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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Getting Rudiments In, Part I (SHSBC-166) - L620530 | Сравнить
- TV Demo - Getting Rudiments In, Part II (SHSBC-167) - L620530 | Сравнить



An auditing demonstration given on 30 May 1962

LRH: Now, here we go. you don't mind my fixing up an auditor's report for you? We will dignify this with an auditor's report.

PC: Very good.

LRH: Okay. I don't think I've ever audited you, have I, Mike?

PC: Think you did a Goals Assessment on me when I first came here.

LRH: I remember. Yeah, that's true.

PC: Well, that wasn't even really started in the session!

LRH: Well, you're right. Okay. Is it all right with you if we begin the session now?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, here it is. Start of session.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Okay, has the session started for you?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Very good. What we're going to do in this session now is just check your ruds out, run some Havingness and run your end ruds. Okay?

PC: Okay. Fine, yeah.

LRH: All right. What goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Um, well rue got a bit of a present time problem with my girlfriend . I'd like to — uh — feel a little bit happier about that.

LRH: All right. Okay. Any other goal you'd like to set for this session?

PC: Um — yeah, to feel a lot brighter at the end of session than I do at the moment.

LRH: Okay, will do. All right, any other goal?

PC: No, that will do.

LRH: All right. Are there any goals you'd like to set for life or livingness?

PC: I'd like to get married.

LRH: All right. Any other goal you'd like to set for life or livingness?

PC: Well, I — I'd like to sort out my future prospects. I'm feeling in a bit of an undecided mood about what to do about the future at the moment.

LRH: Okay. Very good. All right, how's that, okay?

PC: Yeah, that's fine.

LRH: All right. Let's see where you're sitting on this, here — 2.4.

PC: That's quite usual.

LRH: Is that quite ordinary?

PC: That's quite ordinary, yeah. It seems to sit around about twoish.

LRH: All right, look around here and tell me if it's all right to audit in this room.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me check that. Look around here and tell me if it's all right to audit in this room.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. Anything occurs to mind about your . . .

PC: Well, as I — as I was looking past I noticed that camera up there and that sort of reminded me I was on view.

LRH: Right.

PC: Other than that, the room as itself is all right.

LRH: All right. Good. Let me check this again.

PC: Mm-mm.

LRH: Look around here and tell me if it's all right to audit in this room. I got a tick now.

PC: Yeah, I thought — well, I was probably auditing looking at the camera this time.

LRH: All right, okay. Okay, we are going to run Havingness in this session.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Look around here and tell me if it's all right to audit in this room. All right, that's clean. Thank you. All right. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, there's some slight reaction on the end of that.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Anything you care to think of?

PC: Well, the only thing is, I felt I'm perfectly willing to talk to you about my difficulties; I'm not sure about the fifty people down there.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me check that on the meter.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. There i8 still a slight tick on the end of that.

PC: Um — well, I was mainly thinking about — uh — sex problems with my girlfriend, which is — a lot of problems come up, recently.

LRH: Uh-huh, hm.

PC: And that's what came up at that point.

LRH: All right. All right. Let me check this again on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?? That's clean. Thank you. All right. Now, when was your last session?

PC: oh, it was, when I was on the course. Last week I was on the course.

LRH: All right.

PC: Be about three weeks ago now.

LRH: All right. Since the last time you were audited have you done anything you are withholding? I got an action.

PC: Yeah, well I thought — well, I've been to bed with my girlfriend a couple of times, and been unsuccessful in trying to have sex with her. It's a sort of a bit of a loss.

LRH: Okay. Very good. Let me check that again. Now, since the last time you were audited have you done anything you are withholding? The tiniest shadow of a slowdown.

PC: Yeah, I thought, well, on a couple of occasions I've agreed with students here when they've been complaining about various aspects of the course. I sort of agreed about it and I felt a bit bad about this. I thought, well I should have just said, "Okay," and acknowledged it, or pulled some missed withholds or done something about it. But these were points I did think needed picking up. So that's how I went into agreement with them.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, let me check that on the meter now. Since the last time you were audited, have you done anything you are withholding That's clean. Thank you.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Do you have a present time problem? I got a lot of reaction.

PC: Yeah, I mean I've got lots of them! Um — the present one at the moment is with my girlfriend. Uh — I want to sort some things out this weekend. Possibly another problem is that we finish this session, I got a chance to phone her tonight.

LRH: oh, yes?

PC: Yeah, hm. I've got a deputy to do this in case I don't finish session in time, so I guess that isn't so much of a problem.

