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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Operational Bulletins Growing Up - OB-13-560117 | Сравнить
- Scientology Schools Curriculum (Appendix 1) - OB-13-560117 | Сравнить

1 Brunswick House,
83 Palace Gardens Terrace, London, W. 8.
BAY 8881
17 January 1956


This release is issued in advance of the issue of Six Levels of Processing Issue 8 which will become standard training information and processes. Any and all Scientology schools or training activities please note and comply.

The goal of this curriculum is to turn out an optimum student who can produce results with standard auditing. Although this is an extremely simple statement, it should be taken in its most arduously literal sense. Scientologists do not make preclears more able by sudden bright ideas in the middle of intensives, by strange intuitions or even by aligning a process to a preclear’s particular case. In the past this might have been true in greater or lesser degree but it is not true today. A Scientologist who gets results on his preclears is one who has been thoroughly trained in the fundamentals of auditing and who could follow a process exactly. Training in curriculum is the product of five years of experience in training and twenty-five years of experience in research. In addition to exploring new phenomena of the mind and perfecting new processes every attention has been given to singling out those items which have been used with great success and in general in processing and applying them to standardized procedures. It is believed at this writing that very nearly all of these mechanisms have been discovered and can be taught. Improvements in auditing technique may or may not come by reason of auditing preclears while exteriorized and while not encumbered with body in various non-MEST processes and perhaps with a better understanding of energy masses. But the experience of the last two years has brought forcefully to attention that I have managed to single out the most effective items and elements in the actual fact of auditing where it appertains to an auditor with a body auditing a preclear with a body.

A recent survey and extensive testing has demonstrated that vagaries of processing and unclear understanding of exact auditing procedures as distinct from processes are responsible for case failures. Thus the closest and most particular adherence to standard auditing procedures as well as processes is demanded.

Training in Scientology today is divided into four distinct stages. The first of these is the indoctrination week. The second of these is the HCA or HPA course. The third of these is the BScn or HAA course, and the fourth of these is the DScn or HGA course. These courses have settled down to very finite lengths. The indoctrination period is one week; the HPA-HCA course is an additional seven weeks following immediately after the indoctrination week. A period of practice is recommended in most cases, prior to the undertaking of a BScn course. The BScn or HAA course is usually five weeks in length. The DScn or HGA course is precisely six weeks in length. The levels of ability to be obtained in each one of these courses is considerably advanced from the last course and these levels of ability are denoted on the same examination but with different and higher grades for each successive course on that examination. The bulk of training is supposed to derive from active practice in the field. Prior to indoctrination it is supposed that a considerable study will have been embarked upon by the prospective student which should include the reading of the various standard texts such as Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health, Science of Survival, and some of the more modern material. Certainly it is not expected that anyone can take the eight weeks of courses which consist of the indoctrination week and the HPA-HCA course without having read Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health, and still expect to attain a complete understanding of the subject, preclears or auditing.

All four levels of this course are considered to be the equivalent of a university education in the field of the mind. In view of the fact that they are usually given over a similar period in terms of class and laboratory hours as demanded by a university, the bulk of actual training is to be found in experiencing the phenomena of auditing outside the classroom and after and between formal study. It would be quite impossible for an individual to simply read Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health, and take all four levels of courses and emerge a good Scientologist. The usual procedure is to acquire experience with additional training at regulated periods over a period of about four years. Just as Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health will give the book auditor certain definite and superior results over those achieved by earlier workers in the of the mind, and will permit him to practise in a superior fashion, so to a much greater-degree does an indoctrination week in the HPA-HCA course elevate his experience above that of a book auditor. It is expected that an individual is capable of engaging in practice at the end of an HPA-HCA course. This practice of course would be greatly superior in terms of results and achievements to any other course of study the individual can take on earth at this time. However, a maturity is necessary and this is achieved in experience subsequent to the course and prior to taking the HAA-BScn course. This latter course is a refresher course intended to bring up to date and consolidate the experience of the student of Scientology, and after this he is expected to go forth and practise considerably and for a long period of time before he rounds out his training with, as is usual, two or three DScn or HGA courses (additional refresher HGA courses are not of course paid for by the student).

Because the organization must be there to continue to serve the student and because the organization is called upon over a long period of time to handle the training and problems of the student, the combined fees of these courses actually represent more of a high membership in an exclusive professional organization than they do fees for training. Nevertheless, the totality of fees in the U.S. A. is less than $1500 or very far below a university training, arriving with the same equivalent knowledge, were it available which it is not.

