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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- TV Demo - Routine 3GA, Nulling Goals (SHSBC-199) - L620808 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TV DEMO: ROUTINE 3GA, NULLING GOALS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


An auditing demonstration given on 8 August 1962

LRH: Okay, we’re - all we’re going to do here - all we’re going to do here is do the rudiments, null some goals, straighten out anything that occurs with relationship to the needle and carry on through. Just going to do some 3GA nulling.

PC: Right.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Is it all right with you if I begin this session now?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, here it is. Start of session. Has the session started for you?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. All right, what goals would you like to set for this session?

PC: Get some nulling done.

LRH: Okay. What other goal would you like to set?

PC: Find a goal?

LRH: Hm?

PC: Perhaps find a goal, maybe.

LRH: Perhaps find a goal, maybe. Okay. Okay?

PC: That’s all.

LRH: And that’s all. All right. Are there any goals you’d like to set for life or livingness?

PC: Usual.

LRH: Usual. All right. Okay. Squeeze the cans. Thank you. All right. Tone arm is sitting here at about 4. Okay. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. I’ll check that on the meter. Are you willing to talk to me about your difficulties? Do you agree that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Very good. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding?

PC: No.

LRH: Okay, I’ll check that on the meter.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding? Okay. I’ll check that. Since the last time I audited you, have you done anything you are withholding? Do you agree that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Do you have a present time problem?

PC: No.

LRH: Okay, I’ll check that on the meter. Do you have a present time problem? Okay, do you agree that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Very good. All right. Now, your needle’s quite free and clean here. Everything seems to be all right. Now, it was quite a surprise to you, I understand, that you were going to get some goals nulling.

PC: Yes, uh-huh.

LRH: You didn’t know this.

PC: No.

LRH: All right, I’m sorry, I thought I had asked you.

PC: Mmm.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Now, did anything upset you about that particularly?

PC: Well, a little bit of a rush, you know.

LRH: Just a bit of a rush, eh?

PC: That’s right. And then, they had that camera turned on there.

LRH: All right.

PC: I thought that was an overt.

LRH: It’s not on. It’s the other camera that’s on.

PC: I know it’s not on now.

LRH: Okay.

PC: But it was on when I sat down.

LRH: Right.

PC: And-um-I consider that camera an overt against anyone.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: And-um-hm-that’s all.

LRH: That about it?

PC: Yeah, that’s it.

LRH: All right. Were you worried about any goals on your list here?

PC: Well, there’s some goals on my list that are my goals that I prefer to remain my goals…

LRH: I see.

PC: … but-um-that I certainly want to keep them my goals.

LRH: Okay, all right.

PC: Mmmm, I don’t consider my life is - uh - public property.

LRH: All right. Very good. Well, is that going to interfere with that?

PC: Um, to a degree, perhaps, but .~… Just skip the ones - um - that are my own personal goals.

LRH: All right. Okay, all right. Now, do you feel better about that?

PC: Mm-km.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Well, I saw this as a good opportunity to get a few goals nulled on you, hm?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: Is that all right?

PC: Yeah, that’s fine.

LRH: All right, very good.

Well, your tone arm’s come down to 3.75. All right, now let’s see what we can get here in the way of goals, all right?

PC: Mm.

LRH: Now we just-we have just hit a goal here, number 816…

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: …and it was-had some pain on it and gave a good solid bang.

PC: Mm.

LRH: All right, let’s see if there aren’t some more on this list like that, okay?

PC: Right, uh-huh, mm.

LRH: All right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. Here’s the next one: To not have things sadden me. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? Has anything on that goal been suggested? Is there anything on that-all right, what was that? I got a read, a suggested.

PC: Well, that’s more or less in my family as a suggested goal. Everyone considers that very vitally important, to always be happy and never be saddened by anything

LRH: All right, very good. Thank you. On the goal to not have things sadden me, has anything been suggested? Okay, there’s a tiny slow, is there something more you’d care to say on that?

PC: Well, let me put it this way, it - actually that wasn’t quite true, it’s my father’s Side of the family…

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: … that this was always suggested.

LRH: All right, thank you. All right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Has anything on that goal been suggested? Okay, there’s still a little bit of a tick, something more there?

PC: Well, I suggested it, I brought it down, to that degree.

LRH: Attagirl. All right. On the goal to not have things sadden me, has anything been suggested? Okay. On the goal to not have things sadden me, has anything been suppressed? Okay, have you got a little suppression there? There.

PC: Um, the only thing I can think of is I’m fond of Russian novels. I like Russian literature but it always saddens me, so it goes against that goal, do you see what I mean?

LRH: All right, all right. All right, on that goal, has anything been suppressed? Okay, all right, we got a needle kicking up here. Have you done something in this session, are you withholding something? Something right there. What is that? There it is.

PC: Um…

LRH: There it is, bang, that. There it is.

PC: I thought of it-actually what it is, I’m not so much sad as sort of a - it’s a bit of an-of unkind consideration with regard to the students downstairs, you see.

LRH: All right, what is it?

PC: And it’s merely that some of them - uh, you know, are-I do not mind them knowing me, you know, really knowing me. Others I do not care to have them know me. I’m sort of selective in whom I wish to - to have my case acquainted to.

LRH: All right, very good. All right, is there anything else you’ve done there? No, that’s .

PC: As an overt? Hm.

LRH: … appears clean now, all right. Thank you. We’ll carry on with this now. All right, on the goal, to not have things sadden me, has anything been suppressed?

PC: Don’t think so.

LRH: Hmm?

PC: Don’t think so.

LRH: Don’t think so?

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: All right, you’re getting a scattery, scattery needle here, you’re busy thinking and…

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: Really?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: I wonder if it could be those cans. You know, they did have a short in them.

PC: Possibly, I don’t notice it.

LRH: You’re throwing them around pretty hard.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. I know that chair’s uncomfortable but there’s nothing you can do with that chain.

PC: No.

LRH: All right, would you like me to get you another chair?