LRH: All right, very good. Let me check that again. Do you have a present time problem? All right. I got an equivocal reaction there. Let me ask it once more just to be sure. Do you have a present time problem? Now you listen very carefully, to me now. Do you have a present time problem? I got a reaction.

PC: Well, what I thought of then was I have a little problem keeping these ca — I notice my hand was shaking a little bit.

LRH: All right.

PC: And, uh, that was beginning to be a little bit of a problem.

LRH: It isn't reading on the meter.

PC: Hm. Okay, fair enough.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me ask you one more time. Do you have a present time problem? All right. Now, there's — it's probably zero, but I'm going to check it one more time.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Do you have a present time problem? I got a reaction on it.

PC: Yeah, now I seem. the whole subject of sex seems to be a present time problem to me at the moment.

LRH: All right. Okay. Okay. Your thinking about it ba — Is there a missed withhold on this?

PC: Hm, well a lot of people have missed the fact that I — I've never had any success in having sex with — with a girl.

LRH: All right.

PC: And I feel bad about this.

LRH: All right.

PC: And uh — hmmm that's it — a lot of people missed this!

LRH: Okay. All right. Let me ask you one more time here. Do you have a present time problem? All right, the read has now gone latent.

PC: Hm, okay

LRH: So let's check it one more time, and before we leave it. Do you have a present time problem? There is a little ghost of a slowed rise.

PC: Ah, well, what I thought of there, was getting these checksheets out for the course . . .

LRH: Right.

PC: ... and uh — it's a bit of a problem to me when I can't give as many checkouts as I'd like to, to students.

LRH: Hm.

PC: And I don't feel like Qing and Aing with them all the time; they keep on saying to me, "We want tests; we want tests."

LRH: Hm.

PC: And I still feel a little bad if I can't give them all the tests that they need.

LRH: All right, very good. Let me ask you again, now. Do you have a present time problem? Equivocal read. Do you have a present time problem? I'm not getting a reaction on this.

PC: Well, the only thing I was thinking of there, was that it — it just got a little bit of a problem if this was going to clear or not. I was getting a little bit anxious about it.

LRH: All right. All right. All right, don't — don't be anxious, because it's a — you're reading on present time problem, and then, click. And so forth.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. Do you have a present time problem? I didn't get an immediate response there.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Uh — but I'm getting a little, two — two ping-ping dirty needle proposition here, that I have no business taking up in the rudiments.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: But I know better than to go by this.

PC: Mm. All right.

LRH: All right. So I'm going to repeat this rudiment. Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: In this session . . .

PC: Yeah.

LRH: ... in this session, have you failed to reveal something? I got a little reaction there.

PC: Well, uh — let's see, it'd be on the subject of sex.

LRH: Hm.

PC: Uh - well I've told you I've not had success in having sex with a girl. I — I've had this trouble of — of feeling that there was some latent homosexuality on my case.

LRH: Right.

PC: And this has bothered me.

LRH: Hm-hm. All right, you've got the . . .

PC: That might have been what I've been thinking of, yeah.

LRH: All right, very good. Very good. In this session is there something you've failed to reveal? All right, I got a reaction on that. Anything else?

PC: Just thought about masturbation.

LRH: All right. Very good. Let me check it again. In this session, is there something you have failed to reveal? All right, there's a tickety-tock here.

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: Now, you listen to my question.

PC: Yeah. All right.

LRH: Just listen to this. In this session . . .

PC: Mm-mm.

LRH: there something you have failed to reveal? All right, there's a — there's an action on it.

PC: Well, I haven't had sex.

LRH: All right.

PC: I've told you this.

LRH: That's right. There it is — right there. That's it — right there.

PC: Ah yes. Well, some trouble with — uh — various people on this — living with homosexuals and things like that.

LRH: All right.

PC: It always seems to (quote) happen (unquote) and I've never been able to pin down the overt on this line.

LRH: Hm.

PC: When I was being audited on the course, we messed around for about four days trying to find some What question on this. And uh — I nev — .

LRH: Really?

PC: Yeah. I never really felt satisfied we ever got an overt on that.

LRH: Hm. All right.

PC: The one I think which came out was something about, what about withholding affection from a man or something peculiar. rue forgotten exactly the thing And this — this seemed to be an overt, and it ticked on the meter, but we never really seemed to get to the bottom of it.

LRH: Who was auditing you?

PC: Um — Kevin.

LRH: All right. Thank you very much. All right, didn't mean to ask you a second question there.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. In this sessions, is there something you have failed to reveal? I got a reaction again. Click. Click.

