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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- ARC in Comm Course - B580402 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- АРО на Курсе Общения - Б580402 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 580402 - HCO Bulletin - ARC in Comm Course [B022-033]
- 580402 - HCO Bulletin - ARC in Comm Course [B034-027]
- 580402 - HCO Bulletin - ARC in Comm Course [B132-002]
CONTENTS ARC IN COMM COURSE Cохранить документ себе Скачать


There are two types of Auditing. Both include control. They are called “Formal Auditing” and “Tone 40 Auditing”.

The first is control by ARC. The second is control by direct Tone 40 command.

The first, Control by ARC, is taught in Comm Course. The second, Control by Tone 40, is taught in Upper Indoc.

The two are never mixed in teaching. Tone 40 is never taught in a Comm Course and is not even permitted. ARC is not taught in Upper Indoc.

The most widespread weakness in auditors prior to this date is an inability to use step one of Clear Procedure (Participation by the pc). This is only good ARC in the Training Drills of Comm Course. Auditors are now too prone to let CCH 0b Help do the work. Auditors fail to make the pc feel they are interested in the pc when they handle him with poor ARC.

We care nothing about ARC in Upper Indoc. We want command, we want Tone 40. We do not even handle pc origins in Upper Indoc.

Students must understand that there are two types of auditing. They should realize that Tone 40 is for the unconscious, the psycho, the non-communicative, the electric shock case pc. The student should realize that ARC formal auditing is not chatty or yap-yap, but it is itself. It has warmth, humanity, understanding and interest in it.

Academy Dir of Tr, Comm Course and Upper Indoc Instructors should keep this in their hats as needful technical data, since we must turn out auditors capable of handling pcs with ARC.

LRH LRH:bt.cden