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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Abbreviations and Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology - B650823 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 650823 - HCO Bulletin - Abbreviations and Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology [B031-021]
- 650823 - HCO Bulletin - Abbreviations and Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology [B040-071]
- 650823 - HCO Bulletin - Abbreviations and Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology [B067-013]
- 650823 - HCO Bulletin - Abbreviations and Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology [B089-004]
- 650823 - HCO Bulletin - Abbreviations and Symbols of Dianetics and Scientology [B089-005]
- 650823-I - HCO Bulletin - Scientology Symbol [B040-072]
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The following are the abbreviations and symbols most used in Scientology:

The following are the abbreviations and symbols most used in Scientology:

1. ACC - Advanced Clinical Course

1. ACC - Advanced Clinical Course

2. ACK - Acknowledgement

2. ACK - Acknowledgement

3. AD - After Dianetics (1950) e.g. 1965 = AD15

3. AD - After Dianetics (1950) e.g. 1965 = AD15

4. ADCOUNCIL - Advisory Council

4. ADCOUNCIL - Advisory Council

5. ADD I/C - Addressograph-in-Charge

5. ADD I/C - Addressograph-in-Charge

6. ADDRESSO - Addresses Section

6. ADDRESSO - Addresses Section

7. ADCOMM - Advisory Committee

7. ADCOMM - Advisory Committee

8. ADMIN - Administration or Administrator

8. ADMIN - Administration or Administrator

9. APA - American Personality Analysis

9. APA - American Personality Analysis

10. ARC - Affinity, Reality, Communication

10. ARC - Affinity, Reality, Communication

11. ASSN SEC - Association Secretary

11. ASSN SEC - Association Secretary

12. AUD - Auditor

12. AUD - Auditor

13. BA STEPS - Bring About Steps — R6 Material

13. BA STEPS - Bring About Steps — R6 Material

14. BPC - By-passed Charge

14. BPC - By-passed Charge

15. BPI - Broad Public Issue

15. BPI - Broad Public Issue

16. BS - Beginning Scientologist

16. BS - Beginning Scientologist

17. B.Scn - Bachelor of Scientology

17. B.Scn - Bachelor of Scientology

18. CCHs - Communication, Control and Havingness Processes

18. CCHs - Communication, Control and Havingness Processes

19. CF - Central Files

19. CF - Central Files

20. COG - Cognition

20. COG - Cognition

21. COMM - Communication

21. COMM - Communication

22. COMM CENTRE - Communications Centre

22. COMM CENTRE - Communications Centre

23. COMM CYCLE - Communication Cycle

23. COMM CYCLE - Communication Cycle

24. COMM EV - Committee of Evidence

24. COMM EV - Committee of Evidence

25. COMM LAG - Communication Lag

25. COMM LAG - Communication Lag

26. COURSE SUP - Course Supervisor

26. COURSE SUP - Course Supervisor

27. CSW - Completed Staff Work

27. CSW - Completed Staff Work

28. D - Deputy

28. D - Deputy

29. D of P - Director of Processing

29. D of P - Director of Processing

30. D of TDirector of Training

30. D of TDirector of Training

31. Dev TDeveloped Traffic

31. Dev TDeveloped Traffic

32. DD - Doctor of Divinity

32. DD - Doctor of Divinity

33. DECLARE? - “Preclear has reached a grade or Release. Please look at preclear and pass on to Certs and Awards.”

33. DECLARE? - “Preclear has reached a grade or Release. Please look at preclear and pass on to Certs and Awards.”

34. DEP DIR - Deputy Director

34. DEP DIR - Deputy Director

35. DN - Dirty Needle

35. DN - Dirty Needle

36. Dn - Dianetics

36. Dn - Dianetics

37. DR - Dirty Read

37. DR - Dirty Read

38. D.Scn - Doctor of Scientology (Honorary Award by LRH for the application of Scientology processes, principles, books or literature.)

38. D.Scn - Doctor of Scientology (Honorary Award by LRH for the application of Scientology processes, principles, books or literature.)