PC: Yeah, well, I thought at the moment I'm living with one — with a homosexual.

LRH: All right. Okay. All right. That must be it because it blew more.

PC: Yeah. Hm.

LRH: All right. Very good.

PC: And — oh — this is something I'm not at all happy about.

LRH: Hm. All right. Okay.

PC: And I can't find the overt behind it.

LRH: Okay. In this session, is there something you have failed to reveal? Well now, that is just sitting there on a constant dirty needle. I don't know whether it's reacting to this or not. Uh . . .

PC: Yeah, I think I've got it.

LRH: What is it?

PC: I think I'm trying to protect the guy.

LRH: oh, really?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: oh, all right.

PC: Hm.

LRH: Okay.

PC: I tend to go about on some sort of a protect of homosexuals. On my goals list this was the last goal to null out before my goal, and what actually came out was to, I think, "Help a homosexual," something like that.

LRH: oh, all right. Okay. All right. Let me check this one more. I'm running a middle rudiment in the rudiments.

PC: That's all right.

LRH: All right. All right. In this session, is there something you have failed to reveal? That is clean. Thank you.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Now I'd like to run some Havingness on you. What would you say to that?

PC: Fine.

LRH: All right. What was the last Havingness Process that ran on you?

PC: I believe it was, "Point out something."

LRH: Okay. We will see.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Now, I'm not trying to invalidate your Havingness Process, but you would be the first one.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now put your hands up here with the backs of the hands on the table. Let's grip that can very nicely, there. All right. And make sure that that can is sitting down in the palm. Now relax. All right. Squeeze the cans. All right, thank you very much. All right. You can do what you please with the cans.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Point out something

PC: That nameplate.

LRH: Thank you. Point out something

PC: That cigarette butt.

LRH: Good. Point out something.

PC: Uh — those scales.

LRH: Good. Point out something.

PC: That telephone.

LRH: Good. Point out something.

PC: That camera.

LRH: Good. Point out something.

PC: That lamp.

LRH: Good. Point out something.

PC: That curtain.

LRH: All right, very good. Now, squeeze the cans. All right. Thank you very much. That is not your Havingness Process.

PC: All right.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Put down the cans. All right, we're going to run — just to be in the complete groove we'll start at the bottom of the pile.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. I'm going to run, "Feel that object."

PC: Okay.

LRH: Okay. Now, you understand, when I say "Feel" I want you to get the feel of it, okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Feel that tablecloth.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. Feel that board sign.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. Feel that ashtray.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. Feel that paper clip on this side. That's it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Feel that can.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Feel your right sleeve. All right, thank you. Pick up the cans. Okay. Squeeze the cans. Yes, there's your Havingness Process.

PC: All right!

LRH: All right, put the cans down. All right. Feel that tablecloth. Okay. Feel the back of your jacket. Attaboy, all right. Feel the buttons on that cuff. Okay. Feel that curtain. Okay. Feel that lamp column. Okay. Feel that telephone. Okay. Feel your tie. All right. Thank you very much. All right. Now what we're going to do here is in the middle of this — not because you're doing anything wrong . . .

PC: All right.

LRH: ... but let's just check out the middle rudiment on a Havingness Process, okay? Pick up the cans. Now, here we go. I'm going to ask you, "On — on Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything?" A tiny speed up of the fall. There's something. There's something right there. There it is.

PC: Yes, I think I've suppressed some sort of disinterest in the Havingness Process. You know, Havingness Process being run for the purpose of sort of cheering me up before the end of session. And well, I think I sort of suppressed the disinterest that I felt. I didn't really feel much better or much worse, but I said, "Oh, yeah, I feel fine."

LRH: All right. All right, thank you. Thank you very much. On Havingness Processes have you suppressed anything All right. There was a tiny reaction again on that. Anything else?

PC: oh yeah, I suppress doing that — sort of letting out breath and yawning and stretching

LRH: oh, really?

PC: on Havingness, yeah, I sort of felt, I should sit here and do nothing and just do the Havingness Process.

LRH: All right. Very good. Okay. Let me check this on the meter now. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything All right, I have to check that again. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything I've got a reaction.

PC: I think I suppressed telling the auditor I didn't think it worked on a couple of occasions.

LRH: All right.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Okay. All right. Let me check it again. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything The read is latent, but I'm going to clean it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Think of anything I'll repeat the question.

PC: Yeah, I wa — I was off thinking of something else at that time.

