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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Current Auditing (GPM) - B630211 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630211 - HCO Bulletin - Current Auditing [B003-006]
- 630211 - HCO Bulletin - Current Auditing [B039-003]
CONTENTS CURRENT AUDITING R2-12A Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Franchise CenOCon


Current Auditing has been unsettled due to the sudden breakthrough on R3-MX. What I was looking for was

  1. A process that invariably cleared pcs easily;
  2. That had very precise and invariable rules;
  3. That could be taught by rote; and
  4. Would not be subject to change.

This process turned out to be R3-MX. The X at this writing is dropped as the process has proven itself and it becomes Routine 3-M. The designation of “M” is simply its consecutive letter in the development series, but it could stand for “Mary Sue” as she did the actual auditing under my direction that proved its rules.

The rules of 3-MX were worked out in Routine 2-12 and 2-12A and then by examining Rocket Reading Item behaviour in 3-MX.

The first thing you should know about 3-M is that it is more precise in application than any process you have handled. When it says “List the Tone Arm Action out and then 25 Items more” it means exactly that. (Surges of the needle don’t count in TA action as you couldn’t follow them with the TA and back that fast.) When R3-M says “List 25 Items Beyond the last RR or RS on a list” it means 25, not 24.

In 3-M it says Rocket Reading Item and that’s what it means. And a Rocket Read is a Rocket Read not a fall.

R3-M is therefore a masterpiece of precision. Do it wrong — not exactly by the rules — and it becomes a real nightmare. So know it before you do it, and do what it says only.

In both R2-12A and R3-M an Item can appear anywhere on a source list so long as 2 Items do not RS or RR. One Item RSing and one RRing also means list is incomplete.

On the w/w wd goal opp list (the 3-M Source List) you have to make sure list is complete to 50 Items beyond last RSing or RRing Item and 50 beyond no TA action point (where TA stops moving). This is true for both 3-M and 2-12A. You read every RRing Item back to pc from the 3-M Source List (goal opp) and every RSing Item on the 2-12A source list.

A source list is of course the primary list from the goal from which you get the first RRing RI. In 2-12A the source list is what you choose to get your first list from or List One.

All other lists in 3-M are extended 25 Items beyond the last RR or RS and the Item is always the last RR on the list — if not you’ve goofed, didn’t get the TA action out of this or the just prior list. In 2-12A you go 50 Items beyond the last RS and 50 beyond the 1st still TA. The 8 tests for mass increase, etc, must be done on every Item found in 3-M and 2-12A.

The best coverages of R-3M are the HCO Bulletin of Feb 1, 1963, “Routine 3”, and the two hours of lecture of Feb 7, 1963, where it is covered. HCO Bulletins and other lectures will be forthcoming.


If R3-M emerges so suddenly, then what of Routine 2-10, 2-12 and 2-12A?

With the single caution that you must not try to package a small RS and only use a wide RS (1/3 of a dial or more) as your source list’s RI, 2-12A is very successful just as laid down. It will continue to be taught, and used. In it you have some very precise Rules. A list is continued 50 Items beyond the last RS. Never represent an RSing Item. Always carry a wide RSing RI around to a package of 4. It is not important how you get your first RI so long as it didn’t come from representing an RSing Item. The last RS on the list opposing an RI is the Right Item always unless you’ve goofed. There must not be 2 RSing Items on a list (except List One where you choose the biggest RS as your first RI). If two appear, your list is incomplete or you let the pc (as you must never do) Represent an RR or RS he’s heard or seen on the list.

You don’t nul in 2-12A (or 3-M), you just read the next to last, then the last RS or RR Item.

Tough cases, the RS grabbed off List One Issue 3, will change with 2-12A. Rockslammers sit back and get relaxed. The process is valuable. Therefore it must be taught and used.

But as R3-M is even easier than 2-12A, it also must be taught in Academies and used in HGCs.

Valid Processes, then, are

  1. The CCHs.
  2. Prepchecking.
  3. Assists.
  4. Problems Intensives.
  5. Ruds and Havingness.
  6. R2-12A.
  7. Pulling Missed W/Hs.
  8. R3-M.

Know these and you can crack or handle any case and clear.

So know them. I’ll do my best to make all the data available.


[R3M and R3N as developments are not included in these volumes. They will be found on courses to which they apply.]