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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Clear Test - B660823-2 | Сравнить
- Service Facsimile - B660823 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Проверка на Клира - Б660823-2 | Сравнить
- Сервисное Факсимиле - Б660823 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 660823 - HCO Bulletin - Service Facsimile [B006-021]
- 660823 - HCO Bulletin - Service Facsimile [B041-016]
- 660823 - HCO Bulletin - Service Facsimile [B090-003]
- 660823 - HCO Bulletin - Service Facsimile [B149-002]
- 660823 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Clear Test [B006-022]
- 660823 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Clear Test [B041-017]
CONTENTS SERVICE FACSIMILE Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All Exec Hats Qual Hats Tech Hats HCO Hats


A Service Facsimile is a computation generated by the being not the bank. An example of this is:

“All horses sleep in beds.”

Such a computation locked away in the mind will obviously precipitate many compulsive doingnesses, beingnesses and havingnesses.

An example of a doingness precipitated by the above computation would be:

“Making beds for horses.”

If on assessing for a Service Facsimile you get “Making beds for horses” as the service facsimile please note that it is a doingness and not a computation, so if you fit the doingness into the bracket of Service Fac Commands, i.e. :

How does “Making beds for horses” make you right?

How does “Making beds for horses” make others wrong? etc.,

then observe very carefully exactly what the preclear says, because he might give the exact words of the actual service facsimile – “all horses sleep in beds”. And observe very carefully and note all meter reaction to what he or she says.

Note all of this, remembering that you were not running a real Service Facsimile in the first place, and that in order to really flatten all the compulsive doingnesses, beingnesses and havingnesses precipitated by the basic computation you will have to run the exact computation in the Service Fac bracket.

If the doingness you run is a basic one then it is possible that the preclear will blow all the charge on the Service Fac and this you will assess by pc indicators and meter phenomena (i.e. free needle).

It is obviously best to get a real Service Fac (computation) and taking beingnesses, doingnesses and havingnesses as Service Facsimiles if done by auditors must be thoroughly understood.

Service Facsimile auditing can give great gains, so understand what you are doing with the technology and have many wins.