LRH: Yeah. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything There's a reaction.

PC: Hm. Um. . .

LRH: There it is.

PC: Well, this seems to boil down to this uh — bit on homosexuality again. Don't know where that comes in. I think I felt if an — if a — if an auditor who was a homosexual, who I know — knew was a homosexual — audited me, I felt I had to be a particularly good preclear in session.

LRH: Hm.

PC: I probably suppress some stuff on this in session, so I probably am suppressing the Havingness Processes if they're in it.

LRH: All right. Okay. All right. Now let me check this on the meter.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: on Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything All right, that looks clean. I'm going to check it one more time before we leave it; it looks clean. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything There is still a reaction on that thing.

PC: Hm!

LRH: There it is. There it is.

PC: Yeah! I think, on previous Havingness Processes when I've had to touch things, I sort of suppress feeling it very long I felt this was all wasting the time in the process. You know, wasting the auditor's time, feeling it. And you told me to feel it, and it felt a lot better.

LRH: oh, all right. All right. Okay. All right. Now, we're going to check this again. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything Well that is probably clean.

PC: Great, yeah.

LRH: That is probably clean. We're wandering around in the middle of a needle here that's going this way and that. But that's probably clean. Let me check it just this one time. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything oh, I got a speeded rise.

PC: Could have been in the same session. Um . . .

LRH: There it is. There it is. There it is.

PC: Something to do with the Havingness Process, um . . .

LRH: There it is.

PC: Something to do about a curtain somewhere.

LRH: Hm?

PC: Something to do about curtains.

LRH: Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's reacting here.

PC: I think the process was, "Look around here and find something you could have," or "Where is the" or something like that. And I looked at the curtains — it was something to do with reaching curtains — the idea of reaching curtains and I think I never really felt I could — I could reach those curtains. I felt I just couldn't have them. And they're not anything substantial enough to have. Some peculiar idea like that.

LRH: All right, very good. All right, let me check it now. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything There's a reaction there. Tick. Tick.

PC: Um — well, I always felt it was a good point in the session, if I were being run on Havingness.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: And I sort of felt, well, I shouldn't feel this way because I'm probably trying to avoid something else in the session.

LRH: oh, all right.

PC: You know, something like this. I'm — I mean, well, I actually enjoy this to some extent. It's one of the few processes actually that I enjoy and I shouldn't feel that way about a session.

LRH: All right. Okay. Here we go. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything? All right. I still get a speeded rise on this. Now look, just give me a little — I'll give you a little help here.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Can you pick up the first time Havingness was ever run on you? Just to speed this up a little bit. There it is.

PC: Well, I — I'm not absolutely sure, but I believe this is the first time Havingness was run on me. Yeah, it was in St. John's Wood and Peter Cowell was running some — was trying to pull me out of the mess he'd got me into by out of session running some Confront Process. And he probably ran some Havingness at the end of that session.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: I don't actually recall him doing so, but he probably did. It's the first real session I can recall haring.

LRH: Hm-hm. All right, was that suppressive?

PC: What, the session?

LRH: No, the Havingness.

PC: The Havingness? I don't know.

LRH: All right.

PC: Possibly.

LRH: All right. That was more than I really ought to be piloting you into, but I was trying to give you a little breadth of reason here.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, let me check this thing again now. see where we're at. On Havingness Processes, have you ever suppressed anything? I got a reaction.

PC: Goddamn. I've been thinking about lots of other things, but I can't think of anything on havingness.

LRH: What are you doing

PC: Well, I was still sort of back in that session, thinking about what happened during that session.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: You know, with Peter Cowell.

LRH: Hm-hm. All right. Now, let me check this word: Suppressed. That word is hotter than a pistol.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Well, we're just checking Havingness Processes.

PC: Okay, fair enough.

LRH: Understand?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Now you listen very carefully to this question. On Havingness Processes, have you suppressed anything? That is clean. Thank you.

PC: Okay. Very well.

LRH: All right.

PC: I guess that word would be hot.

LRH: All right. Now, on Havingness Processes, have you invalidated anything? Got a reaction here.

PC: Well, I think I invalidated this, "Point out something" before I came into session.

LRH: Really?

PC: Yeah. Well, I thought, well that didn't — probably because I didn't seem — feel to get very far on my auditing on the course. Well, not as far as I'd like to have gone.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: It never really made me feel terrifically bright and cheerful. So I probably invalidated that before I came into the session.

LRH: All right. Very good. Let me check this now. On Havingness Processes, have you invalidated anything? Reaction.