An alternate course schedule must of course be envisioned for those times when the organization must train large bodies of auditors for organizations. In such case the initiative of the individual to gain his experience is not to be relied upon but the entirety of training will have to be done over a finite complete period of time. Experience has dictated that six months would be more than ample for a fairly professional Scientologist. Four months could be envisioned and three months under pressure would at least make a mechanical auditor. In view of the fact that no outside experience would be gained by these individuals, a great deal of attention would have to be paid to their learning rates.

The primary reason why Scientology training can be given so much more briefly and with a much better command is processing itself. The usual gain between entrance and indoctrination week and graduation from the HCA-HPA level course is usually somewhere around twenty-five points of IQ. As education has never dealt with this type of factor before it is not presumed that educators would understand it until they themselves had dealt with it, but it is an appreciable factor in accelerating education. We are taking advantage of this factor. Where a student’s own case is not progressing, his study of the subject is not progressing and a lacking reality will rebound upon his abilities as an auditor. While all training is done under the strict philosophy that we are all auditors here and there are no preclears present, the instructor must nevertheless give very close attention to cases in view of the fact that the learning factor is so closely associated with them. Therefore bad auditing in an HPA-HCA class or in any other unit in view of the compressed time can be quite uncomfortable in retarding the learning rate.


Bad auditing in the HPA-HCA class is obviated and cancelled by proper instruction and indoctrination in the first week. Here a special instructor devoted only to the students incoming that week persuasively and forcefully teaches the actual procedures of auditing. In this week a good unshakable grasp on the procedures of auditing itself as opposed to processes must be given the student. By auditing procedures is meant attitude and the various actual mechanics of putting a preclear in a chair and auditing him. By the end of this week it is expected that without knowing a scrap of theory, a single axiom or even what the results of auditing are the indoctrinee will be able to present a precise mock-up of a good auditor processing a preclear. Except for those processes run on him by his instructor the bulk of the processes taught in an indoctrination week are not processes at all but “Dummies”. In other words, the “processes” of indoctrination week which the indoctrinee will use are carefully chosen so as not to bring about any change of case. As a result both the student-”auditor” and student-”preclear” are alike able to observe the simple mechanics of auditing without any exploration of the deeper significances of the mind or its phenomena. The entire and total text of the indoctrination week is contained in one paragraph of the HCA Manual (Fall, 1955, Washington, D.C.) at the top of page 23 of that manual, and the Auditor’s Code. When one realizes that the attitude of the auditor goes prior to the application of the process and that the student has just one week in which to learn this attitude, one realizes that he can well afford to spend the total time of this week on that attitude.

In addition to learning the paragraph of rudiments by heart and the Auditor’s Code by heart and in gaining an auditing attitude using these things, the indoctrinee is expected to receive at least three hours of auditing from the instructor, himself a professional auditor. The total process run on the student should be gauged not to improve his case but to improve his reality on Scientology, to demonstrate to him that actually happened to him by reason of the administration of a process. We do not even particularly care whether this something is bad or good but we do care that it is demonstrative that an effect can be produced upon the preclear’s own case. The most marked result will be discovered from the handling of a serious present time problem or giving the preclear an assist. One could even run him through an engram providing it were a light engram and it did not take too long to finish. But whatever the process run its end goal is to demonstrate that Scientology can produce an effect upon the indoctrinee. Later on his student auditors will give him what beneficial results he needs. Right now it is necessary for him to learn that that which he is handling is itself powerful, that it can reach and that it is effective. Failing to gain this reality the indoctrinee entering the HCA-HPA course is prone to be careless and not to be convinced of the necessity of handling processes decently well and lightly and will inevitably mess up somebody’s case.