PC: No, no, that’s fine. See that…

LRH: I could get you that captain’s chair in there.

PC: No, I am perfectly comfortable in this chair.

LRH: You are?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right, very good. All right, let me see if we can’t carry on here with this, okay?

PC: Mm-hmm.

LRH: On the goal to not have things sadden me, has anything been suppressed? Okay, do you agree that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Very good. To not have things sadden me. Okay, that is out.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay? The next is, „To recover from“ - all right, you got a little bit of an overt there?

PC: I just wondered what is the next one.

LRH: Is this upsetting-very upsetting to you that somebody else might hear these goals? They’re not bad goals, I see nothing wrong with them.

PC: l know, l know, but-uft-um…

LRH: What are you doing, suppressing them, or what?

PC: Well, I feel-no the only thing I can say on this, I feel that they-are-have little extent to do with me, that they’re like me, you see.

LRH: Right.

PC: And to that degree I have myself identified with them. And just as I wouldn’t loan out my clothing, or something like that, to someone else, so I don’t like to - to give my - me, parts of me, out indiscriminately, you see what I mean?

LRH: All right.

PC: But I do -I’m not worried about that really.

LRH: You’re not worried about that.

PC: It seems to me, yeah, since I told you about that, it doesn’t seem to be any concern.

LRH: All right.

PC: It’s just that I was wondering, what is this? I couldn’t remember it-to recover.

LRH: All right, they’re perfectly good goals, there’s nothing wrong. All right?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: :Here’s the next one. To recover from depression. Has anything on that goat been suppressed? Thank you. That is out. To recover. Has that goal been suppressed? Thank you. Any stray thought there?

PC: I just wondered what I thought I was - what I put the goal down in reference to, to recover. From what?

LRH: All right. Okay. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? All right, there’s a little more suppression. There’s a tick.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: What is that?

PCUm - well it’s sort of - um - what I thought there is, is that-um-Mother and family, you know, suppressing recovery as a child merely to the degree that - um - in believing that after an illness or something like that, precautions were always necessary, you see what I mean, so they sort of repress one’s recovery and repress the goal to that extent.

LRH: All right. I see. All right, okay. Thank you. We’ll see if that’s clean now. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay. To recover. Okay. That is out.

PC: Mmm.

LRH: Okay. To be unaffected. Has that-has that goal been suppressed? Okay. That is out. Okay. You had another slam there for a moment. Any overt?

PC: Mm-mm.

LRH: Nothing.

PC: Well, I wondered who it was who went upstairs there, someone walking in the upstairs hall.

LRH: Oh, you wondered who it was upstairs?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Yeah, bang, bang. Okay. Probably Sang, huh?

PC: Sang, yeah.

LRH: All right, okay. To not be tied down. Has that goal been invalidated? Has anything on that goal been suggested? There’s a slight suggestion.

PC: Uh - the words in that - um - that’s more or less-uh-sort of a-a colloquial type of expression.

LRH: All right.

PC: You know.

LRH: Thank you.

PC: Suggested by the locale and the people and what have you.

LRH: All right. Has anything on that goal been suggested? Okay. Equivocal. Has anything on that goal been suggested? There’s still a-one-there’s still some suggestion on that.

PC: Possibly my mother-um…

LRH: Okay. All right. Does that answer the question?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, very good. On the goal, to not be tied down, has anything been suggested? Okay. That’s a bit equivocal. On the goal, to not be tied down, has anything been suggested? Okay, thank you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: On this goal, is there anything you’ve failed to reveal?

PC: Don’t think so.

LRH: All right, thank you. In this session, is there anything you have done? There it is. What are you sitting on there? Are you worried about something?

PC: Moved my hands, I suppose, you know. I mean…

LRH: All right.

PC: I’ve not kept still.

LRH: All right.

PC: Um - nothing else I can think of

LRH: You don’t think anything else there, eh?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: But you had moved your hands.

PC: Yes. I had.

LRH: All right, thank you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now, in this session, have you committed an overt?

PC: Being-possibly from being-by being late for it, but that’s not in the session. But I thought in this session that I was late for the session and I didn’t quite know I was going to get-but…

LRH: All right.

PC. … I thought, well, I was late for it.

LRH: All right, thank you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. In this session have you committed an overt?

PC: Well, having a rock slam turn on, that’s an overt.

LRH: All right, thank you. Okay, we’ll get along here and see how we can make this, okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. To not be tied down. All right. On this goal’s anything you have failed to reveal? Yes. What have you failed to reveal?

PC: Well, I suppose that - uh - to not be tied down means not to have - um - unwanted responsibilities that I don’t want.

LRH: Oh I see. All right, thank you. On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay, that’s good enough. On this goal has a mistake been made? Okay. Equivocal. On this goal has a mistake been made? Okay. There’s a mistake here somewhere.

PC: Merely to the degree that I don’t think it adequately expresses exactly what I was trying to state.

LRH: All right, thank you. On this goal, has a mistake been made? All right. On this goal, has a mistake been made? Okay. To not be tied down. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay, do you agree with that? Got any stray thoughts on this?

PC: No stray thoughts, really.

LRH: All right, thank you. That is out. So the next is: To be anything at will. Has anything on that goal been invalidated?

PC: Yes, I invalidated that „at will,“ that’s that funny thing, sounds-at will.

LRH: All right. Okay, thank you Open your eyes. I believe there is a short in those cans.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: It keeps knocking around. I have another set right here.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: The fact that you do not like the larger can… There you are.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Okay. On the goal to be anything at will, has anything been invalidated? Okay. On the goal to be anything at will, has anything been suppressed? Okay. To be anything at will. Thank you, that is out.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: To get a new body. On this goal has anything been suppressed? Thank you, that is out. What are you thinking so hard?

PC: Well, I wondered when I had thought I want - when I have had that goal this lifetime or whether it was an in-between lifetime goal, you know, sort of when?

LRH: All right.

PC: When is the when?