PC: Yeah, well, on this one, "Look around here and find something you could have," at one time this was what was considered — what probably still is considered — to be sort of the most high toned of Havingness Processes. And if anybody ever tried to run this thing on me or test it on me, I sort of used to invalidate the fact, well, I wasn't up to the point where I could run this process.

LRH: Hm. All right, very good. I'll check this on the meter again now. On Havingness Processes, have you invalidated anything All right, there's probably a reaction on the end of that.

PC: Um.

LRH: We're cooling this off markedly.

PC: Hm.

LRH: There's something right there.

PC: Yeah, I've got something — invalidated this, "Feel that" you know, I felt this uh — sort of reactively felt, well, this is a CCH-style process and it's — I should be able to run some more thinkingness style thing, you know. Something — something crazy like that probably crossed my mind.

LRH: Good enough. All right, let me check this question again.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. On Havingness Processes, have you invalidated anything? All right, "invalidated" is falling, so let me give you this question very, very strongly here. Now, you listen to it. On Havingness Processes, have you invalidated anything That's clean.

PC: Okay!

LRH: Okay. Let's try the next one now.

PC: All right.

LRH: on Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything That happens to be clean.

PC: Really? I had an answer ready for you.

LRH: Give me the answer, by all means.

PC: Well, I think I fail to reveal to auditors — mind you I've told you this before — but I think I failed to reveal to auditors the fast that I didn't think this was working really well. And also the fast that a lot of them didn't seem to ever tell me whether the damn thing was loosening and they often looked a bit puzzled — left me in a bit of a not-know. And I didn't reveal the fact that I felt that way about it.

LRH: All right, very good. Very good. All right, just to cheer you up, I'll check it again. All right?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: on Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything? Now, the reaction on it is quite latent.

PC: Yeah. Okay.

LRH: I'm going to ask it again just because we're cleaning up Havingness Processes.

PC: Hm.

LRH: You give me an answer to it. On Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, what?

PC: Well, as an auditor, I failed to reveal sometimes to my preclear, at the time I should have done, the fast that the thing wasn't particularly loosening. There have even been a couple of occasions where I've more or less said, well, this thing seems to be a little better, when I couldn't really detect any difference. You know, it was a half-truth, or an untruth to the preclear.

LRH: Very good. Very good. All right. We'll check this out again. On Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything All right, we got a reaction there. A nice dirty needle.

PC: Yeah, well I think this is all in the same line, you know, of sort of pretending to preclears. Um — couldn't find a Havingness Process, couldn't get anything to work, so I sort of more or less said to the preclear, "Well, that seems to be doing something," and run it for a few more commands.

LRH: All right. All right. Okay. All right. We're going to check this again now. On Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything? Got a reaction now. The dirty needle's gone.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: You got a just a straight fall.

PC: Um — think I've done this quite a few times. You know, up and down during auditing.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: Um — failed to reveal the fact that the Havingness Process didn't seem to be really doing much.

LRH: Hm-hm. Hm-hm.

PC: Is this clear? It's all on the same line.

LRH: All right. All right. Very good. Check it again. On Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything? All right, there's a reaction on the end of that line now, again. We're getting somewhere though. I tell you I've got — we've got the dirty needle off of it. We've — it's moving right along here. We've just got a little flick up.

PC: Uh.

LRH: There's something right there. That's it. That's it. That's it.

PC: Yeah, I think on some Havingness Processes I failed to reveal that I haven't answered the comms and, you know, I haven't answered the command on a lot of the processes.

LRH: All right.

PC: Didn't tell the auditor that.

LRH: Okay. All right. Let's check that out. On Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything? Getting better. Your needle's loosening up on it.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Go ahead and answer it. I'll repeat it. On Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything There it is. There it is.

PC: Ah, ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha, yes. If — if uh — if being audited by a man, I always felt bad that anyth — in a CCH Havingness Process.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: And uh. ..

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: ... any touching of body parts, this sort of thing I think I failed to reveal this to the auditor.

LRH: All right.

PC: Yeah, that's it.

LRH: All right.

PC: Hadn't thought about that.

LRH: Very good. Check this again. On Havingness Processes, did you fail to reveal anything? All right. This is getting quite clean now. There's a little more here. There it is.

PC: Well, this is merely a thought, this isn't something that I've done. But you — you were talking about this — this uh — process of touch my knee or something like that, you see.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: And uh — I was sort of thinking, well uh — this wouldn't be a bad process to try out on my girlfriend .

LRH: All right.

