The following changed HPA/HCA Course schedule has been proposed to D of T in London by Ron:
1 week Comm Course 1 week Upper Indoc 1 week CCHs
E-Meter practice Some ACC TRs
1 week model sessions with E-Meter, using Cause ARC Straight Wire Dynamic Assessment The six types of processes (Winter 56/57 from D.C.)
Great stress on running a perfect model session (HCO Bulletin of 25th February 1960)
10 hours given and received on Op Pro by Dup. Student trained to audit:
Cause ARC Straight Wire: (Three Commands)
Factual Havingness (Trio) and walkabout version (same process but walking about in streets or in stores).
“Describe the problem etc” for Problems in Rudiments (don’t use the word “invent”).
Engram Confront and Responsibility — how to run on them. O/W and Responsibility on specific and general terminals.
Rising Scale.
A fast rundown on Route One. Any and all versions of Confront.
Vocabulary of Dianetics and Scientology. The Time Track. Circuits. Machines.
Create and Confront principles ( 1st Melbourne ACC). Valences.
The Dynamics.
O/W and why people blow. Muzzled auditing.
PE Foundation type work.
Marriage counselling (See D.C. tape on marriage, Jan ‘60). Assists.
Short sessioning. Be-Do-Have.
Teach all these. Find morning tapes from HPA and ACC courses. Play other HPA tapes ‘59 and selections from HCS and other ACCs (5th and 6th London and 1st Melbourne) and play them straight through every late afternoon, one hour per school day.
You don’t have tapes to cover all the above, but HCO Bulletins do exist on most.
Make students keep notebooks now as you are covering more than is assembled in one place, and they’ll need their notes outside.
[This HCO B was reissued on 1 March 1960 by HCO London.]