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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Get TR 0 Training in - B700917 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700917 - HCO Bulletin - Get TR 0 Training In [B010-109]
- 700917 - HCO Bulletin - Get TR 0 Training In [B043-099]
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Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
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(Reference HCOB 17 April 1961 Training Drills Modernized)

"Training Drills Modernized," HCOB 17 Apr 1961 gives the specific training stress for each TR, 0 to IV. These training stresses state exactly how TR's must be trained and coached to achieve flubless TRs in auditing.

Of these TRs, TR 0 is the most basic. It is the backbone of auditing.

Yet TR 0 generally is not trained long enough.

Training stress is glossed over too lightly. This leads to auditor non-confront and quickie grades as the auditor just can't sit there.

Students must not be passed on TR 0 too quickly. To do so ruins their auditing.

Particular attention should be given to the Training Stress of each TR, and in particular to the Training Stress of TR 0 which states:

"Have them sit and look at each other and say and do nothing for some hours. Student must not speak, fidget, giggle or be embarrassed or anaten. "

"After a student has become able to just sit there for two hours 'bullbaiting' can begin. "

Any student who, before the end of the course, cannot just sit and be there, doing TR 0 for two hours without turning on any reaction, has not passed TR 0.

A student who cannot just sit and be there while being bullbaited on a very rough gradient before the end of the course has not passed TR 0.

Supervisors and all students are required to give ample training and coaching time to TR 0 on a good gradient up to very rough before a final pass can be given on TR 0.

Give TR 0 ample training time.

Get rough and tough but always coach in the direction of a win for the student.

When the student can just sit and be there for two hours, and can be bullbaited regardless of subject, he has won and passed TR 0.

This is the foundation for a flubless auditor.

Training and Services Aide
Founder LRH:JR:sb