LRH: Okay, all right, thank you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. To know what to do with my next life. On this goal has anything been invalidated? On this goal has anything been suggested? On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? On this goal has a mistake been made? To know what to do with my next life. On this goal has anything been suppressed? Okay. To know what to do with my next life. All right. On this goal has anything been invalidated? Anything, any new thought?

PC: Well, I don’t know what to do with my next life, I mean it’s still - uh - a bit unsolved in that I still-h…..

LRH: All right. Okay. On this goal, has anything been invalidated. That’s a little halt there. Anything else?

PC: Well, it’s sort of-I thought to myself then, „Why, it’s jumping the gun a bit isn’t it ?“ you know? I haven’t-I haven’t gotten my goals run out this - you know, for the past so many trillion years, and here I am already thinking - uh - plotting for my next actions.

LRH: Okay.

PC: … you know what I mean? It’s sort of like the cart before the horse.

LRH: All right. On this goal has anything been invalidated? Equivocal read. Are you thinking of something else very hard?

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: On this goal has anything been invalidated? Okay. On this goal has anything been suggested? On this goal has anything been suggested? All right, a little bit of a rise there, a speeded rise. Anything else?

PC: Hmmm, I thought that I would - uh -I’ve suggested to myself that I would like to go to a different planet next life and - uh -I’ve suggested that I would like to stay away from cold countries and then I’ve suggested that I would-don’t think I would like to have a biological body next life.

LRH: Okay.

PC: And - uh - those, I made those suggestions.

LRH: All right, thank you. On this goal has anything been suggested? Okay, any other stray thought on that?

PC: No, just - uh -I-um - very definitely, in looking at my thought flows, I don’t think I want to be on Earth again, I’d like to be someplace else.

LRH: All right, very good. All right, on this goal is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? I got something there, possibly it isn’t failed to reveal, but.

PC: Well, the only thing is I haven’t revealed to myself where the elsewherenesses are, you know…

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: … or where I’d like to go.

LRH: Okay. On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay, any other thought?

PC: Well, I thought that-um-I would like to um-avoid the-um-more or less the Anglo-Saxon civilization, you know - in my next life.

LRH: Yeah, all right.

PC: But I don’t see how one can sort of avoid it if one’s on Earth, you see, and I’ll always have the idea of Coca-Cola following me, being posted everywhere, in every mud hut throughout the world. That sort of thing.

LRH: All right, all right. On this goal-on this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay. On this goal has a mistake been made? All right. To know what to do in my next life. On this goal has anything been suppressed? Okay, that is out.

PC: All right.

LRH: Now, have you had any pain or sensation or anything like that while doing these goals?

PC: Um, that last one, a bit of sensation.

LRH: Had sen on it, huh? All right, very good. And it fired once all by itself. Hence the time I spent on it-it had a rocket read…

PC: Oh, it did.

LRH: …for a moment, but it was a little bit of a ragged rocket read but it’s all right. And your TA came down to 3.2 there for a moment. It’s gone a little bit up now, all right?

PC: That’s very good.

LRH: Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, you’re doing quite well. That was less withholds than can short.

PC: Oh, good.

LRH: So, you can stop worrying about that.

PC: All right.

LRH: All right, we’re doing all right here. Not the record-breaking speed that we might ordinarily expect but, under the circumstances.

PC: Under stress… I think it’s all right.

PC: … symptoms of stress.

LRH: Okay?

PC: All right. That’s all right.

LRH: All right.

PC: I’m getting some nulled and that’s all right and I’m happy

LRH: No matter how!

PC: No matter how slow or how fast or…

LRH: Okay, honey. Okay, here we go. To recover a zest for life. Has that goal been invalidated? Has anything on that goal been suggested? Equivocal. On that goal has anything been suggested? On that goal is there anything you failed to reveal? On that goal has a mistake been made? Okay

To recover a zest for life. All right, on that goal-on that goal has anything been suppressed? Okay. To recover a zest for life. All right. Any stray thoughts while we’ve been doing this?

PC: Yes, I thought - uh - that it sounds sort of funny, semantically, to recover a - a zest for life. You could take it two ways, you see. A zest for lift - that means a zest for all of life.

LRH: I see.

PC: You see and then recover a zest meaning recover a-um-an enthusiasm for lift. You see what I mean - there’s two different things.

LRH: Yeah, all right, okay. Double-entendre.

PC: Yes. Hmmm.

LRH: All right, I’m going to read it again because it fired. It’s odd to see two together that fire. All right. To recover a zest for life. Okay, that is out. Any pain or sensation?

PC: No.

LRH: All right. To recover a joy in living. Has that goal been suppressed?

PC: Suppressed laughing, you know.

LRH: Hmm?

PC: Suppressed laughing, you know. It was so funny.

LRH: All right. Okay. I asked you the wrong question. Has that goal been invalidated?

PC: Well, yes, laughingly.

LRH: All right, thank you. Has that goal been invalidated? Is there anything on that goal-is there anything on that goal that’s been suggested? Okay. Is there anything on that goal you’ve failed to reveal? All right. On that goal has a mistake been made? Okay, any mistake?

PC: Hm-mm. I don’t think so.

LRH: All right, very good. On that goal has a mistake been made? Okay, I’m just cleaning a clean on you there.

To recover a joy in living. Has that goal been suppressed? Okay, that is out and it fired once. Was there any pain on it or sensation?

PC: No.

LRH: There wasn’t?

PC: No.

LRH: All right, thank you.

PC: You asked that aft-and after the fact I get a pain in my shoulder. After the fact of answering the question, the pain came in my shoulder.

LRH: It did, huh?

PC: Yeah. I said no and wham!

LRH: All right. And here we are, well, you’ve gotten ten of them…

PC: Good.

LRH: - . - going, all right. All right, here’s the next one: To influence matter with thought. Has that goal been suppressed? To influence matter with thought. Any stray thoughts on that goal?

PC: Yes, I would rather sort of-um-liking to - um - to even produce matter with thought, too, to create matter with thought, you know.

LRH: Oh, yeah.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. Okay. To influence matter with thought. Has that goal been suppressed? Okay, that is out. To influence the body with thought. Has that goal been suppressed? Thank you, that is out.