PC: And I thought of that then. I never have tried it, but that was the thought that came up.

LRH: All right, let's . . .

PC: I wonder if this is a — this is as dangerous and as effective as you say it is.

LRH: Okay. Here's the question again. On Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything? Got a reaction. There it is. There it is.

PC: I don't get anything there.

LRH: There it is.

PC: I no — I did — I just noticed a little somatic in my elbow there, but don't get anything else. Um . . .

LRH: There it is. Tick.

PC: Well this is rather taking in the scope of something more than a simple Havingness Process, but taking any CCH Process to be somewhat of a Havingness Process. I guess I fail to reveal things at various times to the auditor.

LRH: Hm. All right, let's see if this cleans up. All right. On Havingness Processes, have you failed to reveal anything All right, apparently it's very clean.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Apparently so.

PC: Apparently so. All right.

LRH: No, fail to reveal is — is still mucked up.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: A bit.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: But it's just a restimulative word, you see. But the question itself is clean. Okay?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. And here's the last one of these middle ruds. On Havingness Processes, have you been careful of anything I got a reaction.

PC: Yes, I think I've been careful of — of not sort of reaching out. Um — you know, I always felt that if I got daring and actually dared to reach out towards a — a larger object in the room . . .

LRH: Hm.

PC: ... there'd be something wrong in this. I don't quite know why there should be anything wrong, but I sort of felt careful, "Well, I must do it on a gradient scale."

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, let's check this one.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: on Havingness Processes have you been careful of anything? Latent . . .

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: ... but still, we must clean it.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, on Havingness Processes, have you been careful of anything There you've got it.

PC: Yeah, well I been — I think I've sort of been careful of — of letting auditors know that I can run a Havingness Process well.

LRH: All right.

PC: For some reason or another that's what came up there.

LRH: All right.

PC: Don't seem to make much sense, but, uh.

LRH: Good. Good. Yeah. Good.

PC: Yeah, that's what I've been doing.

LRH: It reacts as a missed withhold.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Here it is: on Havingness Processes, have you been careful of anything? Reaction. Right on the button. Right on the end of it.

PC: Uh...

LRH: There it is.

PC: Yeah, when — um — when auditors have been checking out Havingness Processes, I sort of sat very careful and still . . .

LRH: Hm.

PC: ... not to let my breath, or any sort of extraneous thought get in the way of the can squeeze or anything else.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: Always sat there very carefully when squeezing cans, been very careful of the way I squeeze the cans.

LRH: Hm-hm. All right. Very good. Okay. Now let's see if this is clean. On Havingness Processes, have you been careful of anything Cleaner than a wolf's tooth. Okay?

PC: Yeah, fine.

LRH: All right. Now, let's return to the Havingness Process. Okay?

PC: Okay, yeah.

LRH: Put down the cans there. All right. Feel that tablecloth.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Feel that chair. Okay, very good. Feel that sleeve. Very good. Feel your tie. All right. Feel that can. Good-oh. Feel the back of this E-Meter. All right. Thank you. Feel that sign.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. Feel that curtain. Okay. Thank you. Pick up the cans. All right. Squeeze the cans. Very good. Squeeze them again. All right. Put them down. Okay. Feel that tablecloth.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Okay. A moment ago, did you miss a command on the chair?

PC: Did I miss a command ?

LRH: Did you just do something — did you wonder what part of the chair you should feel, or something like that?

PC: No, I was — all I was noticing there was that I really felt — I was really feeling it.

LRH: All right.

PC: I thought I had a stray thought. Well, I wonder if I'm taking up too much time, you see, on the TV again. You know?

LRH: All right. You take all the time you please!

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. Feel that sign. Okay. Now feel the lettered side of it. All right. Now feel the unlettered side of it. All right. Very good. Feel that tablecloth.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Pick up the cans. Okay. Squeeze the cans. That's my boy! All right, put down the cans. I'm going to give you two more commands and end this process, if that's all right with you.

PC: Fine, yeah.

LRH: Okay. Feel the tablecloth.

PC: My favorite tablecloth.

LRH: Very good. All right, feel your chair.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Okay. Pick up the cans. All right. Is there anything you'd care to say before I end up?

PC: No, I feel a bit brighter after it.

LRH: All right. End of process.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Okay. Now let's go into end rudiments here, shall we?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. In this session, have you told me any half-truth? Tiniest little flick.

PC: oh, I didn't mention the names of all these people I've been staying with — the homosexuals, people like that.

LRH: All right. Very good.

PC: Didn't mention all their names.

