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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Second Dynamic Form (FPRD-10D) - B850513 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo FPRD Auditors and C/Ses Tech/Qual MAAs/EOs False Purpose Rundown Series 10-D



This form is for use as part of a False Purpose Rundown program on persons who are in need of case cleanup in the area of the second dynamic. It would only be used on a pc who has already received False Purpose Rundown Series 10-A, the Basic Form.

This list may have questions added to it by the C/S, but questions are not deleted from it in any case.

It may only be audited by a fully trained and qualified Hubbard False Purpose Rundown Auditor.


The auditor does the whole form on the pc, starting with the Section I questions and proceeding on through to the end of the Section II questions. Every question is cleared and checked on the meter.

Reading questions on this list are handled with False Purpose Rundown procedure.

Questions in Section I of this form ask for overts, which are handled with steps A through G of the False Purpose Rundown procedure.

Questions in Section II ask directly for evil purposes and destructive intentions, and are handled using steps C through G of False Purpose Rundown procedure.


1. Have you betrayed a spouse or sexual partner?

2. Have you done something you are afraid your spouse or sexual partner will find out?

3. Have you ever lied to your spouse or sexual partner?

4. Have you ever ignored your spouse or sexual partner?

5. Have you ever physically injured your spouse or sexual partner?

6. Have you ever stolen anything from your spouse or sexual partner?

7. Do you have a secret you are afraid your spouse or sexual partner will find out?

8. Have you ever caved in a spouse or sexual partner?

9. Have you ever belittled your spouse or sexual partner to others?

10. Have you ever injured or ill-treated a pregnant woman?

11. Have you ever betrayed a child?

12. Have you ever physically injured a child?

13. Have you ever ridiculed a child?

14. Have you ever been irresponsible about children?

15. Have you ever done something sexually perverted with children?

16. Have you ever seduced a minor?

17. Have you betrayed a parent?

18. Have you ever lied to a parent?

19. Have you ever ignored a parent?

20. Have you ever physically injured a parent?

21. Have you ever caved in a parent?

22. Have you ever ridiculed a parent?

23. Do you have a secret overt you are afraid your mother or father will find out?

24. Have you ever practiced sex with a member of your family?

25. Have you ever violated LRH tech or policies on the subject of the second dynamic?

26. Have you ever done anything with a member of the opposite sex that you shouldn't have?

27. Is there something you've done that could be regarded as perverted?

28. Have you condoned or been "reasonable" about another's out-ethics or perversion on the second dynamic?

29. Have you ever practiced sex with a member of your own sex?

30. Have you ever inflicted unnecessary pain on a sexual partner?

31. Have you ever had anything to do with pornography?

32. Have you ever practiced sex with animals?

33. Have you ever enforced an unusual sexual practice upon another?

34. Have you ever used pain, drugs or hypnotism to procure sex?

35. Have you ever sexually assaulted anyone?

36. Have you ever taken money for having sex with someone?

37. Have you sexually coerced an employee?

38. Have you ever manipulated another into some sort of sexual encounter, for the purpose of blackmail?

39. Is there something you've done on the second dynamic that would ruin your reputation if it were found out?

40. Have you ever knowingly used scientology to obtain sexual relations or restimulation?

41. Have you ever condoned or forwarded psychiatric false data on the subject of sex?

42. Have you ever used sex to trap or control another?

43. Have you ever used sex to depower or destroy someone?

44. Have you ever used sex to make another introverted, fixated or less productive?


45. Have you ever had an intention to harm a spouse or sexual partner?

46. Have you had an evil purpose toward members of the opposite sex?

47. On the second dynamic is there a consideration you've had that is nonsurvival or destructive?

48. Have you ever had an intention to do something sexually perverted?

49. Is there some evil purpose or destructive intention you've had toward a family member?

50. Is there some evil purpose or destructive intention you've had toward children?

51. Have you ever wanted a second dynamic relationship to fail?

52. Have you ever intended to destroy a family?

53. On the second dynamic is there some other bad impulse you've had?

54. On the second dynamic, is there some nonsurvival purpose or consideration you've had that you don't dare mention?


(Session withholds are handled with usual withhold rudiment procedure. Undisclosed overts missed in doing the questions on the list are handled with steps A-G of False Purpose RD procedure.)

1. In this confessional, have you told a halftruth?

2. In this confessional, have you told an untruth?

3. In this confessional, have you said something only to impress me?

4. In this confessional, have you tried to damage someone?

5. In this confessional, have you deliberately tried to influence the e-meter?

6. In this confessional, have you successfully withheld something?

7. In this confessional, have you covered up for someone else?

8. In this confessional, has anyone said you had a withhold when you didn't have one?

9. In this confessional, has anything been asserted?

10. In this confessional, has anything been suppressed?

11. In this confessional, has anything been invalidated?