What did you think of there in the middle of the run?

PC: I thought, well, I-I’ve been able to do that to a degree, you know.

LRH: Oh, you thought you had done that?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, very good. Thank you. To accomplish all through the mind. Has that goal been suppressed? All right, any thought of suppression there?

PC: Well, it-um-to suppress thinking-um-all through the mind-sounded funny, I was wondering what, what, what it meant.

LRH: To accomplish all through the mind.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right, sounded funny so you…

PC: Yeah, sort of suppressed - wondering what’s that…

LRH: All right, thank you.

PC: What, what, what?

LRH: All right. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? All right. To accomplish all through the mind. Okay, that is out. What was your afterthought there?

PC: I don’t know. Didn’t-didn’t pick anything up. I thought well, it was out, that’s all.

LRH: Oh, you did think that it was out.

PC: Yeah, yeah, it was out.

LRH: It registered up on the meter. All right, thank you. Okay. To get out of the realm of thought into the realm of action. All right. Equivocal. To get out of the realm of thought into the realm of action. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? All right. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: Yes, I thought that was the goal before this lift.

LRH: Oh, all right, thank you. In this session ~s there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay. There might be another…

PC: It’s not that-that is ….

LRH: There might be another something there. It didn’t read but this is a wiggly needle all of a sudden.

PC: Well, the only thing I can think is that on that last - uh - the goal I thought to create - to create matter with thought. And perhaps that should-I wanted to add that to my goals list.

LRH: Oh, you forgot to add that-tell me.

PC: And I refrained from telling you.

LRH: Oh, all right. And what is it?

PC: To create matter through thought.

LRH: To create matter with…

PC: With thought is what I mean.

LRH: … with thought. Very good. Perfect.

PC: Yea.

LRH: All right?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: To get out of the realm of thought into the realm of action. All right. Has anything on that goal been invalidated?

PC: Well, I didn’t make it.

LRH: All right, thank you.

PC: And I don’t, particularly, at the present moment want to accomplish that goal. That’s - uh - that’s an in between - this is a before this life goal, do you see that?

LRH: Oh, thank you.

PC: I’m not interested in accomplishing it now. I’ve only put it on my list because it is one I have had.

LRH: All right. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? Okay. On that goal has anything been suppressed? All right. To get out of the realm of thought into the realm of action. All right. On that goal has anything been suggested? On that goal is there anything you failed to reveal? Something?

PC: Umm…

LRH: There it is.

PC: Well, that goes with the-uh-that goal goes with the-the ranch and the-and the cattle and - uh - and - um - and the cowboys and that type of thing. See-uh - I failed to reveal all the paraphernalia that was supposed to - to have accomplished the goal in order for the goal to be attained.

LRH: Okay. All right. On that goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay, any stray thought there?

PC: Yes and I thought-uh-and the oil wells - there should have been some oil wells thrown in with the cattle and the ranch and the cowboys.

LRH: All right. Okay. On that goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay. How’s that seem to you?

PC: I don’t think there is anything else.

LRH: All right, thank you. On that goal has a mistake been made? Okay. Very good. To get out of the realm of thought into the realm of action. Equivocal. To get out of the realm of thought into the realm of action. All right. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay, that is out.

Okay. To have a body that could stand up to the sun. Has that goal been suppressed? Okay, that is out.

To have an outdoor-type body. That is equivocal. To have an outdoor-type body. Has that goal been suppressed? Thank you. Any stray thoughts on that?

PC: No, I just thought that-um-well, I was thinking that there was a better one-type of body-you know, that can-that they-can withstand all the-um-cold and heat and-and sandstorms and an awful lot of… They - they’re a pretty strong biological body type.

LRH: All right.

PC: I didn’t want to look like a better one, mind you, but I wanted a body that would stand up to those factors.

LRH: All right. To do dashing things. Has that goal been invalidated? Has anything on that goal been suggested? Is there anything on that goal you’ve failed to reveal? On that goal has a mistake been made? Okay. To do dashing things. Equivocal. To do dashing things. Okay. On that goal has anything been suppressed? All right. On that goal has anything been invalidated? There’s an invalidation.

PC: Oh, yes. I have a sort of dashing things associated with-um-sort of a time of um-carriages and horses and this sort of thing and one doesn’t do dashing things in a mechanical age, you see what I mean.

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: Everything is sort of scientific and dry. It’s the wrong-I think it’s the wrong time for such a goal.

LRH: All right, thank you. All right. Has that goal - has that goal been invalidated? Okay. Thank you.

Is anything on that goal that you have failed to reveal? Anything you failed to reveal? I don’t have a reading here, I just have a slam.

PC: Hmm.

LRH: I just had one.

PC: No, I always get a picture of a horse rearing when I think of that, you know.

LRH: Of a horse running.

PC: Of a horse rearing.

LRH: Rearing!

PC: You see, and sort of riding sidesaddle on a horse with long skirts and-well, I can see the horse is - is this - you know, he’s sort of black and there’s foam in his mouth and his eyes are wild and rearing and …….

LRH: Okay. Is that what you failed to reveal?

PC: Yeah, I ha-always with you-every time you read that, I had this picture about that.

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay. On the goal to do dashing things is there anything you have failed to reveal? Something else.

PC: Mmm. I suppose that I feel, too, there’s a lot of the dash is taken out of one in our present civilization. There isn’t much - there isn’t much dash left available to one after one has survived-uh-sort of childhood and - uh - and modern educational system and that sort of thing. It sort of leaves everyone sort of pallid and-and very undashing. Hmmm.

LRH: Well, all right. Very good.

PC: Hmmm.

LRH: Is there anything on that goal you have failed to reveal? Okay, thank you.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: On that goal has a mistake been made? Can you think of any mistake? Stray thought.

PC: Yes, I think that the goal would have better been „To be dashing“ rather than „To do dashing things.“

LRH: You want that goal on your list?

PC: No, I don’t. Hm-mm.

