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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- How to Do a Staff Job (HATS) - P610411 | Сравнить

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SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 610411 - HCO Policy Letter - How to Do a Staff Job [PL004-057]
CONTENTS HOW TO DO A STAFF JOB Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex



If you want a higher level of dissemination and a higher unit or salary, the way to obtain them is simple.

If you want a higher level of dissemination and a higher unit or salary, the way to obtain them is simple.

1. Do your own job.

1. Do your own job.

2. Insist that the other staff member do his — but don’t do it for him or her.

2. Insist that the other staff member do his — but don’t do it for him or her.

Example of error: HCO Sec is so busy being D of P or D of T, no hats or tech bulletins get checked. Result: randomity. Assn Sec is so busy being Dir of Accounts, no executive supervision and assistance occurs. D of P does so much Admin, no technical results happen. Etc., etc.

Example of error: HCO Sec is so busy being D of P or D of T, no hats or tech bulletins get checked. Result: randomity. Assn Sec is so busy being Dir of Accounts, no executive supervision and assistance occurs. D of P does so much Admin, no technical results happen. Etc., etc.

You can wear several hats. The point is, do them, not other hats.

You can wear several hats. The point is, do them, not other hats.

Every time you do the other fellow’s job for him or her, you cover up a camouflaged hole. People who are camouflaged holes make Dev T. The next thing you know you are protecting the ineffective, have a large number on staff and get no work done and get no unit.

Every time you do the other fellow’s job for him or her, you cover up a camouflaged hole. People who are camouflaged holes make Dev T. The next thing you know you are protecting the ineffective, have a large number on staff and get no work done and get no unit.

Let the ineffective either sink or get audited. Don’t protect them.

Let the ineffective either sink or get audited. Don’t protect them.

Do your own jobs.

Do your own jobs.

Refuse to do the other fellow’s.

Refuse to do the other fellow’s.

Make ineffective staff members look like ineffectives by leaving the hole open, not hidden.

Make ineffective staff members look like ineffectives by leaving the hole open, not hidden.

Don’t hide bad work from executives. Your game is not to protect the goofballs but to get a show on the road.

Don’t hide bad work from executives. Your game is not to protect the goofballs but to get a show on the road.

So please do your own job and do it well.

So please do your own job and do it well.

Even if an executive asks you to do somebody else’s job — don’t. Say, instead, “Am I transferred?” If the answer is no, tell him to get lost. I’ll back you up.

Even if an executive asks you to do somebody else’s job — don’t. Say, instead, “Am I transferred?” If the answer is no, tell him to get lost. I’ll back you up.

Do your own jobs. What are they?

Do your own jobs. What are they?

And you’ll see — you’ll have wider dissemination and higher income.

And you’ll see — you’ll have wider dissemination and higher income.

Every hour you spend off post doing somebody else’s job is an hour lost off your lines. They catch up with you. Only then could you become frantic, overworked, dispersed.

Every hour you spend off post doing somebody else’s job is an hour lost off your lines. They catch up with you. Only then could you become frantic, overworked, dispersed.

So please. Do your own job and let the other fellow reap the hurricane if he doesn’t do his.

So please. Do your own job and let the other fellow reap the hurricane if he doesn’t do his.

I do my own job. I have pretty exact hats. They are Research, Writing, Dissemination, Goals, Justice and higher level personnel. Every time a staff member goofs, it tends to roll on up and knock my hats sideways.

I do my own job. I have pretty exact hats. They are Research, Writing, Dissemination, Goals, Justice and higher level personnel. Every time a staff member goofs, it tends to roll on up and knock my hats sideways.

So please handle your own job. That way the world will prosper and so will we.

So please handle your own job. That way the world will prosper and so will we.
