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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Data Required as Reports from HCO Secs (DIV1.HCO) - P590810 | Сравнить
- Reception (DIV1.DEP1.ROUT) - P590810 | Сравнить
- Reports Required from HCO Secretaries (DIV1.HCO) - P590810 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Приемная (КРО-1) (ц) - И590810-1 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 590810 - HCO Policy Letter - Administration in a Scientology Organization [PL002-084]
- 590810 - HCO Policy Letter - Data Required as Reports from HCO Secs [PL002-086]
- 590810 - HCO Policy Letter - Reception [PL002-085]
- 590810 - HCO Policy Letter - Reports Required from HCO Secretaries [PL002-083]
CONTENTS REPORTS REQUIRED FROM HCO SECRETARIES FIRST Promotion and Dissemination SECOND Financial THIRD Effectiveness of Service FOURTH General state of Org Depts: Finance Training PE Foundation Materiel Books C/F Address Special Programs Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1



Following on the Special Telex bulletin which was sent to HCO Secretaries by LRH on August 10, 1959, here is a shortened questionnaire which HCO Secretaries can use to ensure that they are checking on all the data required, in this report. It is suggested that the HCO Secretary should at least once in the week, inspect some part of the whole picture as outlined below:

The first interest regardless of emergencies is promotion and dissemination. This means that the most important report is whether or not the magazine is going out on schedule and whether or not PrR is functioning alertly. These are continuing reports of continuous interest.

FIRST Promotion and Dissemination

The second interest is financial that being the most direct index of whether or not the promotion is reaching people and what mark we are making in the society. Weekly reports of income must come through to HCO from Accounts and through to me. In addition there is a Registrar's financial report on the number of sign-ups there have been in the week.

Magazine going out on schedule?

Of third interest is the effectiveness of the service being given and the quality of that service in terms of training and processing.

Dir PrR functioning alertly?

After that comes the general state of the Org departments beginning first with finance as to whether or not it is coping and whether or not statements are going out monthly and whether or not there is a complete statements book and a complete current bills book. The exact items mentioned for Accounts are quite important. I know at once if the statements aren't going out that Accts is running a can't have on the Organization and I know if there is no complete statements book there is no accurate issue of statements, causing ARC breaks. Further if there is no current bills book then it is obvious that soon we will have some big financial crisis to handle on HCO lines. The source of the majority of HCO Central Organizations emergency despatches is financial. Further, the greatest number of cans dropped by Central Organizations occur in the finance department or through lack of financial planning.

SECOND Financial

The Department of next interest is training. If there are very few students we know that the training is very bad. The quality of training has been directly reflected in the number of students present for the last seven years.

Weekly reports from Accounts coming to HCO every week?

Then comes the HGC with the burning question of "Are they making any clears? And if not, why not?"

and sent through to LRH?

Then, but not necessarily in order of importance since it influences the whole health of the Organization, is the PE Foundation. A full PE Foundation means a healthy future survival. A thin PE means a lousy PE Director and poor administration and public presence.

Registrars weekly report on number of signups?

Next there is the matter of programs. Are the programs being carried out or aren't they, or of course are there any?

THIRD Effectiveness of Service

After that is Materiel and the burning question here is: First: Are the quarters clean? and Second: Are they holding down expenses?

Quality of training and processing?

Two organizations are being all but wiped out by bad spending by the Dir of Mat.

FOURTH General state of Org Depts:

Next there is the state of any books sales. This again is an index of reach and a bad answer up on order filling costs us many gains.


Then comes CF. If CF is good we have got the data on the people with whom we are working and if it isn't good we'll flop.

Statements going out monthly?

Then there is Address. A good efficient Address set up means that we'll be able to locate people. If the Address set up isn't good, what use promotion, for where are the people?

Statements book up to date?

After all these come staff morale and other sections and activities.

Current bills book up to date?

What I have listed here is the way to put a finger on the pulse of any Scientology Organization. Starting at the top if we drop these people out of the line up as effective operating units in the Organizations, then we've had it. There are people around who would tell you that there are a lot of things more important than these things. But in fact, there aren't.


Under programs of special nature as above, second only to promotion and dissemination activities, is the question of staff co-audit success. We'll be as successful as we are clear. There are three major buttons to be run out of all Scientologists to make us brilliantly successful everywhere. There are first victim, second money and the third will be given out in due course. Each of these should be run on a comm process with the terminal generalized. When these are fully flat throughout our Organizations you will see us soaring to success without any quibbles on the line. Naturally, we want all Scientologists to get these flat but Central Organizations come first on the line up.

Number of students?

The gist of this problem is this: By sheer hope and force of personality a few of us are overcoming the collective banks of everyone in Scientology that is idle or going back against us in his or her activities. When the energy and comm we are expending doing just this can be released broadly into dissemination we'll take this planet and achieve our goals with ease. So this special program always requires special mention.

Quality of training?

Few reports are ever required on HCO since HCO people are already selected out for zing and I have every confidence that HCO will make it. In HCO I mainly want personnel changes to keep the rosters straight. And finance coming through routinely to grease the wheels of the fighting line.

PE Foundation

This then is a general rundown on the reports that I want here at Saint Hill from HCO offices in Central Orgs. I want HCO to keep its finger on Central Org pulse and keep it going somehow no matter how until we're thoroughly ahead everywhere.





Quarters clean?

Holding down expenses?


Book orders coming in?

Book orders being filled?


Have they got the data we want in the files?

Filing up to date?

New names quickly in the files?


Is set-up geared to help promotion?

General efficiency?

Special Programs

Staff co-audit?

Staff being used for optimum efficiency?

Other programs?

Peter Hemery
HCO Communicator WW