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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Handling with Auditing - B700115-2 | Сравнить
- Uses of Audiiting - B700115 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Применения Одитинга - Б700115-1 | Сравнить
- Урегулирование с Помощью Одитинга (СДС-17) (2) - Б700115-2 | Сравнить
- Урегулирование с Помощью Одитинга (СДС-17) - Б700115-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 700115 - HCO Bulletin - Uses of Auditing, The [B010-002]
- 700115 - HCO Bulletin - Uses of Auditing, The [B043-002]
- 700115 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Handling with Auditing [B010-003]
- 700115 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Handling with Auditing [B043-003]
- 700115 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Handling with Auditing [B055-010]
- 700115 Issue 2 - HCO Bulletin - Handling with Auditing [B058-003]
- 700115 Issue 3 - HCO Bulletin - TR 104 [B010-004]
CONTENTS THE USES OF AUDITING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Registrar’s Hat Ltr Reg Hat Dn C/S Checksheet


Case Supervisors, Registrars and Letter Registrars particularly should know something of the enormous number of uses to which auditing can be put.

The idea of selling and applying “Dianetic Triples” and “Scientology Grades” as all one knows about is an approach that is both lazy and ignorant.

It is doubtful if one could count the number of uses to which auditing can be placed to help livingness and improve the health, ability and outlook of a person.

The trend now is to apply auditing to special requirements. But this is not a new trend – it is merely unknown. Emphasis on completed grades tended to drive out of sight the real uses of auditing.

Naturally one wants his Dianetic Triples and his Scientology Triples. But to say this is the end of auditing is silly.

In the pursuit of the “new” one forgets the successful old. In Class VI auditing, there are thousands of processes, all valid, if run only to F/N.

Dianetic Auditing particularly lends itself to specific situations. For instance, a pregnant woman should be audited on emotions and somatics relating to birth or babies before delivery. We used to simply audit the girl’s own birth and any past births (R3R). Then immediately after delivery the engram is run out. Handling pregnancy in this fashion has the woman up and about in 3 days and in fine condition. This prevents utterly the extreme of “postpartum psychosis”, as mental upset due to delivery is called. It prevents any upset with the husband or child. It prevents physical aftereffects. In short, it should be done.

People who have been ill for some time often only get well because they are audited.

After any illness the person should be audited.

After accidents and medical care people should be audited.

Almost any human situation containing pain or misemotion should be handled by auditing.

In the field of ability auditing is king. The inability to study or to work or even to live can be handled in many ways. The simple action of listing the somatics, emotions and attitudes of the unwanted condition and running them R3R Triples relieves them.

A Registrar can sign up “Intensives” on these subjects and get them relayed to the Case Supervisor.

Auditing is for use.

Auditing is the answer to human disability and travail. It can make life worth living.

Auditing is not a limited action, “He’s had his triples so you can’t do anything” is about as limited a view as you can get.

The public should be given lists of things they may want handled. The use of auditing should be known, particularly in lower orgs.

A Case Supervisor should be fully aware of what auditing can do and insist that it get done.

There is no limit to what good auditing can do. That is the first thing one should learn about it.
