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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Co-Audit Defined (COAUD-1) - B800528 | Сравнить
- Co-Audit Defined (COAUD-1) - B800528RA90 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Определение Взаимоодитинга (КООД-1RA) - Б800528RA90 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Revised 20 April 1990
Remimeo All Orgs All Divisions C/Ses Co-audit Supervisor's Course Co-auditors Co-Audit Series 1RA




The term "co-auditing" is an abbreviation for "cooperative auditing."

A Co-Audit is: A team of any two people who are helping each other reach a better life with Scientology or Dianetics Processing.

It is a cooperative action toward a very worthwhile goal.

The co-audit is an early Scientology and Dianetics innovation.

It was the bright idea used in the early days to. get auditing done in more volume and on a broader scale than would ever have been possible on a one-for-one basis at that time. It was also a means of training the many who were demanding training in this new technology, and providing them with the opportunity to get their own cases handled while at the same time giving them a subjective reality on the processes they were delivering to others.

It was then and is today a very valuable tool.

Co-audits are our quickest and most economical way of restoring vitality and purpose to the society, something I know all Scientologists are working with me to achieve.

Co-audits can handle the many, staff and public alike, who are reaching for those auditing actions meant to bring them up through the next levels toward Clearing and who are willing to bootstrap their way up through these levels.

The purpose of a Co-Audit is to get Co-Auditors up the Grade Chart.

Co-auditing is not a limited activity. Any pair of Scientologists who have the interest and desire to help each other up the Grade Chart can co-audit.


Rundown co-audits are especially designed co-audit packages set up to permit co-audit team members, regardless of their training or lack of it, to audit each other through the full steps of a specific rundown.

Included in a rundown co-audit would be any and all study and training steps needed to prepare co-auditors to successfully audit each other to the full EP of that specific rundown.

The Method One Co-audit is one example of a specific rundown co-audit. The checksheet for this co-audit (HCO PL 25 Sept. 79R III) provides the technical theory and practical steps necessary to enable two co-auditors to take each other through Method One Word Clearing to full completion and EP of the action. It is a very popular action, easy to do, and gives tremendous case wins. It does not require professional auditor or word clearer training; one can simply do the Hubbard Method One Co-audit Course Checksheet with a twin.

Other co-audit packages on specific rundowns may be released from time to time. These rundown co-audit packages would be carefully planned and tailored to include the minimal but correct and necessary training gradients for delivery to public as well as staff.

This does not mean that, in the absence of such a package for a specific rundown, co-auditing could not be done. Auditors trained in the skills of a level or a particular rundown could co-audit that rundown, provided they are at that level pc-wise and training-wise. The co-audit would need to be organized and be properly supervised and C/Sed throughout, but the organization could be as minimal as providing a set-up for one such co-audit team.


A professional co-audit is a co-audit between auditors trained on the skills of a level who are auditing each other on that level. (A nonprofessional co-audit is one designed for co-auditors who have not had professional auditor training.) Professional co-audits have long been a favored and highly successful method whereby Scientologists can move up the auditing and training sides of the Bridge.

Professional co-audits are for auditors who are doing the Professional Training Route and for auditors who have completed their training but haven't themselves moved up the Grades.

Academy and Saint Hill Special Briefing Course students could and should co-audit and get themselves up the Grade Chart as they go, in pace with their training.

Professional co-auditing can be done following each auditor training course. It can also be done on special co-audits set up by orgs so that these auditors can continue to co-audit under the supervision of org tech terminals and use org facilities.

Such co-audits for public students would be charged for at a nominal rate and would include C/Sing, etc. A student can get all of his Grades and New Era Dianetics auditing on these co-audits.


Orgs do not have the license to offer public nonprofessional co-audits on Grade 0-IV processing or on NED (New Era Dianetics).

Training courses are already very much streamlined.

Any public interested in co-auditing the Grades and New Era Dianetics should be routed onto the Academy Levels and the NED Course where they can rapidly complete their study and get onto the professional co-audits.

Thus an org's concentration as far as public co-audits go would be on Div 6 co-audits, any specific rundown co-audit packages and professional co-audits on the Grades and New Era Dianetics.


Staff co-audits are by far the most advantageous method for an org to ensure its staff get and stay in good case shape and move on up the Bridge.

A well-run staff co-audit is the answer to the problem of how an org gets all its staff audited.

The staff co-audit can be arranged to be done by trained staff auditors (teamed with each other) and/or untrained staff (teamed with each other).

It can include any processing from the beginning of the Grade Chart up through New Era Dianetics as well as processing on special rundowns designed for co-audit purposes.

In the case of untrained staff co-auditing, this would ideally begin with the TRs and Objectives Co-audit Course. As part of the co-audit, the staff member would first be trained on TRs for co-audit level and Upper Indocs and then co-audit with his twin on a full battery of Objectives, as directed by the C/S.

Following this, the untrained staff co-auditors would need to be gradiently programed and C/Sed and taken step-by-step through the next Grade Chart action on a"read-it, drill-it, do-it" basis.

"Read-it, drill-it, do-it" means:

1. The co-auditors twin up and study and check each other out on the basic issues and skills for the process or Grade to be audited.

2. They drill the actual actions involved in running the process, under tight supervision of a trained Co-audit Supervisor.

3. They then audit each other on the process to EP, under the tight guidance of a trained Co-audit Supervisor.

Do you want to see an immediate upsurge in staff morale, activity level and enthusiasm? Establish a staff co-audit!


The Grade Chart is the guiding factor in any co-audit. One doesn't audit a pc on processes or rundowns above his Grade in violation of the Grade Chart, regardless of where the auditing is done or whether it is an HGC type of action or a co-audit action.

On any co-audit, the process to be run is determined by the C/S and he uses the Grade Chart as the basic pc program in each individual case.

HCO PL 23 July 69, AUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIES, and HCOB 21 Dec. 79, AUDITOR ASSIGNMENT POLICIES, CRAMMING ASSIGNMENT POLICIES, provide the guidelines for pairing up co-auditors of comparable case level and training level.


Co-audits are for use. They spark immediate interest. They quickly bring people up to doingness. There is no better exchange for the auditing one gets than to deliver it to another and that in itself produces gain. They are the fastest, most satisfying method of getting lots of auditing delivered, of making lots of Releases and providing actual auditing experience.

If you want to turn your org scene into one of a bustling beehive of activity, get your co-audits established and running. It is within the means of any org to do so.

Revision assisted by LRH Technical Research and Compilations