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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Word Clearing (WCS-02) - B710624 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 710624 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing [B011-092]
- 710624 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing [B044-087]
- 710624 - HCO Bulletin - Word Clearing [B130-023]
CONTENTS Word Clearing Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Remimeo All Students Tech & Qual Course Supervisors Course Supers Checksheet Cramming Officers Word Clearers Word Clearing Series 2

Word Clearing

If anyone has “word cleared” you without these steps it is incorrect.

(1) By Meter in Session: A full assessment of many many subjects is done. The auditor then takes each reading subject and clears the chain back to earlier words and/or words in earlier subjects until he gets an F/N VGIs.

(2) By Meter in Classroom: The earlier passage is read by the student while on a meter and the misunderstood word is found. Then it is fully defined by dictionary. The word is then used several times in sentences of the student’s own verbal composing. The misunderstood area is then reread until understood.

(3) Verbal in classroom: The student says he does not understand something. The Supervisor has him look earlier in the text for a misunderstood word, gets the student to look it up, use it verbally several times in sentences of his own composition, then read the text that contained it. Then come forward in the text to the area of the subject he did not understand.

If any other word clearing is going on it is out tech.

There is a C/S on HCOB 30 June 71 to be followed exactly on word clearing in a session. Do not follow any other version or excerpt. There is NO other way to do it.

If you are not auditing this way or using word clearing this way or if words are not being cleared this way, report it to Ethics.

Once development and issue has occurred the next step is to get it understood and applied exactly.

Then in both Tech and Admin we have successes.
