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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Time and the Tone Arm - B630728 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 630728 - HCO Bulletin - Time and the Tone Arm [B003-049]
- 630728 - HCO Bulletin - Time and the Tone Arm [B039-036]
CONTENTS Time and the Tone Arm THE MECHANICS OF TIME PROGRAMMING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Central Orgs Franchise Star Rating

Time and the Tone Arm

(HCO Secs: Check out on all Technical staff exceptfor percentage of cases which is not Star Rated)

I recently completed a study begun many years ago which gives us new hope and easier auditing of difficult cases.

We have known for many years (Dianetic Axioms) that Time is the Single Source of human aberration. This did not have the importance it deserved.

To make an OT one has to clear the Time Track.

This seemed very easy when I discovered a few months ago that anybody can run an engram. The reasons one can't are just

(1) wrong time of the incident,

(2) wrong duration of the incident,

(3) incident may contain an implanted GPM or

(4) it may be false track (therefore having wrong time and wrong duration).

So anybody that can be put into an auditing session can run Time Track with good perception. If the perceptions aren't there it's just wrong time or wrong duration or both, or it's a GPM in which case one reverts at once to R3N, or it's false track in which event one finds accurately when it was installed and the duration of that incident.

All apparent grouping of the track comes either from wrong time or false track (which is also wrong time). Either one looks like incidents are grouping.

Well, that seemed to wrap up clearing and OT, but I still didn't broadly release it; I wanted to be sure. I don't mind being wrong but I dislike making you wrong in your auditing, it's already happened too often.

So I carefully researched this all over again and found it was not enough just to clean track. One had to run track with Tone Arm Motion.

That's the real barrier to clear and OT, given the above data. One can run incidents and GPMs but do these when run give Tone Arm Motion?

Without Tone Arm Motion no charge is being released and no actual case betterment is observed beyond a few somatics removed. The pc's session goals stay the same. The pc's life doesn't change.

So the clue to OT (and clear) is Tone Arm Motion. It must exist during the session. If it doesn't something is wrong.

At first I thought that a dating prepcheck "On Dating" or "On Dates" would re-establish all ceased TA action. It will up to a point and is valuable.

Repair of cases must contain such a Prepcheck and also discovering wrong dates and durations on engrams and GPMs. This is vital.

But it will not make some cases continue to get TA motion on the Time Track.

If a case, even when cleaned up on dating and properly assessed for level and Item in R3R or on R3N, does not then get TA motion on running track, another factor is present.

What is that factor? The pc has a "fragile Tone Arm". Just one wrong date or duration in R3R or just one wrong RI in R3N and Tone Arm Action ceases, the TA going way up or down and staying there. Stuck TA cases then give us a type of case.

So I knew there was another factor involved rather than Time alone. Time remains the single source. But a pc's regard for or attitude about Time can make it difficult for the auditor to run R3R or R3N.

Regard for Time sums up, of course, into ARC about Time, or just ARC.


As in earlier writings Time is actual but is also an apparency. (See Dianetics 55! or other similar material.) Time is measured by motion. Motion is Matter with energy in space. Thus a person can conceive of Time as only matter and energy in space. Such as a clock or a planetary rotation. Time is actual. But the person has become so dependent on Matter moving in space to tell Time that his Time Sense has become dependent on matter, energy and space.

We care only for TA action. Our opinion of a pc's Time Sense is unimportant. Does the pc get TA action on R3R and/or R3N? If so, the pc's Time Sense is okay for making OT straight away. If not, if the TA is "fragile" (sticks easily high or low) then the pc's Time Sense needs improving.

Time Sense deteriorates to the degree that one has depended upon matter, energy and space to tell Time (and on Time Confusing Implants such as false track; however, running out false track on a no TA motion case is not an answer).

The dwindling spiral was as follows:

State A – Time Sense.

State B – Time Sense dependent upon Matter, Energy and Space.

State C – ARC Breaks with Matter, Energy, Space and other beings.

State D – Deteriorated Time Sense.

