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CONTENTS POLICY LETTERS FOR YEAR 1979 Cохранить документ себе Скачать


  1. Ads and Copywriting (MKT-13, PR-43) - P790927
  2. Assembly Line for Produced Promo (MKT-9, PR-38) - P790905
  3. Basics of Marketing (PR-31R) - P790207R
  4. Cancellation (DATA-47) - P790119-2
  5. Copywriting (MKT-12, PR-42) - P790926
  6. Crime Additions - P790624
  7. Data Series PLs, Use of (DATA-48) - P790607R
  8. Debug Tech (DEBUG-1, ESTO-37) - P790823-1
  9. Debug Tech Checklist (ESTO-38, DEBUG-2) - P790823-2
  10. Dianetics and Scientology Are New (MKT-1, PR-34) - P790820
  11. E-Meter Essentials, Errata Sheet - P790221
  12. Execution of Evaluations (DATA-49) - P791226
  13. FBO Network Statistics (canceled) (FIN-23R) - P790928R80
  14. FBO and Treasury Weekly Reports (canceled) (FIN-19RA) - P790928RA
  15. False Data Stripping (DEBUG-8, ESTO-36) - P790807
  16. Financial Dictatorship - What It Is and How It Works (canceled) (FIN-21R) - P790928R80
  17. Financial Planning Program Number 1 (canceled) (FIN-20RA) - P790928RA80
  18. Hotline, Policy Of (PR-41) - P790925i82
  19. Ideal Ideal Scene (DATA-46) - P790104
  20. Introduction to the New Finance System (canceled) (FIN-18RA) - P790928RA80
  21. Marketing, Promotion and Dissemination Defined (MKT-2, PR-35) - P790901
  22. Method One Word Clearing - P790925-2
  23. Misunderstood Words and Cycles of Action (ESTO-35RB, WCS-60RB, DEBUG-7R) - P790326R79
  24. More on Marketing Basics (MKT-8, PR-37) - P790904
  25. Orders, Illegal and Cross - P790113
  26. Positioning, Philosophic Theory (MKT-5, PR-30) - P790130
  27. Promotion (MKT-11, PR-40) - P790919
  28. Relationship Between Design and Rough Layout (MKT-10) - P790906
  29. Service Product Officer (ESTO-39, ORG-39) - P790809-2R79
  30. Special Income (FIN-24R) - P790928R82
  31. Successeful Training Lineup - P790925-2
  32. Survey Buttons Are Not the Message (MKT-15, PR-44) - P791201
  33. Surveys Are the Key to Stats (MKT-4, PR-36) - P790902
  34. Usage of Org Bank Accounts (canceled) (FIN-22RA) - P790928RA80
  35. Viewpoint (MKT-14) - P791018