. An elf. An elf. An elf. That is out. Thank you. All right.

This shooting somebody's horse out from under him.

PC: Yeah, I was wondering what we did with something like that that isn't a terminal. You know, if it stayed in. I was wondering what happened to it.

LRH: All right. You wondered what had happened to it.

PC: No, I wondered what would — what you would do with it if it were the last one in on account of it's expressed as a doingness and not as a terminal.

LRH: Mm. Mm. Well, it's out.

PC: I know it is. Now I guess I'll never find out what happens unless I have a doingness that stays in.

LRH: All right. All right. And what's this about cops in your own home, huh?

PC: Well, that was very simple. That's a "this life" one.

LRH: oh, you got an incident that goes with this.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Cops in your own home. you got an incident that goes with this, when you were quite startled.

PC: Yes. Would you like to hear it? Is that an apropos at the moment?

LRH: No. I'm not . . .

PC: All right, just . . .

LRH: ... particularly interested about it. But you did, did have one.

PC: I certainly did. And it was very startling.

LRH: oh. All right. Cops in your own home. Cops in your own home. Cops in your own home. Cops in your own home. Thank you. That is out.

PC: Ha-ha-ha. Goodbye to the Elmhurst police foree.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Goodbye to the Elmhurst police force.

LRH: Right. All right. A prowler. A prowler. A prowler. A prowler. A prowler. Thank you. That is out. A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. All right, he's latent but he's in. Thank you.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Yeah, poor little snakes at the moment. All right. Now, what's this about somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. What is about this? Give me some more data on this.

PC: It is . . . it is startling

LRH: Mm. Well, what's . . .

PC: There doesn't seem to be very much more to say about it, you know. I can probably dream something up.

LRH: All right. But is it startling?

PC: It certainly is.

LRH: Mm. Where would this take place?

PC: I should think a dark alley would be an entirely appropriate spot for this.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: Although it would be more startling if it were sort of an ordinary place. You know, like the hall of a public building or something of the sort.

LRH: Mm.

PC: You know.

LRH: All right. Here we go. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why.

Now I'm getting a fall on "Somebody trying to kill you." Somebody trying to kill you. Somebody trying to kill you. Which is it? I'm getting a sporadic fall on one half of it, for some reason or the other.

PC: I don't see why they both wouldn't read. It seems like a very reasonable thing to have read.

LRH: Okay. You think — you think that's very reasonable.

PC: Mm. It seems very reasonable it should react.

LRH: All right. All right. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you That is in. All right.

A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. Thank you. That is in.

Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Latent. We will leave it in. All right.

A rat. A rat. A rat. A rat. Thank you. That is out.

All right. We got a few left in here.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Let's chew them up.

PC: Good.

LRH: All right. Do you have any ARC breaks? Yeah, what's that? What's the ARC break?

PC: Nothing in mind. Oh, I guess . . . well, I didn't volunteer what I thought the latent was on on being dropped.

LRH: What was?

PC: A half a round ago.

LRH: What was it?

PC: "Stonewall" Jackson got dropped. And it kept going between "Stonewall" Jackson and babies.

LRH: oh, I see. Oh yeah. All right. All right. Here we go.

Got an ARC break? No. Okay. Fine. All right.

A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. All right. That is in. Thank you. Okay.

A snake. A snake. A snake. What's this with the snake?

PC: Gee, I sure haven't had much this life. I keep expecting to have one turn up in the woods, but they never do.

LRH: They never do.

PC: I keep walking around leaves, something — the most reasonable thing on earth that sooner or later I'd step on a snake. But I never do.

LRH: All right. A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. Well, that's in. All right. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Thank you. That is in.

A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. Thank you. That is in. Okay.

Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Thank you. That is in. Okay.

You know, we've still got this polar bear here.

PC: Mm.

LRH: What's the matter?

PC: I don't know. Seems . . . It seems very reasonable it should be there, too.

LRH: All right. Here we go. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. Well now, he's doing something weird here. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. Well, he's still in. Okay. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. A dog you didn't know was there. That is out. Thank you.

PC: Good.

LRH: It began to fall on a dog you hadn't been introduced to.