LRH: All right. Thank you.

On that goal has a mistake been made? Okay, there’s still a little something on that.

PC: Hmmm. Well, one other mistake is what sort of things, what do I mean by, you know, „dashing things“?

LRH: All right.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. On that goal has a mistake been made? Okay. To do dashing things. On that goal has anything been suppressed? Okay. Some suppression. What is it?

PC: Dashing, you see, is that-um-I’m with these high heel shoes, stiletto heel shoes - one can’t very well be dashing, you see what I mean. Otherwise you leave heels stuck in - in grates or floors or…

LRH: All right.

PC: … or you lose your shoes or something. They’re dangerous - um - dangerous instruments to go dashing about in.

LRH: Okay. All right. On that goal has a mistake been made? All right. A little slow there.

PC: Hmmmm. What I thought there is, I thought we were-um-we were-we were on suppressed, I think. But I thought I answered suppressed.

LRH: Well, you probably did, honey. I’m very sorry.

PC: All right. Hmmm.

LRH: All right. Let me check this anyway.

PC: All right, fine.

LRH: On this goal has a mistake been made? Okay. That’s all right. On this goal has anything been suppressed? All right. That’s clean anyhow.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: All right. I beg your pardon.

PC: That’s all right, no.

LRH: I think-I’m afraid I got interested in your goal.

PC: All right, that’s okay. It is all yours.

LRH: All right. Okay.

To do dashing things. All right. Ha! A rocket read!

PC: Really? What do you know!

LRH: On that goal has anything been invalidated? A little something there.

PC: I thought - um - well, I invalidated a little bit to the - to the degree in thinking-um-that would be a nice goal to have. But then I thought, but what a poor time and place in the physical universe to have it. Or try to accomplish it, you see?

LRH: All right, okay. On that goal has anything been invalidated? Okay. On that goal has anything been suggested? All right. You got a stray thought there? I don’t say there is one, but… All right. On that goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay. On that goal has a mistake been made? All right. On that goal has anything been suppressed? All right.

To do dashing things. To do dashing things. To do dashing things. Mmmm-very intriguing. This goal’s firing. All right, let’s see what we got here.

PC: All right. It’d be funny if we did get one goal.

LRH: All right. Let me clear up a couple of random rudiments here, okay? Different rudiments.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: On this goal has anything been asserted? Okay. On this goal has there been a confusion? On this goal has there been a confusion? Okay. On this goal has anything been protested? Equivocal. On this goal has anything been protested? Okay. Have you got any stray answers to any of these things?

PC: Uh-uh.

LRH: All right. On this goal-on this goal has anything been suppressed? Okay. Check that again. On this goal has anything been suppressed? Okay. On this goal has anything been invalidated? On this goal has anything been suggested? Now, what was that fire?

PC: I sort of heaved an inward sigh. I’ve sort of been a little bit holding my breath on these questions and I sort of noticed-I’m not actually aware of holding my breath but suddenly I noticed, well, I’m not breathing, so I…

LRH: Okay. On this goal has anything been suggested? Okay. On this goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right. On this goal has a mistake been made? All right. Any mistake on this?

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: I just got a tiny thing that might have been a speeded rise.

PC: Um - yes, I thought I’m being very careful to hold my cans, see, now, I don’t want any mistake to be made.

LRH: Uh-huh.

PC: And-uh-to that degree I’m sort of making a mistake in being so careful.

LRH: All right, thank you. All right, any stray thoughts here?

PC: No, the only thing I did think is, is that - my, how interesting it is that I never would have-have thought that goal-you see, it isn’t one of my favorite suspected-pc suspected goals, you see. One that - that every - you know pcs have that are their favorite little things. And this is totally un - unsuspecting, that it would be firing.

LRH: All right. Okay. Well, let’s see how it’s doing now. I’m going to read it three times.

All right. To do dashing things. To do dashing things. To do dashing things. All right. On this goal has anything been suppressed? All right. On this goal has anything been invalidated? Suggested? What have you suggested on this goal?

PC: Well, I suggested to myself then, well, I wonder whether it reacted or didn’t react the last time. That’s all.

LRH: All right. Thank you. On this goal has anything been suggested? Okay. On this goal has a mistake been made? Equivocal. On this goal has a mistake been made? There’s a little mistake here.

PC: Hmm.

LRH: It’s there. There. Something’s kicking there.

PC: Well, the only mistake I can think of is I certainly have had - uh - is it - uh - it’s the wrong time to be born to have that type of goal. Do you see what I mean? And so the only mistake is me, in this body now. Hmmm.

LRH: All right. On this goal has a mistake been made? All right, very good. On this goal has any-has anything been suppressed? All right.

To do dashing things. To do dashing things. To do dashing things. To do dashing things. All right. It is clean.

PC: Oh? Pity.

LRH: All right. Did you have any pain or sensation on that goal?

PC: Um-a bit of sensation, I suppose, yes.

LRH: Was it sensation?

PC: Mm-hm, sort of - um - a little bit of um - sadness.

LRH: All right. Sen and a picture?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right.

PC: Sen and a picture.

LRH: All right, thank you. Well, that’s getting interesting, wasn’t it?

PC: Yeah. Oh, shucks. All right.

LRH: Okay, honey. Here we go. Here’s your next goal: To be a bandit leader in Mexico. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Equivocal. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay. Any stray thoughts?

PC: Umm. The only thing l thought of then is that I’m not Mexican, so that makes it difficult to be a leader of bandits in Mexico.

LRH: All right, okay. Thank you.

Here’s the next goal: To never be a circus performer. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay, thank you. That is out. Any stray thoughts?

PC: Oh, I can’t stand-I couldn’t stand it-I think - um - the circus is a most unglamorous thing. Who would want to be out there and strain one’s muscles endlessly the way those poor people do.

LRH: All right. Okay.

PC: They practice and practice and practice and practice. It takes them five years or something to perfect the - the little old thing of standing on their hands and walking on a-on a platform 200 feet off the ground. You see, no - hm-mm.

