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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Advanced E-Meter Drills - B710616-2 | Сравнить
- Low TA Assessing (CSS-037R, ADD-2R) (2) - B710616R-4 | Сравнить
- Low TA Assessing (CSS-037R, ADD-2R) - B710616R-4 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Оценивание Низкой РТ (КС-37R) - Б710616-4R | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710616 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - Rapid TR-2 [B011-080]
- 710616 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - Rapid TR-2 [B012-037]
- 710616 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - Rapid TR-2 [B044-077]
- 710616 Issue 1 - HCO Bulletin - Rapid TR-2 [B048-030]
- 710616 Issue 1RA - HCO Bulletin - Rapid TR-2 [B051-034]
- 710616 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Advanced E-Meter Drills [B011-081]
- 710616 Issue 2R - HCO Bulletin - Advanced E-Meter Drills [B051-036]
- 710616 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - Ideal Session Start Drill, The [B049-019]
- 710616 Issue 3R - HCO Bulletin - Ideal Session Start Drill, The [B012-083]
- 710616 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Low TA Assessing [B011-082]
- 710616 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Low TA Assessing [B044-078]
- 710616 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Low TA Assessing [B078-041]
- 710616 Issue 4 - HCO Bulletin - Low TA Assessing [B142-046]
- 710616 Issue 4R - HCO Bulletin - Low TA Assessing [B130-021]
- 710616 Issue 4R - HCO Bulletin - Low TA Assessing [B174-018]
CONTENTS Advanced E-Meter Drills CR0000-3 CR0000-4 CR0000-5 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue II
Remimeo Cramming

Advanced E-Meter Drills


Name: Confront the E-Meter

Purpose: To train an auditor to confront an E-Meter.

Position: Student with E-Meter on a table in front of him.

Commands: None.

Training Stress: If a student has difficulty doing the preceding E-Meter drills, this drill is done. It is a gradient step towards greater session control.

The student confronts the E-Meter and does nothing else for two hours. The Supervisor keeps a close eye on the student and sees that he does the drill continuously for two hours. If the student has difficulty, the Supervisor should get him to clear up misunderstoods on the E-Meter and then return him to the drill.

The drill is completed when the student has completed at least two hours of the drill, and is doing it comfortably.

History: Developed by L. Ron Hubbard in 1971 at Flag to provide a gradient for more difficult E-Meter Drills.



Name: See The Session

Purpose: To train an Auditor to be able to see the pc, the pc's hands on the cans, the meter plus any reads, and the worksheets without having to look at any one of them.

Position: Coach and Auditor on opposite sides of the table. Table set up for a standard session.

Commands: TRs 1 to 4 with admin (as per HCOB 17 April 61 Training Drills Modernized).

Training Stress: The Auditor is trained to widen his/her field of vision until the Auditor can see the meter, the pc, the pc's hands on the cans, and the worksheets effortlessly. The student is flunked for any weaknesses of earlier TRs, and returned to do them if needed. The student is flunked for a non-standard or peculiar setting up of the equipment for a session which may make it impossible to see the meter, the pc and the worksheets simultaneously. If the student is having difficulty the coach should handle the Auditor on a gradient, i.e. see the meter and the pc perfectly, then the meter and the worksheets and so bring the auditor up to doing the drill. The drill is passed when the Auditor can do the drill effortlessly.

History: Developed in J971 by L. Ron Hubbard to help Auditors to gain smoother session co-ordination and control.



Name: E-Meter Trim Check Drill

To train an Auditor to be able to do a trim check effortlessly in a session without distracting the pc in any way.

Position: Coach and Auditor on opposite sides of the table. Table set up for a standard session.

Commands: TRs 1 to 4 patter.

Training Stress: The Auditor is trained to do the steps of a trim check whilst doing TRs 1 to 4 with admin until he can do a trim check smoothly and efficiently, without the coach seeing any movements or hearing any clicks or noises. The Auditor is flunked for any hesitation, confusion, observable movements or attention going onto the plug or trim knob. The drill is ended when the Auditor can do the drill silently and efficiently with his hands whilst doing TRs 1 to 4 with admin.

During any and all E-Meter Drills a copy of E-Meter Essentials by L. Ron Hubbard should be handy. Misunderstoods are cleared up with the use of this handbook, and an extensive use of word clearing technology is made.

These drills and any other meter drills also need a copy of E-Meter Drills to be on the table, and confusions on the drill can often be traced back through this book.

The old rule that only constant reference to Source maintains 100% results is to be adhered to on these drills just as much. Verbal Q&A between coach and student is out.

History: Developed in 1971 by L. Ron Hubbard to help Auditors to handle a trim check in session flawlessly.

Qual Aide
As amended by XII Tech Flub Controller from an LRH Tape Lecture