“Dummy” auditing sessions must be severely and closely scheduled and supervised. One indoctrinee (or in case of only one student in an indoctrination class, the instructor) takes any ordinary book which has short sentences in it — not a Scientology book — and reads one sentence at a time to the indoctrinee to which the indoctrinee is tutored to reply “Okay”, “Alright” and so forth. When the indoctrinee is able to do this quickly and satisfactorily he is then taught to do it convincingly and interestedly. He must learn to receive the communication and reply to it. In the case of some indoctrinees it will be found that this will require some hours of practice in coaching since it is itself quite restimulative unless the individual has become accustomed to it. As a further sample of the “Dummy” processes, an auditing phrase “dummy” is used such as, “Do you have two shoes?” The indoctrinee must ask this auditing question over and over and over receiving each time an acknowledgement from the person he is asking the question of. This again will require hours since it is in itself training to repeat a single phrase interestedly and to receive an answer to the question. When he is able to do this well this “dummy process” is expanded to include the handling of preclear originated communications. The person acting as preclear on whom the “dummy process” is being used is provided with a list of standard preclear originations. This list contains actual types of remarks preclears make such as “I think I’ve just backed up from my body”, “I have a pain in my stomach” and so forth. The indoctrinee must learn to respond, to acknowledge, handle and discuss. When the indoctrinee is able to respond adequately and discuss such origins, he is then given a “dummy” duplicating type question and the person acting as preclear answers it and occasionally springs one of the preclear origin statements.

By these and other similar simple means an auditing procedure is indoctrinated into the student so that he will not pull off the primary mistakes which hurt cases, and so that he will at least look like and sound like an auditor when he moves into the HPA- HCA course. He must be worked with until his voice has certainty, his presence is assertive and not apologetic, and so that he will have a good idea that he should run the preclear’s case rather than let the preclear run his own case.

The principal understanding that is given to the indoctrinee consists of the liabilities of not using these rudiments of auditing. He should understand that a failure to acknowledge sticks the preclear in session. He should understand that the quickest thing that will drive a preclear into apathy is a failure of the auditor to respond to an originated communication on the part of the preclear and particularly when that communication is revelatory to the preclear.

As Scientology has a language of two or three hundred words, the preclear who does not understand that these terms are exact in their meaning and that they are a set of communication symbols which mean specific things will not be able to grasp a great deal of the material he will be given in the HCA-HPA course in the early days. Of secondary importance is an indoctrination into this vocabulary but certainly the most commonly used words should be drilled into him, so that he knows what a facsimile is, what an engram is and so forth. The continued study of this vocabulary is expected to be carried on in the HCA-HPA course. However, the more vocabulary an indoctrinee can master in his indoctrination week, the more rapid will be his progress since it has been uniformly discovered that individuals who had the most argument with and the most difficulties in producing results with the processes of Scientology were those who had not mastered some of the simple terms.

It is expected that a student will have studied Dianetics, the Modern Science of Mental Health before entering an indoctrination week, for to cause him to read the book in that week would bring him to such a state of restimulation that the change of emphasis would disturb him a very great deal. He can, however, spend whatever leisure time he might have in perusing various volumes which have been issued to him. But the instructor should carefully guide his perusing.

To attain a perfect auditing attitude in one week is a very large task. It will be found by the indoctrination instructor that there is very little time left over for anything else. If there is any time left over he should further improve the auditing attitude of the student since this may be the last time that he receives such particular and close attention and may be the fault of all the later difficulties the student may have.


In the seven weeks which the student will spend in the HCA-HPA course a great deal is expected of him. He must learn the theory and practice of Scientology. He must get himself into good condition as a case and he must emerge from that course capable of giving a polished performance as an auditor.

This would not be possible in seven weeks if Scientology were less well codified. The codification of Scientology is the emphasis here not the theory. A great deal of theory will of course be taught during the HPA-HCA course but it is a secondary matter. As a prominent auditor once remarked to me, “When I really have to get results on a preclear I discover that my main asset is obedience, not delicacy of approach. I have learned that the processes released by you get results when they are used exactly as they are given. Therefore I maintain to all young Scientologists that the highest quality which they can attain is really obedience.” Although this sounds quite harsh, Scientology itself is harshly real. It is not as most students would like to have it, a speculative science. Grasp of theory comes from two sources: One, experience in auditing preclears, and two, subjective reality on one’s own case. To know the whys and wherefores behind the exact operation of the process is rather important, but it is not nearly as important as understanding how one would minister the process and achieve results with it. In later courses we stress theory. In the HPA-HCA course we stress practice. We have to. There are not nearly enough good Scientologists. Furthermore, if an auditor cannot audit when he emerges from the course and achieve results with his auditing there is very little likelihood of his ever getting enough experience to further his studies. While an instructor should always indulge the originated communications and ideas of students, it is the general experience of an instructor that the speculations are usually off-beat or have been known so long to Scientologists and Dianeticists that they are almost forgotten. What the student is actually trying to do is cognite and he expresses his learning cognition to the instructor and the instructor, like a good auditor, should give him a very well on it.