LRH: Ohhh. All right. Good enough. All right. You’d be interested, by the way, that your TA just came down to 2.7, lowest I’ve ever seen it.

PC: Oh, good, very good.

LRH: All right? Here’s the next one, baby: To be a Southern belle. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? Equivocal. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? All right. On that goal has anything been suggested? Yeah, what’s the suggestion, if any?

PC: Um - really that - um -I’m - I’m from the Southwest, you see, so that, I’m not quite-cannot quite classify as a Southern belle. I’m a Southwestern belle.! should have been born in Kentucky or someplace like that.

LRH: All right. On that goal has anything been suggested? All right. Do you have a thought then?

PC: Yeah, I thought that the thing that suggested it is - um - winding rivers and - and a - plantations and weeping willow trees.

LRH: All right. Okay. On that goal has anything been suggested? Okay. On that goal was there anything you’ve failed to reveal? On that goal has a mistake been made? On that goal has anything been suppressed? To be a Southern belle. All right. To be a Southern belle. Hmmm. All right. I’ve marked it out.

All right. Here’s your next one: To own a plantation. Has that goal been invalidated? All right, any invalidation there?

PC: Um, that is invalidated in that I did have a plantation on the track.

LRH: All right, thank you.

PC: … but I didn’t - but I didn’t get a chance to own it too long due to unfortunate circumstances.

LRH: All right. Okay. On that goal has anything been invalidated? Okay. On that goal has anything been suggested? Okay. On that goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? On that goal has a mistake been made? There’s a mistake, what is it?

PC: That they’ve cut out a lot of the-they used to do a lot of farming of cotton on the plantations and they used to do a lot of sugar cane growing but that’s been cut out now and who would imagine having a plantation - most of - a lot of in the South - a lot of the plantations have been turned mostly into rice paddies and one can’t imagine one having rice - a plantation of rice paddies, you see what I mean. That-that should be associated totally with the Chinese and not with the - not with the southern part of the United States.

LRH: Okay. All right. On the goal to own a plantation has a mistake been made? Another one? Something there?

PC: I don’t see anything other than what I was already referring to - there is a plantation in the old sense of the word and that’s impossible in this day and age.

LRH: All right. All right. Okay. On that goal has a mistake been made? Okay. I’m going to check that again. On that goal has a mistake been made? All right. To own a plantation. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay. To own a plantation. We’re getting random reads around the end of this thing. Is there anything on this goal you’ve failed to reveal? I don’t say there is.

PC: Hm-mm.

LRH: All right. To own-to own a plantation. Now, in this session is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: I don’t have that goal now.

LRH: Oh!

PC: Hmm.

LRH: Small thing like that.

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. Okay. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay, thank you. Let’s check this again. Th own a plantation. To own a plantation. Okay. On that goal has anything been suppressed? Okay, thank you. That is out.

To own a ranch in Spain. All right, in this session is there anything you have failed to reveal?

PC: Yeah, I failed to reveal that was the next goal coming up, that certainly shocked me.

LRH: Oh, really?

PC: I thought, „What!“

LRH: All right. I’ll read it again. To own a ranch in Spain. Okay. To own a ranch in Spain. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay. Any stray thoughts here?

PC: Hmm. How about that-um-I’d like to - um - to own a ranch in Spain doesn’t quite communicate exactly what it was I was trying to communicate. I was trying to communicate to own a ranch and to raise bulls, see, for bullrings around the world and that sort of thing.

LRH: All right.

PC: Yes.

LRH: You want to put that…

PC: No, no, no I just uh…

LRH: Well, uh…

PC: I can’t quite express it-to be-I don’t know how to say to, you know, to be one of the old families that - of Spain that raised-that raised bulls for a means for generation after generation, you know.

LRH: Oh, all right. Okay, let’s check the thing over now.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: To own a ranch in Spain. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Did you hit suppression or something else?

PC: No, my only thought there is that-um - um - present day conditions in Spain are not very conducive to humans, sort of you know?

LRH: Oh, all right. All right, here we go. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay, a trifle bit slow, there might be something else there.

PC: And I thought the goal was suppressed when I was in Spain and got so sick on my drinking their water.

LRH: Ohh!

PC: You see, if I can’t drink their water then I certainly shouldn’t be there sort of owning a ranch in Spain type of thing

LRH: All right, all right. On that goal has anything been suppressed? Okay. Any stray thoughts there at all? All right. To own a ranch in Spain. To own a ranch in Spain. Okay, that is out.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: To ride a donkey sideways. Has anything-has anything on that goal been suppressed? To ride a donkey sideways. All right. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? Is there anything on that goal been suggested? What’s the suggestion?

PC: Well, I suggested it. The only thing is, it’s really to ride a donkey sideways under a great big straw hat. And that’s


LRH: All right. On that goal has anything been suggested? Okay, anything else?

PC: Well, I thought it isn’t exactly a whole track goal…

LRH: All right.

PC: . .I suggested to myself.

LRH: Thank you. On that goal has anything been suggested? Okay. To ride a donkey sideways. All right. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? Equivocal. Anything on that goal been invalidated? All right, anything else there? Invalidation? Perhaps a read, perhaps not?

PC: No, I don’t think so, I can’t think of any invalidation.

LRH: All right, very good.

PC: I haven’t done it, that’s invalidating, I mean that makes sense.

LRH: Okay, I was probably cleaning a clean there, I’m very sorry.

PC: That’s all right, but I haven’t accomplished it yet.

LRH: All right. On that goal has anything been suggested? Okay. On that goal is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? There’s something there.

PC: Yes, I failed to reveal that this is what I-this is what l wanted to do. I-is-the rest of the story on the donkey is that - that I want to go through all islands in the Mediterranean, you know, going from one island to the next island by, of course, boat, but when I’m on the island is that I want to ride a donkey sideways sitting under a straw hat all over the island and see all along the islands. So, it’s more complicated to.

LRH: All right. All right, I get you now. All right. Okay. On that goal has anything been suggested? There might be another something there.