LRH: Excellent. All right. In this session, have you told me any half-truths? Reaction.

PC: Well, perhaps it's a half-truth that I haven't really sort of had sex. I suppose I've attempted it enough times. I've never really had it satisfactorily, you know, or really got anywhere with it.

LRH: All right.

PC: I've never had it, period.

LRH: All right. Okay. Now let me — let me check this with malice aforethought now. All right. In this session have you told me a half-truth? It looks clean.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. I'm going to ask it one more time just to make absolutely sure. In this session have you told me a half-truth. No, I got no reaction on that to amount to anything.

PC: I sort of had a latent thought on you looking down there. All right.

LRH: Yeah. Well, there's a question in my mind concerning it. Your needle is doing a bit of a — of a swing here, and of course I didn't have your sensitivity up to 16 for the first question.

PC: Ah, I see. Oh.

LRH: I swung it up late. That's what you've just missed and the reality of it.

PC: oh I see, all right. Yeah. Possibly I feel there is some sort of half-truth in that I haven't laid my complete case out at your feet in this session.

LRH: All right.

PC: I've sort of got a — a feeling that I ought to and yet I oughtn't to.

LRH: All right.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Okay.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. In this session have you told me a half-truth. I got no reaction on that to amount to a hill of beans.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. In this session, have you told me an untruth? Let me check that again. In this session have you told me an untruth? Got a speed up.

PC: Hm-hm. Well, perhaps it was an untruth of we — I didn't get anywhere in my auditing on course. I did get somewhere on it — not as far as I — as I would have liked to. Perhaps I misled you on that.

LRH: All right. Very good. Let me check that again.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: In this session have you told me an untruth? Got a reaction.

PC: Well also, that we didn't dig up any overts on th — I probably gave you the idea that we didn't dig up any overts on Prepchecking. We did dig up some things, and odds and ends that were overts. I don't really feel we got to the bottom of it.

LRH: All right. Very good. Okay. In this session have you told me an untruth? All right, that's clean. That's all right now.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: Now, in this session have you said something only to impress me? Reaction.

PC: Well, I thought that — well, yeah, perhaps the bit on the checksheets. Um — sort of giving the idea I've been working terribly hard to get out these checksheets, and I'm so pressed that I couldn't get anything else done.

LRH: All right.

PC: I guess that was somewhat to impress XXXXXXXXXXXX

LRH: Okay. Let me check that. In this session, have you said something only to impress me? Clean. Thank you.

All right. In this session have you tried to damage someone? Clean.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. In this session, have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter? Got a reaction there.

PC: Well, I did notice that on the Havingness my hands — when I put — when I — um — picked up the cans after we'd been running the Havingness Process, that my hands did seem a little bit looser. Probably, I was thinking, well, I'd like this to be looser this time.

LRH: All right.

PC: And I did notice my hands were looser, and didn't tell you about this.

LRH: Okay.

PC: They did — you know, they weren't gripping the cans quite so tightly.

LRH: All right. In this session, have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter? Still got a tick.

PC: Um — oh, the same thing I wanted the havingness to be more.

LRH: All right. All right.

PC: That more or less seems to be it. I did pick them up and they were looser, and I didn't tell you about it.

LRH: All right. Okay. Here it is again: In this session, did you deliberately try to influence the E-Meter? Still a reaction here.

PC: Well, perhaps this is something on that I did — um, my hands were a little less sweaty when I put them back on the cans. Possibly I thought well, this will make them glue less to the cans and I might get a bit of a wider swing.

LRH: All right. Now, let me ask - repeat this question very carefully. In this session, have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter?

PC: Well, I wanted the can squeeze to be bigger. So to that extent, yes, I did, because I picked it up and it — my hands were looser.

LRH: All right.

PC: I did deliberately pick them up looser.

LRH: All right. Very good. Very good. All right. Here we go. Here's the next — here's the check-off on that. In this session, have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter? All right. The needle turns around on the E-Meter there; it's changed its pattern.

PC: Mm.

LRH: Think of anything else?

PC: Well, I can't think of any deliberate influence. There was a couple of times when my — my hands seemed to shake a little bit and I didn't mention this to you, but it didn't seem to bother you. But perhaps I felt I ought to have mentioned it.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me check this now. In this session, have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter? All right. That's clean.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. You got a little bit of something on E-Meters.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, but we sorted it out. That's okay. All right. In this session, have you failed to answer any question or command? Reaction.

PC: Well, on this last one perhaps I didn't answer you straight out to start off with. On this last rudiment we were cleaning.

