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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Running Valences - B580604 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 580604 - HCO Bulletin - Correction of PC Admin, Directive & HASI London Administration Directive of June 1, 1958 on Purchase Orders [B034-042]
- 580604 - HCO Bulletin - Running Valences [B022-053]
- 580604 - HCO Bulletin - Running Valences [B034-043]
CONTENTS RUNNING VALENCES Cохранить документ себе Скачать



  1. Never leave one half flat. Stupidity is then in restimulation.
  1. Never leave one half flat. Stupidity is then in restimulation.
  • Always run a specific valence.
  • Always run a specific valence.
  • Past track valences are preferable to run over present life valences.
  • Past track valences are preferable to run over present life valences.
  • Thetan valences are preferable over body valences.
  • Thetan valences are preferable over body valences.
  • “Invent a (valence)” is a milder form, less effective but often more real to PC than “Waste a (valence).” Commands for Invented valences: “Invent a (specific valence).” “Think of a problem that valence could have.” “Thank you.”
  • “Invent a (valence)” is a milder form, less effective but often more real to PC than “Waste a (valence).” Commands for Invented valences: “Invent a (specific valence).” “Think of a problem that valence could have.” “Thank you.”
  • Commands for Wasting Valence: “Tell me (Think of) a way to waste a (specific valence).”

    Commands for Wasting Valence: “Tell me (Think of) a way to waste a (specific valence).”

    “Does that really waste it?” (occasional use) “Thank you.”

    “Does that really waste it?” (occasional use) “Thank you.”

    Types of valences that can be run: Formula — Invent and/or Waste valences on eight dynamics from 8 to 1.

    Types of valences that can be run: Formula — Invent and/or Waste valences on eight dynamics from 8 to 1.

    Goals for Clearing by Valences: Uncover basic personality. BP is, of course capable of all attributes of clear. OT is an educated BP.

    Goals for Clearing by Valences: Uncover basic personality. BP is, of course capable of all attributes of clear. OT is an educated BP.

    Wind up all valences you have run with “What part of that could you be responsible for?” which puts him back at cause (since he elected as cause any valence you ran).

    Wind up all valences you have run with “What part of that could you be responsible for?” which puts him back at cause (since he elected as cause any valence you ran).

    Clearing by Valences is probably the 3rd step (with Help and Step 6) of Clearing.

    Clearing by Valences is probably the 3rd step (with Help and Step 6) of Clearing.

    C by V doesn’t neglect or supplant Help or Step 6.

    C by V doesn’t neglect or supplant Help or Step 6.

    Always pick bad or contra-survival valences. Never run pro-survival.

    Always pick bad or contra-survival valences. Never run pro-survival.

    Differentiation is on this basic:

    Differentiation is on this basic:

    A contra-survival valence physically injured pc. A pro-survival valence never did.

    A contra-survival valence physically injured pc. A pro-survival valence never did.

    Pcs pick out for their randomity stuck flows on help.

    Pcs pick out for their randomity stuck flows on help.

    E-Meters don’t register well on valences. They stick and several valences mentioned will only stick more. A valence sticks. It must be freed up on meter.

    E-Meters don’t register well on valences. They stick and several valences mentioned will only stick more. A valence sticks. It must be freed up on meter.

    8th and 7th Dynamic area of valences produce wildest results. Chief characteristic of formula 8 to 1 is to produce judgement.

    8th and 7th Dynamic area of valences produce wildest results. Chief characteristic of formula 8 to 1 is to produce judgement.
