Every Staff Department head in every organization should have a folder in his desk in which to place all written material and bulletins which apply to his job.
This is not a casual action. It is vitally important. It is his “hat”.
This folder should be labelled, for example, “Director of Processing”, or “Indoc Instructor”, or “HCO Secretary”, or any such post.
The folder should then receive, after study, any policy letter or executive order or HCO Bulletin applying in general or in particular to that job.
If you do not have a complete hat, obtain from HCO or elsewhere the missing pieces.
Also, and this is very important, write up and paste into the front of the folder a full description of your job.
Only in this way can we have use of such orders and bulletins. Only in this way could you be relieved in an orderly fashion for a vacation or transferred to another post.
Please do this at once. Whoever is in charge of supplies can make a folder available to you.