PC: Well, I suggested that I don’t want to-I didn’t want to use modern transportation on these old islands and on some of them that you cannot anyway, there are no sort of roads or hm mm.

LRH: All right. Very good. On that goal is there something you’ve failed to reveal? I don’t know what that was. On that goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay. On that goal has a mistake been made? Yes?

PC: Well, yes, it doesn’t communicate the - the totality, but that would mean rewording it so long that it wouldn’t be a goal anyway

LRH: All right. On that goal has a mistake been made? On that goal has anything been invalidated? What’s the invalidation?

PC: That’s simply that I haven’t done it.

LRH: All right. Thank you very much. On that goal has anything been invalidated? All right. To ride a donkey sideways. Has that goal been suppressed? Thank you. That is out.

To own vast acres of land. Has that goal been suppressed? Thank you, that is out.

To ride over my land. Has that goal been invalidated? On that goal has anything been suggested? On that goal is there anything you failed to reveal? All right, there might be something there.

PC: Well, that-um-I have to have the land to ride over; too, you see.

LRH: All right, all right. On that goal is there anything that you failed to reveal? Okay. On that goal has a mistake been made? All right. Any stray thoughts?

PC: The only thing I thought there is a strange thing, is that anytime I see lots and lots and lots of land stretching out I always, you know, I always do have some sort of feeling of ownership for it, whether I own it or not, I do own it. I have a feeling of ownership for it.

LRH: All right, thank you.

To ride over my land. On that goal has anything been suppressed? Thank you. That is out.

To keep all orderly. On that goal has anything been suppressed? Thank you. That is out.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Okay? Here’s the next goal: To have someone to talk to. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Check it again. To have someone to talk to. All right. On that goal is there anything you’ve failed to reveal?

PC: Hmm-I just wondered what I mean by it. I have-I have failed to reveal it to myself What do I mean by it.

LRH: All right, thank you. All right. On that goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right, thank you. To have someone to talk to. Okay. On that goal has anything been suppressed? Okay, that is out.

To find a true friend. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? All right. On that goal has anything been suggested? On that goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? All right, anything you’ve failed to reveal there?

PC: No, but knowing how-uh-knowing how people’s minds work - their busy little, mean little, nasty little minds .

LRH: What’s that?

PC: I don’t think that-um-I don’t think it’s possible to - to find a real, true friend.

LRH: Oh, all right.

PC: You know?

LRH: Okay. All right. On that goal is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay. To find a true friend. Has that goal been suppressed? Okay, that is out.

To not have to keep up appearances. Has that goal been suppressed? Check that. Has that goal been suppressed? Okay. To not have to keep up appearances. All right. Any stray thoughts there?

PC: No, but what I thought is that-um-um - what I thought when I had the goal and that was-uh-wearing blue jeans and sloppy sweaters and that sort of thing and - uh - as a kid and my mother always objected to that.

LRH: Well, all right.

PC: And-uh-that’s all.

LRH: Okay. All right. I’m going to check it again. To not have to keep up appearances. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay, that is out.

I am going to null on down to the bottom of this page…

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: … and then we will end-on through the session, I’ve got a half a dozen goals here or more. Okay?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right.

To not have to withhold. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? All right. To not have to withhold. Okay, that is out.

To feel and express how I feel. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? Has anything on that goal been suggested? All right, suggestion?

PC: Well, it sort of sounds suggested that I-that I can’t, but I can.

LRH: All right, very good.

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Has anything on that goal been suggested? All right, there’s something a little more, just a hair maybe.

PC: I’ve sort of forgotten what it is.

LRH: All right, to feel and express how I feel.

PC: To feel and to express how I feel. Oh. Doesn’t make much sense and I just suggested that.

LRH: All right, thank you. Has anything on that goal been suggested? All right. To feel and express how I feel. Equivocal. To feel and express how I feel. Okay. That goal is out.

To not have to protect identities. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay, a little suppression.

PC: Yeah, sort of just trying not to be so protective of identities. That would be suppressing the goal to - um - what is it on?

LRH: To not have to protect identities.

PC: Well, protecting them. The children and - um…

LRH: Oh, I see. All right. Thank you.

PC: … the staff.

LRH: To not have to protect identities. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? All right. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? Is there anything on that goal you’ve suggested? On that goal is there anything you’ve failed to reveal? On that goal has a mistake been made? To not have to protect identities. On that goal has anything been suppressed? All right, what’s the suppression? There.

PC: Hm mm. Well, doing so, that suppresses the goal, doesn’t it? Doing so that suppresses the goal.

LRH: All right, thank you. Ill read the goal again. To not have to protect identities. Equivocal. To not have to protect identities. All right. Has anything in this goal been invalidated? Has anything in this goal been suggested? Is there anything in this goal you’ve failed to reveal? On-what’s that? Failed to reveal. Something.

PC: Well, I suddenly do realize is - that I don’t go around protecting my own identity but I certainly do protect other people’s identities, you see what I mean?

LRH: All right.

PC: Mm-hm, protecting their bodies and other people’s identities and that sort of thing.

LRH: All right. All right. Is there anything in this goal you’ve failed-anything in this goal you’ve failed to reveal? Okay. Thank you. On this goal has a mistake been made? Equivocal. On this goal has a mistake been made? Okay, thank you. On this goal has anything been suppressed? Little more suppression.

PC: Mmm. Well, sort of I wish we’d get over it.

LRH: Hmm?

PC: I wish we’d get-um-off this one. I’m -I’m not too fond of this one.

LRH: All right. Thank you.

PC: That’s all.

LRH: On this goal has anything been suppressed? There’s still a suppression on here.

PC: Can’t think of anything now.

LRH: There it is.

PC: I suppose the identity known as a mother always suppresses that with, you know - assuming that identity one would have to suppress that goal.

LRH: All right, okay. On that goal has anything been suppressed? Ah, thank you. To not have to protect identities. Okay. That is out. Any thoughts you had on that?

PC: Hmm-mm.

