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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- CSing Integrity Processing (IPS-17R) - BTB721223R75 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 721223 - Board Technical Bulletin - CSing Integrity Processing [BTB03-030]
- 721223R - Board Technical Bulletin - CSing Integrity Processing [BTB06-034]
CONTENTS C/Sing INTEGRITY PROCESSING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Revised 13 May 1975
(Cancels BTB 23 Dec 72, same title,
Integrity Processing Series 20, and
BTB 20 Dec 72, Integrity Processing Series 17,
“Sequence and Use of Integrity Processing Forms”.)
Remimeo Integrity Processing Series 17R


Integrity Processing as auditing is C/Sed.

The C/S ensures Integrity Processing is not entered into a pc pgm in the middle of another rundown or auditing action. When required it may be entered into a pgm at a suitable rest point but any current process or rundown in progress on the pc would be completed first. The C/S should not use this to unduly delay Integrity Processing when required, as a person withholding overts will not make gains until those overts have been pulled.

The Auditor must be qualified as a Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. This is a new tech. Its practitioners must be specialist trained.

Standard C/Sing rules apply. In addition the C/S looks for the following key points.

1. Any non-sequitur F/N on some other subject. Ensures that each question is F/Ned on the subject being asked about. This is the primary thing the C/S inspects.

2. Check that each reading question was taken to an F/N.

3. Check that any R/Ses were recorded clearly and noted at the front of pc folder for future use.

4. Ensure that an Integrity Processing Repair List (L1RA) is used if session ends with no F/N or pc at all upset or gets sick shortly after Integrity Processing. Examiner 24 Hour Rule must be rigorously applied.

No. 1 above is of prime importance. Don’t permit Auditors to go into some unusual solution such as checking the question after it has been taken to F/N. That could wreck a case. The Auditor simply audits, keeps the pc on the right chain going earlier as necessary to an F/N. It is the C/S who checks to see that it was in fact the question being asked that F/Ned. This is done by checking for any non-sequitur answers that F/Ned on some other subject.

If a person falls on his head after an Integrity Processing session an L1RA is given. However an FES to find missing questions that F/Ned on something else is done.

The whole essence of this is contained in F/Ning every item; getting question asked to F/N, not some other; Integrity Processing Repair List L1RA; fines for missing withholds; and Expanded Dianetics for R/Sers (revealing and recording R/Ses and R/Sing statements for later use in Exp Dianetics). This is what has made this a major new tech that gives fabulous case gains too.

It is the duty of the C/S to ensure the tech is known and correctly applied.

Compiled from LRH briefings and materials by
Lt. Comdr. Brian Livingston
Reissued as BTB by
Flag Mission 1234
Revised by
W/O Ron Shafran, CS-4
Approved by
Commodore’s Staff Aides
Board of Issues
for the
of the