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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- WC1 Comes First (WCS-30) - B720102 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Метод 1 Идет Первым (ПСЛ-30) - Б720102 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720102 - HCO Bulletin - WC1 Comes First [B012-002]
- 720102 - HCO Bulletin - WC1 Comes First [B048-002]
CONTENTS WC 1 COMES FIRST METHOD 2 EP Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo Word Clearing Series 30


Don’t try to Word Clear Materials by Word Clearing Method 2 before the person has had a Word Clear Method 1.

Actual experience shows that doing WC 2 without WC 1 restimulates earlier charge on words that have been misunderstood in the past.

When a person has not had Word Clear Method 1 and tries to do Word Clear Method 2 on materials, it can go very slowly, the student (due to earlier charge on words) can become quite misemotional.

Using Method 3 (going back to find the misunderstood word) is all right. And using common ordinary “Look up, don’t go past a misunderstood word” is all right.


The End Phenomena (what occurs at the end) of Word Clearing Method 2 is a continuing F/N on the materials.

When the person is constantly F/Ning on the materials being word cleared Method 2, that is the time to end off. The “EP” has been reached.

When the word clearer forces the student to go on beyond this, the reads gotten are often false or are from protest.

Reads that are false come from cognitions (realizations) on the material. Protest reads come from just plain annoyance with having to go on.

When the EP of 2 is reached on a specific set of materials, the student is then permitted to go on by himself, looking up words he doesn’t know or going back to find one that was missed.

A person who enters a new subject or a new branch of a subject should be given WC 2 on it. A person who begins a higher level of a subject should be given WC 2 on it.

If thereafter there is any bog or failure to understand or apply or pass an exam on the subject, a WC Correction List can be done on it and the bog found and handled.

This EP is only valid if the person has had WC Method 1 before the WC Method 2 was begun.

The EP of Method 2 can be many times repeated on different subjects or branches of subjects.