If in the opinion of the instructor the student has not attained a sufficiently good auditing attitude to be trusted with another student, then the HPA-HCA instructor on the new student’s entrance to his course should return him at once to the indoctrination week and cause him to take it over again for from this student particularly “case louse-ups” can be expected. Thus it would be better to indoctrinate this student into an auditing attitude for seven weeks and teach him to remedy havingness for the final week of the course than to let him wade through and jam the banks of not only a few students but also all of his future preclears. It is perfectly true that if one gave a student a perfect auditing attitude and the know-how necessary to remedy havingness the student would be able to achieve miracles all over the place. Thus it would be a good investment of time.

The registrar of Scientology schools is usually instructed not to be too harsh in forbidding admittance. The reason for this is that the judgment of the registrar, while very good, sometimes excludes people who go out and do startling things for Scientology. If we people who make people more able start closing the doors because they are not able before they begin the course, we are invalidating ourselves. Thus this admonition about teaching someone an auditing attitude for seven weeks and to remedy havingness for one week and thus call him an auditor is not made in fun. We must keep our doors open to those who come to us and we must let out of our doors only those who can gain results. When we do not do this the instructor and failure to follow curriculum and failure to teach processes are at fault, since I can and have made a ten year old child into an excellent auditor so that he could process his alcoholic father back into a competent workman. The task is an arduous one. However, one can sympathize with some of the problems which confront instructors.

Where a large group is to be given an HCA-HPA course the entirety of the group will find themselves at the same time in indoctrination week. This has an unhandy aspect. One of the best reasons to enrol every Monday is to give particular attention to the two, three or four new students who can then have the full time of one instructor. When a group is being put through it will be found expedient to continue the indoctrination week for those who are lagging after the others have passed on into the first week of the HPA- HCA course, and then to continue the indoctrination week for a third week for the few, if any, who have not been able to assume and execute a proper auditing attitude. Only in this way can one assure a minimum of fouled cases.

The actual training schedule hour by hour is fairly well a local matter. However, some of my recent observations in training large and looking in on small classes have been that one long auditing period a day produces results superior to two short auditing periods. However, a rough outline of the course should suffice by stating that it should begin at 8:00 in the morning with a live lecture, should give students periods in which they can study, should give adequate time to recover or return from an auditing session, should have an auditor’s report in the afternoon (it is an additional advantage to have only one auditing period a day, not only because it is longer, but because it makes the reports longer being from only one-half the class). A schedule should also have in order to cover all the material, a short group processing session and a tape playing session of a more general nature in the evening. These schedules are very precisely laid out, do not necessarily agree from one continent to another, there being peculiarities such as lunch hour differences, tea breaks, and so forth. It is necessary that the schedule embrace enough theory lectures to remedy the havingness of the student since there are always those in classes who devour theory.

The technology which is to say the exact processes taught in the course match the current best procedure and are so subdivided that one level is taught per day on the successive days between Monday and Saturday making in all six different levels. It is occasionally opportune to have sixth, seventh and eighth week students specialize on such things as exteriorization, but in view of limited time it is not well to detach them entirely from the student body, just for a special study. Exteriorization should be generally covered right along with the other materials.

The most glaring lack of ability in any group of students is what is now Level Six, in the part which covers the repair of havingness and the remedy of havingness. The ability of a student to repair havingness is absolutely essential to his handling any process anywhere and at any time. This is distinctly different from the remedy of havingness which is more complicated, making it possible for the preclear to both receive and get rid of mock-ups. Repair of havingness is practicable today even on a very black case. This repair of havingness could also be called "giving the preclear havingness". The student should be indoctrinated that at the slightest sign of agitation, squirming, desire for a cigarette or unpleasant stomach sensations the preclear is in need of havingness and indeed has as-ised too much energy and that a repair of havingness at least is indicated immediately. Conversely, the moment a preclear loses alertness or goes anaten the student should be taught to expect that a repair of havingness is definitely indicated. However in the case of anaten the first thing that a student should expect is that some breach or difference has arisen between himself and the preclear. He himself might not consider it a breach but the preclear does and after the point of that breach or contradiction or break of code the preclear will be found to go anaten since anaten is simply a drop in ARC to an extreme. Remedy of havingness is a broader process but is easily accomplished today.

