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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Out of Sessionness - B580820 | Сравнить
- Present Time Problem - Running of - B580820 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 580820 - HCO Bulletin - Out of Sessionness [B021-048]
- 580820 - HCO Bulletin - Out of Sessionness [B034-060]
- 580820 - HCO Bulletin - Out of Sessionness [B128-005]
- 580820 - HCO Bulletin - Present Time Problem - Running Of [B021-049]
- 580820 - HCO Bulletin - Present Time Problem - Running Of [B034-061]
- 580820 - HCO Bulletin - Present Time Problem - Running Of [B128-006]
CONTENTS OUT OF SESSIONNESS Cохранить документ себе Скачать


The mechanisms used by the preclear in living to keep his attention off the Rock are: to get involved with many present time problems, and ARC Breaks.

We used to believe that a thetan had to have problems. This is not true. A thetan thinks he needs problems to keep his attention exteriorized from the Rock chain and when the Rock is not run out he will continue to dream up problems in present time to keep his attention enforcedly fixed elsewhere than the Rock chain. A thetan will also dream up ARC Breaks to exteriorize his attention from a present time problem.

The common denominator of all locks on the Rock is ARC Breaks. Therefore, in running the Rock, expert auditing is necessary since in this case as in no other, the preclear will dream up ARC Breaks. When his attention flicks back to the Rock when he is between sessions, he will get himself involved in present time problems and ARC Breaks obsessively to keep his attention from going back on to the Rock chain.

Thus, we have the answer to the fact that a session will not progress unless the present time problem is run and alleviated and we also have the answer to the ARC Break difficulties. If the preclear is unsuccessful in keeping his attention off the Rock by a present time problem, he will then dramatize the Rock chain, which is another combination of motives which explains preclear behavior.

The moral of this story is to run out pt problems and to patch up all ARC Breaks or you will not find and run any Rocks.