Effective at once, the following is the policy on Distribution of HCO Bulletins and Policy Letters issued from WW.
Only an electronic stencil will be made of all Remimeo HCO Bulletins and Policy Letters and mailed to each Continental Org (or Zonal Org).
The Continental Org (or Zonal Org) is then responsible for running off HCO Bulletins and Policy Letters for their nearby Central Orgs. However, when an Org gets large enough it may have its own stencil sent to them to run off copies for their own staff and students.
A Continental Org (or Zonal Org) receiving a stencil as above is responsible for all copies to be issued to the nearby Orgs, which are dependent upon it. The local Org (if it hasn't been sent a stencil of its own) may not Remimeo and re-orders will be at charge payable by the local Org to their issuing Org at locally arranged prices.
On Non-Remimeo a very few copies are sent to the Continental Orgs and they in turn distribute to their nearby Orgs.
There are two classes of Non-Remimeo: General Non-Remimeo and Limited Non-Remimeo. General Non-Remimeo distribution is based on 1 copy for Master files, one copy to LRH Comm, one copy to The Guardian or A/G, one copy each to HCO ES, OES, PES, one copy to the reference files of all HCO Bs and P/Ls kept in Reception for staff, one copy to the head of the Department concerned and one copy to the post in the Dept concerned.
Limited Non-Remimeo means that copies only go to Master files, LRH Comm, The Guardian or A/G, HES, OES, PES.
When compiling a mailing to a stencil receiving org of Non-Remimeo, one takes the number required by the local Orgs served by the Continental Org and sends that many to the Continental Org. In its turn the Cont Org retains enough copies for themselves (including the Cont Exec Council) and sends the correct number to each Org they serve.
These are the standard mimeo distribution symbols:
This indicates main technical or Policy material.
Received by the Cont Org (or Zonal Org) in stencil form, copies are run off for their staff, and for the staffs of their nearby Orgs and for their students as they wish. They keep the stencil on file for additional copies as needed. They file copies in their Master and general files in each Org including the receiving Org.
The stencil Orgs have considerable discretion in how many they run off, how many they send smaller orgs (but they must insure 1 copy for each staff member in the local Org of Remimeo issues), whether they issue to students or not. But they must keep the stencil for re-use and file in their own Master files with the copy clearly stamped MASTER COPY.
It is usually important that this does not get wide distribution as it has to do with Org know-how, planning, etc., and could be misunderstood. So it is not Remimeoed or strewn about. It may be taken up in Staff meetings but that is about all. One never republishes a Limited Non-Remimeo in a magazine.
The same as Limited Non-Remimeo but somewhat broader.
These usually deal with broader points of Admin or Tech of interest to one or two production departments as well as the LRH Comm, The Guardian or A/G, HES, OES, PES.
Again, they are never strewn about or broadly republished as they could be misunderstood.
Franchise receives for a small fee technological materials, up to his level of classification. The Franchise Officer WW receives one copy for his files and one copy for each Franchise holder he is going to mail it out to. See HCO PL 20 Feb 1969 for local org supply lines.
Broad Public Issue (BPI) is a designation that sometimes appears on a Policy Letter or HCO B. This follows the same distribution procedure as for Remimeo, with the exception that it is also put in 'The Auditor' and Cont magazines.
These policies have become necessary by reason of new lines coming into existence and various changes of the past needing clarification.
In recapitulation, mimeos may not be issued except as designated, extra copies may not be furnished except for cash payment, and paper and postage waste must be kept reduced. Fewer pieces make faster lines.
There's one exception to the above and that is the BULLETIN CHECK LIST.
This is issued once each month, before the 15th of the next month. It will be air mailed to all Scientology Orgs independently.
No electronic stencil is cut for it. Two copies, one for the HES and one for the LRH Comm, are sent by air mail to each Scientology Org independently.
This cross-checks whether or not the mimeo distribution system is working. In listing all mimeos sent, the distribution designation of each is given on the Bulletin Check List.
Where a relay point temporarily breaks down, its related orgs will receive independent service direct until the matter is repaired, a matter which is up to the Dir Comm WW and LRH Comm WW to work out.
Nothing may be mimeoed or distributed on these lines unless it has been okayed by LRH, to prevent extraneous traffic from jamming the lines.
Study to lighten postage, particularly air mail, for both World Wide and Cont Orgs.
Reduce it.
[Modified by HCO P/L 29 January 1970 Issue II, Freedom to Remimeo, in the 1970 Year Book.]