PC: Please, yes.

LRH: All right. Let's see what else we got here. Eh, here we are. A snake. A snake. A snake. And that is in. Thank you. All right. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. And that is in.

A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. A civilian.

PC: I'm sorry. I feel really silly about . . .

LRH: we will have to assume that that is in. All right. All right. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Is this reading on this? All right. Somebody who drops you. Aw, it's still reading on that. Okay. That's in.

And now we are back to our old friend. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. Well, he isn't rocking It's not on that.

PC: I just got the silliest thought. I wonder whether polar bears are civilians or not.

LRH: Are what?

PC: I just wondered whether polar bears are civilians.

LRH: oh, dear. All right. Well, all right. All right. All right. All right. You got an ARC break? Yeah, what's that?

PC: I was just wondering whether I had been trying to sell you on civilian because it's so beautifully opposed to of officer and I'd like of officer to come back in.

LRH: Mm.

PC: Perfect pair.

LRH: All right.

PC: Let the chips fall where they may.

LRH: All right. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. All right. He's still with us. All right. A snake. A snake. A snake. Thank you. That's in.

PC: Sounds like the bloody Bronx Zoo.

LRH: All right. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Suppose I have to pass that one up. Somebody trying to kill you and you don't know why. Yeah. It's latent, sporadic, want me to grind it out?

PC: I've never been very fond of it. It's one of those wordy ones.

LRH: All right. I've got a terminal here that's rapping, and I'll just get rid of the rest of these things. I already got a terminal that goes bang, bang, bang. And we're not interested.

PC: Mm. Will I wait and find out for dessert what it is?

LRH: You'll get it for dessert. All right. A civilian. A civilian. A civilian. And that is out. And somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. Somebody who drops you. And that is out.

Well, we still have a polar bear.

PC: And also a snake, don't we?

LRH: Mm-hm. Now, you must have been a very good three-card monte player. You can keep them in your . . . All right. Here we go. Got an ARC break?

PC: Wrong card game. The only card game I like is five-card stud.

LRH: Okay. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. Oh, he is leaving these parts, man. He is not there very much. We'll try and keep him around for a pet. We got it here. We got it here. He's an instantaneous reading . . . leaving. A snake. A snake. A snake. Now, what have you just invalidated?

PC: I´m wondering about the Brothers of the Snake, but I've never been passionately fond of or passionately afraid of snakes. I´m more neutral to them than most people.

LRH: All right. All right. You got an ARC break?

PC: No, I'm baffled.

LRH: About what?

PC: I don't quite see where it fits. I mean, I know how a snake is startling

LRH: Mm.

PC: But that it's very significant surprises me.

LRH: All right. All right. You got an ARC break? Have you invalidated anything All right. Thank you. A snake. A snake. A snake. A snake. Every time that . . .

PC: Is that right!

LRH: But we will check him against a polar bear.

PC: Mm.

LRH: we have actually had an item. But we still got an item registering here. A polar bear. Sporadically. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. We still got a polar bear. Still got a polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. He's in. A snake. A snake. A snake. And he's in.

A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear.

A snake. A snake. A snake. All right.

Which is the most startling, polar bear or a snake?

PC: I think a polar bear, sometimes. You know, they're bigger, and you're going to bump into them suddenly in the dark. My God ! It's startling

LRH: All right.

PC: But then I'm prejudiced. I like polar bears better than snakes. They make more sense to me.

LRH: I see. I see.

PC: But I have no idea whether that has anything to do with it. The fact that I dislike the other more might be more pertinent.

LRH: Mm. All right. Well, you like . . . dislike snakes more.

PC: I wouldn't care to be closely associated one way or another, you know. I don't mind being neutral about them. I have an open mind on the subject.

LRH: All right. All right. Let's check her out here again. Not that we're checking out at this time.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. Okay. A snake. A snake. A snake. Man, we've got both of these.

PC: You know, I'm just wondering if there's one missing . . .

LRH: Such as?

PC: ... which I didn't have down. Just a horse.

LRH: Hm?