By the time State D is thoroughly reached, you have a pc who gets no TA motion running track, as energy will not flow in the absence of Time.

There are four degrees of "Poor Time Sense". The first is average and common but is not enough to impair TA action. The TA sticks but getting wrong dates off restores TA action which then continues. The second is a case that has to be continuously repaired and delicately handled to get any TA action at all. The third is a case that gets TA action on repetitive processes or rudiments but not on GPMs or engram running (while silently moving through an engram few people get TA action; this comes when they answer "What happened?": the third under consideration doesn't get any TA even when answering "What happened?" and rarely if ever RRs). The fourth is a case that gets no TA action on repetitive processes and very little if any on Rudiments.

The four types of "Poor Time Sense" compare to

Case Level 5 – (first type above) Gets TA action only when wrong dates are cleaned up.

Case Level 6 – (second above) Gets TA action only with constant careful handling and TA action always packing up.

Case Level 7 – (third above) TA action only on some repetitive processes and rudiments.

Case Level 8 – (fourth above) No TA action on repetitive processes and only now and then on rudiments.

Case Levels 2 to 4 get TA action no matter what happens.

This then (TA Action) is your best index of Case Levels. IQ, graphs, tests, behaviour in life are all incidental.

Identification (A=A=A) is most easily present when Time Sense is awry, therefore, the degree a person identifies different things establishes the degree of aberration.


Cases are programmed only against TA Action obtainable in auditing.

A case must not be run without TA Action or with minimal TA Action.

A case may be a Case Level 5 and need only a few wrong dates and durations corrected to get good TA Action. But it may also be a Case Level 6, 7 or 8.

Trial and error programming is best. Programme high and drop low, no matter what the morale factor may be.

Try to run GPMs, the Goal to Forget, etc, with R3N. If it can't be done, assess for R3R (Preliminary Step) and run a chain of engrams. If still no TA, drop to processes for Case Level 7. If still no TA, drop to processes for Case Level 8.

You may see by the pc's past auditor's reports what the Case Level is. How stuck has that TA been?

Don't run a case lower than it easily gets TA Action.

And don't brand a case at a low case level and then never graduate it upwards. When the lower process is flat, the upper process should now be runnable.

The story is told by the TA with one exception – auditor ability and training. But Case Levels 2, 3, 4 are not all that influenced by the auditor ability. The auditor's skill has to be pretty good to run Case Level 5 on R3R and R3N.

The auditor doesn't live who can run R3R or R3N on Case Levels 6, 7 or 8. It just won't run.

In the guess department the bulk of the cases about are 4s and 5s. A good-sized percentage are 6s and 7s. About 10% are Case Level 8. About 10% are Case Level 3. Therefore about 30% of a usual group of pcs will run with good TA on the Time Track, given trained auditing, without trouble. Another 30% will run with good TA on the Time Track with careful coddling and no serious date goofs. Except for the 1% Case 3, the rest will fall into Case Levels 6, 7 and 8, meaning that about 39% of the cases in Scientology won't run at once on R3R or R3N, and another 30% (Case Level 5s) need a Saint Hiller hanging over the auditor's shoulder or in the chair. And the other 30% (Case Level 4s) will run very well and easily on R3R and R3N.

So the biggest percentage group (Case Levels 6, 7, 8 combined) need special processes to graduate up to action with R3R and R3N.

These Case Level 6, 7 and 8 processes now exist and are being released as rapidly as they are demonstrated workable. R2H for Case Levels 5 and 6 has already been released. R2HL for Case Levels 6 and 7 is being readied up for bulletin. The Corner Process and others for Case Level 8 are tested and the data is being assembled. And other advances can be made.

To audit easily and relaxed with good TA Action on the pc is my immediate desire for auditors and auditing supervisors. I feel we are over the hump on this. The fundamental solution to it – Time and the Tone Arm – is contained in this HCO Bulletin.

Don't audit a pc without getting TA Action. Either repair the wrong dates and durations before going on or drop to processes of a lower case level or both.

ARC Breaks in session won't stop a TA. Only Time errors.