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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Supreme Test of a CS (CSS-047) - B710620 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Лучший Тест КС (КС-47) - Б710620 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710620 - HCO Bulletin - Supreme Test of a CS, The [B011-086]
- 710620 - HCO Bulletin - Supreme Test of a CS, The [B044-082]
- 710620 - HCO Bulletin - Supreme Test of a CS, The [B142-049]
CONTENTS THE Supreme Test of a C/S Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo CS Series 47

THE Supreme Test of a C/S

(Reference HCO B August 19, 1967, The Supreme Testwhich must be read with this HCO B)

A C/S or auditor who knows his tech is able to hold the line on any given action in auditing or C/Sing and not mix up.

One C/Ses Dianetics purely. Not Dn, Class VI, Class VIII, Dn, Class VI.

One C/Ses or audits a Rundown as itself, not as a botch of several actions run into it.

So this brings to view that some can run the process or program for A to B.

And some, worse luck,

(a) Go from A to G to Q to A and wonder why they don't arrive at the B of result.

(b) Some go from A to B all right but when at B go right on past it.

Both, actually, are a type of non-confront. The A. G. Q. A can't confront and disperses off arriving at B. The A beyond B hasn't confronted B and so doesn't recognize B.

The ability to confront the pc and the session and parts of the session permits one to accurately go from A to B.

Proving this, perception reduces in ratio to overts. Accept that fact as it's true. If you run O/W on an auditor regarding the pc he is to audit, the auditor will give a perfect session to that pc. Why? He can confront because he can see.

Programming is simply an A to B action. The road is all laid out.

Auditing a process is a simple A to B Action.

What if you had an auditor who half way through Level Zero with no completion found a picture, did Dianetics on it, didn't flatten the R3R because pc cogged it was like his mother and the auditor did O/W on mother in the middle of the engram!

The pc would be a mess! B was run away from.

Same way with programming that isn't handled.

What if you had an auditor who got an F/N Cog VGIs and continued the same process to TA 5.6? He got to B and kept right on going.

You should look into some folders where the C/S or auditor dispersed off B or where B was reached with no halt.

The most recent examples I've seen have been taking processes out of one Rundown and using them in another Rundown all in an effort to achieve a maximum effect when the error that was present came from failure to complete 2 earlier programs.

The correct action would have been to complete the earliest program left incomplete and then complete the next incomplete program, not scramble parts of two new programs.

A to B is a cycle of action. A clean one.

It is best to keep it so.

The Supreme Test of an Auditor or a C/S is to make Auditing go right – by the book.