39. DIR COMM - Director of Communications

39. DIR COMM - Director of Communications

40. DIR COMP - Director of Compilations

40. DIR COMP - Director of Compilations

41. DIR CERTS & AWARDS - Director of Certificates and Awards

41. DIR CERTS & AWARDS - Director of Certificates and Awards

42. DIR DISB - Director of Disbursements

42. DIR DISB - Director of Disbursements

43. DIR EXAMS - Director of Examinations

43. DIR EXAMS - Director of Examinations

44. DIR FA - Director of Field Activities

44. DIR FA - Director of Field Activities

45. DIR INCOME - Director of Income

45. DIR INCOME - Director of Income

46. DIR INSPEC & REP - Director of Inspections and Reports

46. DIR INSPEC & REP - Director of Inspections and Reports

47. DIR MAT & RECS - Director of Materiel and Records

47. DIR MAT & RECS - Director of Materiel and Records

48. DIR PBLs - Director of Publications

48. DIR PBLs - Director of Publications

49. DIR PROM - Director of Promotion

49. DIR PROM - Director of Promotion

50. DIR RAP - Director of Routing, Appearances and Personnel

50. DIR RAP - Director of Routing, Appearances and Personnel

51. DIR REC - Director of Records

51. DIR REC - Director of Records

52. DIR REG - Director of Registration

52. DIR REG - Director of Registration

53. DIR REV - Director of Review

53. DIR REV - Director of Review

54. DIR TECH SERVICES - Director of Technical Services

54. DIR TECH SERVICES - Director of Technical Services

55. DIST DIV - Distribution Division

55. DIST DIV - Distribution Division

56. DIST SEC - Distribution Secretary

56. DIST SEC - Distribution Secretary

57. E-METER - Electropsychometer

57. E-METER - Electropsychometer

58. ETH? - “This preclear may be an Ethics case, roller coaster or no case gain.”

58. ETH? - “This preclear may be an Ethics case, roller coaster or no case gain.”

59. EXEC DIR - Executive Director

59. EXEC DIR - Executive Director

60. EXEC LTR - Executive Letter

60. EXEC LTR - Executive Letter

61. F - Fall, type of meter read

61. F - Fall, type of meter read

62. FC - Founding Church of Scientology

62. FC - Founding Church of Scientology

63. FCDC - Founding Church of Scientology Washington, D.C.

63. FCDC - Founding Church of Scientology Washington, D.C.

64. FCNY - Founding Church of Scientology New York

64. FCNY - Founding Church of Scientology New York

65. FCTC - Founding Church of Scientology Twin Cities, Minnesota

65. FCTC - Founding Church of Scientology Twin Cities, Minnesota

66. GAE - Gross Auditing Error

66. GAE - Gross Auditing Error

67. GPM - Goals Problem Mass

67. GPM - Goals Problem Mass

68. HAA - Hubbard Advanced Auditor — Level IV Certificate

68. HAA - Hubbard Advanced Auditor — Level IV Certificate

69. HAS - Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist

69. HAS - Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist

70. HASI - Hubbard Association of Scientologists, International

70. HASI - Hubbard Association of Scientologists, International

71. HBA - Hubbard Book Auditor

71. HBA - Hubbard Book Auditor

72. HCA - Hubbard Certified Auditor — Level II Certificate

72. HCA - Hubbard Certified Auditor — Level II Certificate

73. HCO - Hubbard Communications Office

73. HCO - Hubbard Communications Office

74. HCO AREA SEC - Hubbard Communications Office Area Secretary

74. HCO AREA SEC - Hubbard Communications Office Area Secretary

75. HCO B - Hubbard Communications Office Technical Bulletin

75. HCO B - Hubbard Communications Office Technical Bulletin

76. HCO Bd of REVIEW - Hubbard Communications Office Board of Review

76. HCO Bd of REVIEW - Hubbard Communications Office Board of Review

77. HCO EXEC SEC - Hubbard Communications Office Executive Secretary