PC: A horse can do some awful goddamned startling things sometimes.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: A lot of the time they don't, you know.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: But I won't say I haven't been awful startled by them at one time or another.

LRH: All right. All right. We'll check him out. A horse. A horse. A horse. And we will cross him out.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: A polar bear. A polar bear. A polar bear. And he is out. Now, would you tell me what a horse has in common with a polar bear?

PC: A horse? Fur.

LRH: You just discharged something here.

PC: oh. All right.

LRH: All right. Here we go. Let's see what we got here now. A snake. Hey, you got an ARC break? Yes.

PC: Well, just the thing, you know, one doesn't . . . I mean, the Brothers of the Snake, all these weird snake priestesses and things. One doesn't . . . I don't quite . . . I don't quite see where this fits, and it's something I would rather not have too closely associated with me. But if it is, it is.

LRH: Yes, go on. Would it be more gentlemanly to have . . .

PC: Much more gentlemanly.

LRH: Okay. All right. All right. You got an ARC break? All right. Fine. A snake. A snake. A snake. You got another invalidation on him? Yes, what is it? What's the invalidation on a snake?

PC: Just sort of . . .

LRH: In this session have you invalidated this snake? Bang.

PC: Sort of like trying to make other ones more interesting and sort of hoping they would stay in more.

LRH: Yeah.

PC: I know every time it came around, I was sort of hoping it would go away.

LRH: All right. All right. All right. A snake. A snake. A snake. All right. Is there another invalidation on a snake?

PC: Well, mostly it's a feeling that anybody who knew that was it would get the wrong idea about me.

LRH: I see.

PC: I'm not tremendously afraid of . . . and I'm not sort of vvvvvvv! about the subject so far as I know, you know?

LRH: Yeah . . . Yeah.

PC: They are snakes.

LRH: Yeah. Okay. Well, that's what we've got left.

PC: Mm. We have a . . .

LRH: We're going to check this item out.

PC: Fine.

LRH: But we don't intend to tonight.

PC: Very well.

LRH: But that is what we got left.

PC: They're certainly startling at times. I'll not deny that.

LRH: That's right. I get a nice regular bang on it. So we will check this some other time. All right?

PC: Very well.

LRH: Okay. Now, as far as end rudiments are concerned, we're overtime here.

PC: Mm.

LRH: And so forth, and I know you of old. Would you . . . And I'm going to ask you, do you have an ARC break in this session? Good. Have you withheld anything in this session? Thank you. All right. All right. Should I have found out something in this session that I didn't find out. What's that?

PC: I guess maybe an explanation of what does a snake have to do with me. There's kind of a gap there, you know. There it is. And what's it got to do with me? I don't know.

LRH: All right. All right. All right. Get it. Is there something else I should have found out? Thank you. Thank you very much. All right. Now, give the cans a squeeze.

PC: Yeah. I didn't quite have a normal grip on them then when I squeezed them.

LRH: All right. Squeeze them again. That's fine. That's fine. All right. How do you feel?

PC: I feel rather good. A little pressed in on. A lot of this stuff, you know, kind of scrunched masses in.

LRH: Mm. Mm. Understandable.

PC: I mean, don't hurt or anything . . .

LRH: All right. Now how do you feel about your goals for this session?

PC: Well, we got one.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Which is, I mean, was a . . .

LRH: All right.

PC: oh, and, oh yes, we were marvelous on rudiments.

LRH: Hm?

PC: we were marvelous on rudiments.

LRH: Mm. Mm. Mm. We got that one.

PC: I had some other one, it seems to me, but I can't . . .

LRH: Not to get carried away with entertaining the students.

PC: Yes, I don't think I did.

LRH: No? All right. Did you make that one?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. That-a-girl. All right. Now, is there anything you'd care to ask or say before I end this session? Yes. What?

PC: I´m glad I got picked.

LRH: Okay. All right. All right. Is it all right with you if I end this session now?

PC: It is.

LRH: All right. Here it is. End of session. Has this session ended for you?

PC: Yes. Yeah.

LRH: All right. Tell me I'm not now auditing you.

PC: You're not now auditing me.

LRH: Thank you. Very good.