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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Psychiatrist at Work - B700716 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Психиатр за Работой (2) - Б700716 | Сравнить
- Психиатр за Работой - Б700716 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700716 - HCO Bulletin - Psychiatrist at Work, The [B010-078]
- 700716 - HCO Bulletin - Psychiatrist at Work, The [B043-071]
- 700716 - HCO Bulletin - Psychiatrist at Work, The [B074-003]
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Dn Cse Checksheet


Auditors are often fought by psychiatry. The auditor is often called upon to handle psychiatric abuses. Auditors should know some facts about psychiatry.


As a technical action, it is of interest to any auditor to know that Pain and Ideas is a basic “therapy” used down the years by psychiatrists and such lot.

The practice is very general and very old.

The person is made to associate his “wrong ideas” with pain so that he “will not have these ideas”, or will be “prevented from doing those things”.

A crude current example is to electric shock a person every time he smokes a cigarette. After several “treatments” he is supposed to associate the pain with the idea and so “give up smoking”.

Homosexual tendencies are also so “treated”.

In earlier times alcoholism was “cured” by putting poison in drinks so drinking would make the person violently ill so he would “stop it”.

Examples of this are all over the time track.

The mechanism is “If you get this idea you will feel this pain” Zap!

Basically this is the action of an implanter.

Current use of it will be encountered where psychiatry has been busy implanting.

This is a pinnacle, an all, of psychiatric “treatment”.

Another version of it is drugs. Make the person too torpid (sluggish) to have any ideas. The motto of this is “too dead to act”. Institutions are emptied by hooking psychotics and “community psychiatry” exists “to make them take their pills”, in short, to keep them hooked. This started the current drug craze that spread into “illegal” drugs.

The auditor will encounter this with growing frequency as the business of it is so big that one group spends 12 billion in advertising alone per year! This is the Rockefeller drug cartel. They also spend vast sums in lobbying parliaments.


Most “got to’s” or obsessions come from Pain Association or drug association.

People in pain or drugged can become obsessed with doing the idea.

What the psychiatrist does not care to publicize is that his “cures” are implantings with compulsive ideas.

The smoker so treated now must smoke but can’t smoke. These two things are opposed. That is known as frustration – a form of insanity.

Must reach can’t reach, must withdraw can’t withdraw is total basic insanity.

Thus psychiatry is making insane people.

This is why the insanity statistic is soaring and why the crime statistic is on a wild climb.

The psychiatrist if he handled his field well and did really effective work would have a declining insanity and crime statistic.

That the psychiatrist and his “technology” has been in charge during the whole period of these alarming statistics is ignored by governments.

The psychiatrist argues that he needs more money and more practitioners. But he gets money by the billion. The state has to totally support them because the public will have nothing to do with them.

Psychiatric care in a private hospital costs $30,000. $2,000 a month for board only is the price at Walnut Lodge in Washington DC, an average place. £60 a week is charged in England for a shabby room. “Care” is extra if it exists.

Psychoanalysis costs £9,000 for a full and ineffective course, takes 5 years, 30% suicide in the first 3 months.

Psychiatric treatment runs 5 times the total cost of every course, grade and action available in Scientology orgs.


Any has knows more and can do more about the mind than any psychiatrist.

There is no real level of comparison since psychiatry as used is a destructive technology.

Under a “drug treatment” engram you often find savage electric shocks of execution strength buried.

It is doubtful if one could watch an electric shock “treatment” without vomiting.

In “neurosurgery” the Ice Pick is used to rip and tear up people’s brains.

Holes are drilled in skulls and the brain sliced up.

No evidence exists that this ever helped anyone but it makes incurable invalids.

Illegal seizure of anyone and his torture is legal in most “civilized countries”.


The psychiatrist has masters. His principal organization, World Federation of Mental Health, and its members, the National Associations of Mental Health, the “American” Psychiatric Association and the “American” Psychological Association are directly connected to Russia.

Even the British Broadcasting Company has stated that psychiatry and the KGB (Russian Secret Police) operate in direct collusion.

A member of the WFMH sits on every major “Advisory Council” of the U.S. government, to name one government.

Ministers of Health or Health Authorities are members of the National Association or the WFMH.

The psychiatrist has masters.


All these statements are the subject of total documentation in the hands of Scientology.


The auditor in auditing uncovers considerable data in former psychiatric cases.

Further an auditor can put to rights a case so abused unless a fatal injury has been done.

As psychiatry circulates rumours about auditors and attempts to discourage the use of Dianetics and Scientology, it is only fair for the auditor to know exactly the status of psychiatry and psychology as used today.

It goes without saying that the savagery and fraud of psychiatry must cease and that auditors must encourage in state and public and through all their connections displacing psychiatric abuses with sane auditing.