77. HCO EXEC SEC - Hubbard Communications Office Executive Secretary

78. HCO DISSEM SEC - Hubbard Communications Office Dissemination Secretary

78. HCO DISSEM SEC - Hubbard Communications Office Dissemination Secretary

79. HCO POL LTR - Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter

79. HCO POL LTR - Hubbard Communications Office Policy Letter

80. HCO WW - Hubbard Communications Office World Wide

80. HCO WW - Hubbard Communications Office World Wide

81. HCS - Hubbard Clearing Scientologist — formerly Level IV Certificate

81. HCS - Hubbard Clearing Scientologist — formerly Level IV Certificate

82. HDA - Hubbard Dianetic Auditor (Dianetic Certificate)

82. HDA - Hubbard Dianetic Auditor (Dianetic Certificate)

83. HGA - Hubbard Graduate Auditor — Level VII Certificate, Saint Hill

83. HGA - Hubbard Graduate Auditor — Level VII Certificate, Saint Hill

84. HGC - Hubbard Guidance Centre

84. HGC - Hubbard Guidance Centre

85. HGC ADMIN - Hubbard Guidance Centre Administrator

85. HGC ADMIN - Hubbard Guidance Centre Administrator

86. HPA - Hubbard Professional Auditor — Level III Certificate

86. HPA - Hubbard Professional Auditor — Level III Certificate

87. HQS - Hubbard Qualified Scientologist

87. HQS - Hubbard Qualified Scientologist

88. HRS - Hubbard Recognised Scientologist — Level 0 Certificate

88. HRS - Hubbard Recognised Scientologist — Level 0 Certificate

89. HSS - Hubbard Senior Scientologist — Level VI Certificate, Saint Hill

89. HSS - Hubbard Senior Scientologist — Level VI Certificate, Saint Hill

90. HTS - Hubbard Trained Scientologist — Level I Certificate

90. HTS - Hubbard Trained Scientologist — Level I Certificate

91. HVA - Hubbard Validated Auditor — Level V Certificate, Saint Hill

91. HVA - Hubbard Validated Auditor — Level V Certificate, Saint Hill

92. I/C - In Charge

92. I/C - In Charge

93. INFO LTR - Information Letter

93. INFO LTR - Information Letter

94. INT - International

94. INT - International

95. L.1 - List One

95. L.1 - List One

96. LTR REG - Letter Registrar

96. LTR REG - Letter Registrar

97. LRH - L. Ron Hubbard

97. LRH - L. Ron Hubbard

98. MEST - Matter, Energy, Space and Time

98. MEST - Matter, Energy, Space and Time

99. MID RUDS - Middle Rudiments

99. MID RUDS - Middle Rudiments

100. MSH - Mary Sue Hubbard

100. MSH - Mary Sue Hubbard

101. M. WlH - Missed Withhold

101. M. WlH - Missed Withhold

102. NON-CO-OP - Non-Co-operation from us

102. NON-CO-OP - Non-Co-operation from us

103. OCAO - xford Capacity Analysis

103. OCAO - xford Capacity Analysis

104. OFF POL - Off Policy

104. OFF POL - Off Policy

105. OFF TECH - Off Technical

105. OFF TECH - Off Technical

106. ORG - Organization

106. ORG - Organization

107. ORG BD - Organization Board

107. ORG BD - Organization Board

108. ORG EXEC SEC - Organization Executive Secretary

108. ORG EXEC SEC - Organization Executive Secretary

109. ORG SEC - Organization Secretary

109. ORG SEC - Organization Secretary

110. OIC - Organization Information Centre

110. OIC - Organization Information Centre

111. OP PRO By DUP - Opening Procedure by Duplication (Process)

111. OP PRO By DUP - Opening Procedure by Duplication (Process)

112. OPPTERM - Opposition Terminal. Designation of a type of GPM Item (R6 Material)

112. OPPTERM - Opposition Terminal. Designation of a type of GPM Item (R6 Material)

113. O.T. - Operating Thetan

113. O.T. - Operating Thetan

114. O/W - Overt/Withhold

114. O/W - Overt/Withhold

115. PC - Preclear

115. PC - Preclear

116. PE - Personal Efficiency Foundation

116. PE - Personal Efficiency Foundation

117. PN - Pain

117. PN - Pain

118. P.O. - Purchase Order

118. P.O. - Purchase Order