LRH: All right. Okay. Good enough. Let me repeat this — check it on the meter. All right. In this session, have you failed to answer any question or command? That's clean. That's all right. You got a little — little slowdown on the word "command."

PC: Well, the — the only thing I was thinking about was that perhaps I've been a little bit slow in this session in bringing up all points, some known points. You know, and sort of been a bit slow in answering the commands.

LRH: I understand.

PC: Mm-mm.

LRH: All right. In this session, have you failed to answer any question or command? A tiny slowdown on the uprise.

PC: Well, on this bit on failing to reveal, whatever it was on the — Um — checking out on the havingness . . .

LRH: Mm.

PC: ... I sort of felt, well, there's probably a lot more on the whole subject of failed to reveal. To that extent, I didn't go into it.

LRH: Hm-mm.

PC: And well, to a slight extent it's an unanswered command.

LRH: All right. Good enough. In this session have you failed to answer any question or command? Now we're getting an anxiety here.

PC: To some extent, yeah.

LRH: All right, now you listen to this very carefully.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: In this session have you failed to answer any question or command? Clean, thank you.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. In this session, have you withheld anything from me? It's an equivocal read — a little bit latent.

PC: I was a bit surprised at the question.

LRH: Is that all that is?

PC: Yeah. I think so. I just thought, well, I have withheld these people's names and odds and ends like that.

LRH: Hm-hm. All right. Very good. In this session have you withheld anything from me? All right, it's a — it's a slowed rise.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right. Okay. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? All right, that was a reaction — probably followed the cough.

PC: Hm, I don't know.

LRH: Well, I'd — I think it was. So I'll check it again. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? The read is equivocal, a little bit late.

PC: Well, I think this all comes under the question of goals. I got — on my goals I set to sort of get my future sorted out.

LRH: Hm-hm.

PC: I haven't discussed any of this with you.

LRH: Hm. Bang-bang.

PC: Possibly there's been a bit of reluctance on this.

LRH: Bang-bang Yeah. All right. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? That's smoothing out now.

PC: Hm. I think it's the same thing — em — on planning my future, knowing exactly how long I'm going to stay here and what my plans in the future will be.

LRH: Hm.

PC: This that and the other. And I sort of left you out of the picture.

LRH: All right. Okay. Let me ask this one more time.

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, that's clean.

Okay. Now look around here and tell me if you could have anything.

PC: Hm-hm. That chair.

LRH: All right. I'll check this for meter read just to . . .

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Look around here and tell me if you can have anything.

PC: Yeah, that curtain.

LRH: Yeah, I'm getting a reaction on that, so put down the cans.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right. All right, touch the tablecloth. Thank you. Touch that ashtray — what were you going to say? You were going to say something?

PC: No, I don't think I was going to say anything.

LRH: All right. Okay. Touch that ashtray. Thank you. Touch that E-Meter can. Okay. Pick up the cans. All right. Squeeze the cans. Thank you. Thank you. That was the last command.

PC: Okay.

LRH: All right. Look around here and tell me if you can have anything. All right, thank you. Thank you very much.

Okay. Have you made any part of your goals for this session?

PC: You better remind me of them. I've forgotten what they are.

LRH: You said you had a PTP with a girl.

PC: Yes, I f eel a bit happier about that, yeah.

LRH: All right, very good.

PC: Less tense.

LRH: And you want to feel a lot brighter.

PC: I do. Much brighter.

LRH: All right. Very good. Now, have you made any other gains in this session you'd care to mention?

PC: I think I can confront the embarrassed students better.

LRH: oh, yeah?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Just how do you mean that now, just so I understand it.

PC: Um — well, I feel that I've probably got off some withholds they don't know about, and got off some not-knows on the line. I guess there's more reality about the place.

LRH: All right. Very good. Very good. Any other gains you'd care to mention?

PC: No, that about covers it.

LRH: Hm?

PC: That covers it.

LRH: That covers it.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: All right, very good. Now, is there anything you care to say or ask before I end this session?

PC: Well, thank you very much.

LRH: All right.

PC: I didn't think I'd survive it this well.

LRH: You didn't, huh?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. Here it is then.

PC: Hm-hm.

LRH: End of session.

PC: Okay.

LRH: Okay. Session ended for you?

PC: Yes, it has.

LRH: All right. Tell me I'm no longer auditing you.

PC: You are no longer auditing me.

LRH: Thank you.

PC: Thank you. That was good.

LRH: Good enough!

PC: Whoow!