It is not safe for a student to audit anything significant on a preclear until that student understands repair of or remedy of havingness. If we were to have a two week indoctrination period, the first week would be devoted to attitude and the second week would be devoted to utilizing that attitude and the skills and techniques of repairing and remedying havingness. While this is not a bad idea and might be engaged upon, it is not in force at this time. It is therefore necessary for the HPA-HCA instructor to use an elementary repair of havingness technique instruction on the new students he receives. Their havingness must be repaired and they must be instructed in how to repair another's havingness. In this way the bulk of case fall-aways and upsets in HPA-HCA classes will be obviated.

Probably the greatest resistance on the part of a student and even of the instructor is the "walking out" type of process where the student takes his pc out into some populated area. Students like to choose places where they will be watched over by police and questioned and embarrassed and an instructor must be careful to get around this. Furthermore the student is a long way from close supervision, a thing an instructor should always practise. Thus the student is apt to do strange and peculiar things. However, it is actually absolutely necessary that these "walking out" processes be taught and executed in HPA-HCA classes. It should be very clearly understood that at this date of technique, Waterloo Station requires ten to twelve and one half hours to be effective and this is a long time for anyone to continue a process. The introduction of such processes as Waterloo Station also militates in favour of one long auditing period per day.

When one conceives the amount of actual knowledge necessary to be an auditor he is apt to be appalled. Therefore it should be the solid rule of the HCA-HPA classes that, given a good auditing attitude in indoctrination which will become improved throughout his HCA-HPA course, the student must be concentrated upon factual precise processes and be able to perform these processes regardless of his understanding. In that way when he is graduated he will be able to achieve his goals and continue to experience success and there will be time enough for him to pick up with that experience the requisite understanding to exactly what is happening. Therefore there is no argument between understanding on the one hand and mechanical action on the other hand. If mechanical action is absent you have a squirrel.

The only reason we have to train anyone is that we are training them to unlearn. As we can eradicate the bad aspects of educational systems by auditing, it is therefore no concern of ours that our curriculum should be less than precise and that we are less than efficient even when arduous. The student is not there to experience a quiet rest. His schedule may be long but his formal course is brief. The best way to train is to use precise scheduling, to demand that everyone be on time, to demand that orders be complied with and to make at least a young hurricane around the head of any student who departs from school or auditing instructions. There is no need to resort to punishment in order to enforce such a schedule. One merely has to make it known that this is the way it is. It is extremely simple to fry a student at the auditors' conference when he has done wrong or when his preclear looks anaten after a session. One should do so. The instructor then is not expected to be kind. He is expected to be efficient and precise.

Very recently in a prominent Scientology school an instructor was found to be giving all precedence to good ARC with the students. He listened to their complaints, he coaxed them gently over the tough spots, and in general did a very, very good and kind job of teaching. The only difficulty was that all his students kept flunking their examinations. While it is no doubt true that these students held a lasting friendship for this instructor, Scientology, knowledge of, was what was paying for this friendship. These students were not getting results on their preclears. There is a happy medium between extreme harshness and destructive friendliness and that medium is the level we attempt to attain in HCA-HPA classes.

There is one maxim to remember in handling students. Never sympathize with their desire to make nothing out of everything. If they will make nothing out of their preclears by practically erasing them away, they will make nothing out of you, the instructor, when your back is turned. If they make nothing out of prominent figures in Scientology, they are making nothing out of Scientology outside the precincts of the school. Such persons' cases collapse under a good repair of havingness. These students who obsessively make nothing out of everything are distinct liabilities but they need not be liabilities if immediate attention is given to this factor, in their cases. They cannot have, that is why they have to make nothing. These are the first to take advantage of and spoil the camaraderie of a class, and an instructor should spot them at once that they arrive in his class and do something drastic about their havingness. If he does not their cases will not progress and neither, if such persons can help it, will the class.

A Scientology school is a place where you learn to be an auditor. If one goes through one and cannot audit then the school has failed. No amount of ARC can forgive or explain away a loss of just one auditor who upon his graduation cannot produce effectively results upon cases. In view of the fact that we need thousands of Scientologists where we have hundreds, the failure to make any one student into a good auditor is a very large failure in our books. It is in the Scientology school that Scientology's future will be made or broken.


The curriculum of the HAA-BScn Unit is largely regulated by the demands of the class, but should concentrate on refreshing the information, correcting the picked up blunders of the student and a thorough grasp of the axioms of Scientology.

Because this curriculum is loose there