119. POL LTR - Policy Letter

119. POL LTR - Policy Letter

120. PREPCHECK - Preparatory Check. A process.

120. PREPCHECK - Preparatory Check. A process.

121. PTP - Present Time Problem

121. PTP - Present Time Problem

122. PTS - Potential Trouble Source

122. PTS - Potential Trouble Source

123. Q & A - Question and Answer. It means “failure to complete a cycle of action”.

123. Q & A - Question and Answer. It means “failure to complete a cycle of action”.

124. QUAL DIV - Qualifications Division

124. QUAL DIV - Qualifications Division

125. QUAL SEC - Qualifications Secretary

125. QUAL SEC - Qualifications Secretary

126. R - Routine — prefix on process designations

126. R - Routine — prefix on process designations

127. R FACTOR - Reality Factor

127. R FACTOR - Reality Factor

128. RR - Rocket Read — type of meterread

128. RR - Rocket Read — type of meterread

129. RS - Rock Slam — type of meter read

129. RS - Rock Slam — type of meter read

130. R6 - Routine Six

130. R6 - Routine Six

131. R6EW - Routine 6 End Words

131. R6EW - Routine 6 End Words

132. R6GPMI - Routine Six Running GPMs by Items

132. R6GPMI - Routine Six Running GPMs by Items

133. R6O - Routine Six Original Bank

133. R6O - Routine Six Original Bank

134. R6R - Routine Six Review of all Bank run

134. R6R - Routine Six Review of all Bank run

135. R4H - Routine Four. Process used to relieve ARC Breaks

135. R4H - Routine Four. Process used to relieve ARC Breaks

136. R4SC - Routine Four. Process used to locate and run out Service Facsimiles

136. R4SC - Routine Four. Process used to locate and run out Service Facsimiles

137. REC - Reception

137. REC - Reception

138. REG - Registrar

138. REG - Registrar

139. REVIEW - Department of Review

139. REVIEW - Department of Review

140. REV! - “This preclear is in trouble, please do a Review hard.”

140. REV! - “This preclear is in trouble, please do a Review hard.”

141. REV FL? - “Could you please find out if this process is flat for me? “

141. REV FL? - “Could you please find out if this process is flat for me? “

142. REVIV - Revivification

142. REVIV - Revivification

143. RUDS - Rudiments

143. RUDS - Rudiments

144. SCN - Scientology

144. SCN - Scientology

145. SEC - Secretary

145. SEC - Secretary

146. S — C — S - Start — Change — Stop (Level II process)

146. S — C — S - Start — Change — Stop (Level II process)

147. SECED - Secretarial Executive Director

147. SECED - Secretarial Executive Director

148. SEC CHECKSecurity Check

148. SEC CHECKSecurity Check

149. SEN - Sensation

149. SEN - Sensation

150. SER FAC - Service Facsimile

150. SER FAC - Service Facsimile

151. SH - Saint Hill

151. SH - Saint Hill

152. SHSBC - Saint Hill Special Briefing Course

152. SHSBC - Saint Hill Special Briefing Course

153. SOM - Somatic

153. SOM - Somatic

154. SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

154. SOP - Standard Operating Procedure

155. SP - Suppressive Person

155. SP - Suppressive Person

156. Sthil - Saint Hill

156. Sthil - Saint Hill

157. TA - Tone Arm. Also total divisions of Tone Arm motion for a session

157. TA - Tone Arm. Also total divisions of Tone Arm motion for a session

158. TECH - Technical

158. TECH - Technical

159. TECH DIV - Technical Division

159. TECH DIV - Technical Division

160. TECH SEC - Technical Secretary

160. TECH SEC - Technical Secretary

161. TERM - Terminal — designation of a type of GPM Item (R6 material)

161. TERM - Terminal — designation of a type of GPM Item (R6 material)

162. TONE 40 - An execution of intention

162. TONE 40 - An execution of intention

163. TR - Training Drill

163. TR - Training Drill

164. TR 0 - Confronting

164. TR 0 - Confronting

