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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Routine 3 (GPM) - B630430 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630430 - HCO Bulletin - Routine 3 (Correction to HCOB 23 April, 1963 - Handling the GPM) [B063-020]
CONTENTS ROUTINE 3 Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
HCO BULLETIN OF 30 APRIL AD 13 Central Orgs Missions


(Correction to HCOB 23 Apr. 63 HANDLING THE GPM)

On page 2, 3rd and 4th steps at the bottom, read instead: Instead of “3. Do not oppose,” etc.:

  1. Oppose all RIs including the goal as an RI at the bottom of the GPM. Instead of “4. Leave the lowest (1st bottom),” etc.:
  2. List with a written list “Who or what or what goal would ‘To (goal of the GPM just run) oppose.” List 50 items beyond the last RR or RS. Leave this list not nulled, but be sure it is completely listed.

Correction of HCOB 23 Apr. 63, HANDLING THE GPM, page 3, 13th step — read as follows:

Instead of “13. Reach eventually the first goal,” etc.:

13. Reach eventually the first goal ever found on the pc but not handled. Null the goal oppose list left unnulled in step 4. Find the next lower goal on it.