LRH: All right, thank you. Now, actually I’m going to do just one more goal and that is the end of the line.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Here it is: To have people love me. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? I will check it again. To have people love me. Has anything on that goal been invalidated? Has anything on that goal been suggested? What’s that? Suggested.

PC: Hmmm. Sort of that people love thy neighbors and-and have thy neighbors love thee - type of thing.

LRH: All right.

PC: That’s all.

LRH: Okay. Has anything on that goal been suggested? Okay. To have people love me. All right. Has anything on that goal been suppressed? Okay, that is out.

All right. Now, is there anything you care to say before we end this nulling session?

PC: Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hmm.

LRH: Hmmm?

PC: I enjoyed it.

LRH: All right. It wasn’t quite as bad as it might have been.

PC: No.

LRH: All right, let’s see where we wound up. We, by the way, had a very interesting tone arm area here. I think we were quite low for a while. It’s down at 2.7 again.

PC: Ohh. Hmmmph.

LRH: Okay? You have any somatics? Feel all right?

PC: I feel fine.

LRH: You do?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Here we go, into the end rudiments. In this session-in this session have you told me any half-truth, untruth or said something only to impress me? Or tried to damage anyone? All right. In this session is there something you have done? Yes, what is it?

PC: Um-I have a hard time with these cans. I always feel that - uh - you know…

LRH: Yeah, they’re too big for you.

PC: … they’re too big. And then I always feel that’s - that - um - that I’m doing something by holding these cans. I feel it’s an overt on the auditor because I-I’m not ever sure that I’m ever keeping my hands still on it, do you see what I mean?

LRH: All right, okay. Thank you. I’ll recheck this question. In this session have you tried to damage someone? Well, we’re still pumping on something. I’ll clean this other failed to reveal. All right. In this session is there anything you have failed to reveal? Okay, in this session have you tried to damage anyone? Okay?

PC: Blacks?

LRH: All right.

PC: Did I ever try to damage any? Um…

LRH: Something there, bang, we just hit on something.

PC: I thought of me, you know.

LRH: Well, all right. Is that right?

PC: Particularly sitting on sombrero-on a - on donkeys under the sun.

LRH: All right. Okay. Here we go. In this session have you tried to damage anyone? Okay. Any other thoughts on that?

PC: Hmmm.

LRH: Something there.

PC: Well, people. Just people in general and the true friend one. You know I was thinking about people with their mean little minds.

LRH: That’s right.

PC: Well, I think some people might not have mean little minds, sometimes, possibly.

LRH: All right, okay.

PC: There might be someone with some magnificence of mind.

LRH: All right. In this session have you tried to damage anyone? Okay, do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Yeah.

LRH: Very good. In this session have you deliberately tried to influence the E-Meter? Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: In this session have you failed to answer any question or command I have given you? Equivocal. In this session have you failed to answer any question or command I have given you? Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. In this session have you decided anything? Okay. Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. In this session have you thought, said or done anything I have failed to find out? Something I have failed to find out?

PC: Uhmmm.

LRH: There.

PC: Yeah, that sometimes this chair was a bit uncomfortable.

LRH: All right. Thank you.

PC: Hmm.

LRH: In this session is there anything I have failed to find out? All right. Do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. In this session is there anything you feel was misunderstood? Something there-a little bit slowed-or is it the surprise of the question?

PC: No, I think everything’s understood.

LRH: All right, I’ll check it again. In this session is there anything you feel was misunderstood? Equivocal.

PC: Mmmmm, no, I got it. I feel you understood.

LRH: Oh, all right. Okay, thank you.

PC: What misunderstandings have occurred downstairs, heaven knows. But you understood.

LRH: Okay, I’ll check that again here and make sure. In this session is there anything you feel was misunderstood?

All right, do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right. In this session was the room all right? All right, do you agree that that is clean?

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Here ne go. Squeeze the cans. Well, put them back a little bit more there.

PC: Oh, sorry

LRH: All right. Squeeze the cans. Well, what do you know. All right. Put the cans down. All right, touch-we’re going to run a little - just a little bit of Havingness here, just a few commands.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Touch the table.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: Thank you. Touch your right sleeve with your left hand. Thank you. Touch your left sleeve with your right hand. Thank you. Touch that telephone. Thank you. Touch the other telephone. Thank you. Touch the tablecloth. Thank you. Touch that curtain. Thank you. Touch the top of your head. Thank you. Touch my hand. Thank you. All right. Pick up the cans. All right. Give them a squeeze. Thank you. That was the last command.

PC: Mm-hm.

LRH: All right. Now-you can set them down-have you made any part of your goals for this session?

PC: Ah, yes. I’ve got quite a bit of nulling done. I got two pages done.

LRH: Yes.

PC: Good, very good.

LRH: All right, okay. Perhaps find a goal, maybe?

PC: Ohhhh, almost, but not quite.

LRH: Well, all right.

PC: I’m not upset about it. Got near finding a goal.

LRH: All right. All right, have you made any other gains in this session you would care to mention?

PC: I feel sort of less gruffy.

LRH: Feel less gruffy?

PC: Yes.

LRH: All right, very good. Any other?

PC: Um - tone arm coming down. Tone arm coming down on the…

LRH: Yeah! Tone arm down, yeah, I realize that.

PC: … after-after rising up and up on these.

LRH: Mm-hm.

PC: Mmmmm. That’s good. And-um-I feel - uh - relaxed, more relaxed.

LRH: All right. Good. How’s that?

PC: That’s fine.

LRH: Very good. Now, is there anything you care to ask or say before I end this session?

PC: Yes, thank you. I really got into - it’s just like our sessions-I really got into session.

LRH: You really got into session.

PC: I really got into session.

LRH: All right, very good. All right.

PC: Magic.

LRH: You’re welcome.

PC: Mmm.

LRH: All right. Is it all right with you if I end this session now?

PC: Mmm.

LRH: All right. Here it is: End of session.

PC: Thank you.

LRH: All right.

PC: It’s been lovely auditing.

LRH: All right, thank you.