165. TR 1 - Dear Alice (getting a command across to a preclear)

165. TR 1 - Dear Alice (getting a command across to a preclear)

166. TR 2 - Acknowledgements (Acknowledging a preclear)

166. TR 2 - Acknowledgements (Acknowledging a preclear)

167. TR 3 - Duplicative Question (delivering question or command in a new unit of time)

167. TR 3 - Duplicative Question (delivering question or command in a new unit of time)

168. TR 4 - Handling preclear originations

168. TR 4 - Handling preclear originations

169. TVD Television Demonstration

169. TVD Television Demonstration

170. UPPER INDOC - Upper Indoctrination Training Drills (6-9)

170. UPPER INDOC - Upper Indoctrination Training Drills (6-9)

171. WH - Withhold

171. WH - Withhold

172. WW - World Wide

172. WW - World Wide

173. 8C - Name of Process. Also used to mean good control

173. 8C - Name of Process. Also used to mean good control

174. 6408C11 SH Spec-35 “Study — Evaluation of Information” - Example of Tape Lecture number and Title. The first two numbers (64) give the year, 1964. The second two (08) give the month, August, the eighth month. C stands for Copy. The third two numbers (11) give the day, the 11th. SH Spec gives the course, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, and then the title. From all this you know the lecture was given on 11 August 1964, that the 35 is one of consecutive numbers assigned for record purposes.

174. 6408C11 SH Spec-35 “Study — Evaluation of Information” - Example of Tape Lecture number and Title. The first two numbers (64) give the year, 1964. The second two (08) give the month, August, the eighth month. C stands for Copy. The third two numbers (11) give the day, the 11th. SH Spec gives the course, the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, and then the title. From all this you know the lecture was given on 11 August 1964, that the 35 is one of consecutive numbers assigned for record purposes.



175. Scientology Symbol. The S simply stands for Scientology which is derived from “SCIO” (Knowing in the fullest sense). The upper triangle is the K-R-C Triangle. The points are K for KNOWLEDGE, R for RESPONSIBILITY and C for CONTROL. The lower triangle is the A-R-C Triangle — its points being AFFINITY-REALITY and COMMUNICATION.

175. Scientology Symbol. The S simply stands for Scientology which is derived from “SCIO” (Knowing in the fullest sense). The upper triangle is the K-R-C Triangle. The points are K for KNOWLEDGE, R for RESPONSIBILITY and C for CONTROL. The lower triangle is the A-R-C Triangle — its points being AFFINITY-REALITY and COMMUNICATION.

176. Symbol of Dianetics.

176. Symbol of Dianetics.

177. Symbol for theta. 8th letter of the Greek alphabet. Ancient Greeks used this to represent spirit or thought.

177. Symbol for theta. 8th letter of the Greek alphabet. Ancient Greeks used this to represent spirit or thought.

178. “Theta to the nth degree” meaning unlimited or vast.

178. “Theta to the nth degree” meaning unlimited or vast.

179. ARC Triangle - Affinity, Reality, Communication (the component parts of understanding).

179. ARC Triangle - Affinity, Reality, Communication (the component parts of understanding).

180. Symbol of infinity (oo) stood upright, as seen in some Scientology books.

180. Symbol of infinity (oo) stood upright, as seen in some Scientology books.


[Item number 175 has been corrected per HCO PL 18 February 1972, The Top Triangle, page 412 in the Management Series 1970-1974 or page 306 in the Management Series 1970-1972.]

[Item number 175 has been corrected per HCO PL 18 February 1972, The Top Triangle, page 412 in the Management Series 1970-1974 or page 306 in the Management Series 1970-1972.]