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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Assessment of Help - B600707 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Оценивание Помощи (Извлечение) - Б600707 | Сравнить
- Оценивание Помощи - Б600707 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 600707 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment of Help, The [B027-056]
- 600707 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment of Help, The [B036-111]
- 600707 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment of Help, The [B114-013]
- 600707 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment of Help, The [B114-014]
- 600707 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment of Help, The [B114-015]
- 600707 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment of Help, The [B114-016]
- 600707 - HCO Bulletin - Assessment of Help, The [B140-012]
CONTENTS THE ASSESSMENT OF HELP Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Fran Hldrs


You should realize at this stage that we are still feeling around for the most adequate and fastest method of running HELP. Everything which has been given to you thus far is near the mark, and pre-sessioning, model session and flattening help are right on the mark. However there are certain things that make auditors unhappy with running help. Chief amongst these is the fact that it is a tremendously restimulative process when one has not had any run. This means that we had better get the staff theta clearing course or staff co-auditing going fast on a supervised basis.

The second thing is that help does not flatten very easily on a late specific terminal. Of course, this is true of all processes. But help is a peculiar process and is slower on late terminals than other buttons, and here is why.

Help resolves cases because it is the basis of all association, and as you know association leads to identification. And identification is the basis of all mental upsets. The action of help is not aberrative. The failure to help is what does it, or the lack of things to help. However all valences and all identification stem from this button and no other. Now do lights dawn and bells ring? Help is the button which, if run, settles all difficulties with association and identification and all problems of beingness.

Thus there is something peculiar about help which is not true of any other button. Any help run is a gain even (Gawdelpus) if it is left wholly bogged with a half hour comm lag. All bits of help run are chewing away at all tangles of identification. So chew away and to the Dickens with it. Any help run is better than no help run. And because the PC is a bundle of aberrated identifications, any help run untangles some of him. And any help run on any terminal tends to "get at" any other terminal.

So that's why help run in any old way will sooner or later make the grade. But this is no reason to believe there are not also smart ways to run help.

Any late specific terminal, being so confounded far from basic-basic on the time track, runs tough and endlessly. Therefore as always it is better to run general terminals than to run specific terminals. However in the case of a PTP you can go ahead if you have to and run help on the PTP personnel, but as soon as the edge is off the PTP for Heaven's sakes shift to the general form of the specific terminals you have been running, and flatten those a lot or a little.

Keep a very close record of what you have run on help as the only precaution you have to take, and when the PC is running toward MEST clear check back with help on these terminals and make sure they are flat. When a lot of help has been run on basic material then of course you will find that what ran very arduously before will now run much better. It is almost a waste of time to run specific terminals, but still you must run things that are real to the PC, and if only yesterday was real to him then you are stuck with running the PC on later terminals or even specific terminals.

A much faster way to run help than by sorting out real terminals on an E-Meter (which is still necessary sometimes) is to do an assessment on the PC using help and the dynamics, and finding a button that is entirely off dynamic and that the PC can't imagine helping. This is a trigger to a case. Unusual results happen very fast.

Another way to go about this is a simple questioning of the PC on the subject of his dislikes. Watch the meter and when you get a silly reaction on a dislike, like a rock slam or a heavy drop or a sudden theta bop, then pick this out, make a general form out of it that registers like the first mention, and run that on the PC. This is a rather loose and sometimes misleading assessment. But remember that all help run leads to untangling all buttons and so it is a perfectly good approach, and as the PC gets run on something he is awful darn sure he ought to be run on he is often very happy and co-operative in this. Whereas on a dynamic assessment he is made intensely curious as he didn't know he was aberrated on what you found out. In other words just asking the PC what is wrong with him, getting it into a general form that registers on the meter and running Help O/W or concept help on it, is good reasonably fast processing. It is better than assessing for just a terminal that drops or for a specific late terminal that drops.

As a comment it should be noted that help is the last thing that folds up in the dwindling spiral of aberration. About the first thing that folds up is interest. But when it is gone there are still three buttons left on which the person can function. The next one to go is communication. This becomes a contest of overts as in the ARC breaky case. Anybody below this lives his or her life this way. The next one to vanish is control. So don't be surprised to find somebody around who does plenty of overts and who can't stand control who can yet be run on help and who can still function in life. When interest, communication, control and help are gone, that's it. You haven't got a person left. So beware people who are below help. Beware of them in living. But in auditing when you can't get Help to bite at all (and if he can talk to you you can get help to bite) you have nothing left but the CCHs. You can make it on them too but with tremendous investment in hours. And when you've got the CCHs flat then you can start running help.

But as I said above I have not yet been able to say the perfect way of running help. I am still investigating it like mad and am giving you all the gen as it comes visible. However have patience with me. I have learned that people not only have it twisted a bit, they've got it shattered, and that's the majority of people. So we're in there slugging away and we're making clears, and if I get hold of any faster ways to do you'll be the first to get the gen.