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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Associate Newsletter No. 10 - AN530900 | Сравнить
- Change Processing - PAB-10-530900 | Сравнить
- Formula H - PAB-9-530900 | Сравнить

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CONTENTS CHANGE PROCESSING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Via Hubbard Communications Office
163 Holland Park Avenue, London W. 11
[1953, ca. late September]


In Professional Auditor’s Bulletin No. 8 we have a variation of Change Processing which utilizes the factors given in that PAB to excellent advantage.

We find as a law that a person takes the opinion viewpoint of that person or thing which has most changed him in space.

It will become apparent immediately that the reason soldiers will obey a sergeant’s command to go forward into battle lies in their training in close order drill. This sergeant has placed them here and there on the drill field, has posted them on sentry duty-in other words, fixed them in space — and in general has altered their positions in space to such a degree that now the opinion of the sergeant that they should go forward even to certain death has much higher validity than the soldier’s own opinion.

We see as well that the mother, having carried the child in the womb, having carried the infant here and there, and the father, having carried the infant about and having changed the mother in space during gestation, both, then, have enormous opinion value for the individual. This is basic on the reason why the preclear is so anxious about his personal relations with his parents. This is also why he has obeyed his parents so implicitly or has had to fight so hard not to obey them. Because his parents have changed him in space, his parents evaluate for him.

It will also be seen in a motor-happy society that machinery very soon begins to evaluate for the individual, for a car changes the person in space. Machine tools and large stationary engines fix a person in place. It is as much evaluation to fix a person in space as to change him in space, for, indeed, fixing a person is actually to make him do otherwise than he himself would do, so is, in effect, a change in space against the person’s own self-determinism.

As soon as we examine fixation in space, we are examining fixations on subjects. We have here, in a breath (but with a rather dirty trick beneath it which will be covered in a later PAB), the entire secret of education. They fix the student in space and thus can evaluate for him. This is doubly vicious as it also reduces the space of the individual. If you wish to see your preclear upset and dumbfounded, simply have him fit the corners of his kindergarten and early grade to the corners of the room in which he is being processed and keep duplicating these rooms, which is to say, fixing the old space in this new space, until he gets a good facsimile of his early school. Incidents where he was punished or degraded will immediately turn up. This is an investigatory rather than a therapeutic process, for it takes much too long.

Of course there are two sides to moving things in space. It is a question whether the child moves the mother in space more than the mother moves the child in space. Of course, the child, being smaller, is apt to take the view that the mother is moving him in space; yet the mother’s actions are being monitored continually by the necessities of the child. In such a way there are two evaluations of an automobile. One is that an automobile is moving the person in space and the other is that the person is moving the automobile in space. The difference between these two viewpoints is self-competence. We are looking here at above 2.0 on the tone scale and below 2.0 on the tone scale. Above 2.0 the individual feels that he is moving the automobile in space; below 2.0 the individual is certain that the automobile is moving him in space. This is also the difference between happiness and unhappiness. A person is happy as long as he feels that he is the causative mover and is unhappy to the degree that he feels that he is the effect of something which moves him.

Illustrative of this point is an airline pilot, one of the best on the Company payroll, who, as long as he flew the airplane, was an excellent pilot. This individual at the end of his run would quite often “deadhead” to the city where he had his home. He would ride as a passenger, and it was a source of amusement over the entire airline that this crack pilot in the smoothest air would be airsick every time he was a passenger. In the first case, he was moving the airplane in space; in the second case, as a passenger, the airplane was moving him in space. Being moved in space by an airplane occasioned terror; moving the airplane in space occasioned happiness.

During the constructive or active moments, the thetan is moving the body, but there are times when the body’s necessities — as in the case of urination and bowel movements — move the thetan. Thus we find that the latter are quite aberrative in the individual.

In the Pre-Logics we found that the prime function of theta was to locate or alter objects in space and time, and also to create space and time and objects to locate in them. So here we have viewpoints and the prime purpose of theta interlocking-and discover that we have come on two roads to the same point.

A method of running evaluation, particularly aberrative evaluation where the preclear has been surrounded by somewhat neurotic parents or marital partners, is a very simple one consisting of mocking up the parent and then, in mock-up, having the parent shift a mock-up of the preclear up in the air, down low, to the right, to the left, before and behind. One then repeats the process of having the mock-up of the preclear move the mock-up of the parent before and behind, to the right, to the left, above and below. One can even have the preclear simply mock up the parent and start moving the parent until he is certain that the parent can be moved. One has the preclear move the mock-up of the parent from before him to behind him, to his right, to his left, above him and below him. One does this with the parents, marital partners and working machinery, and also with vehicles.

As soon as one starts Creative Processing to the end of convincing the preclear that he can change things in space, he begins to find quite ordinarily that the preclear will get visios of roads. The road, of course, is the one thing which constructively changes the preclear in space. There is, of course, a scarcity of roads, and one remedies this with Viewpoint Processing by having the preclear mock up a great many roads for himself, somebody else with roads for themselves, and others mocking up roads for others, until the scarcity of roads is remedied. The road is also aberrative because it threatens momentary impacts to those persons who have been in accidents. Automobile accidents are, then, excessively aberrative since they are a hold-motion and a fixation on something which is intended as a continuance of motion. One of the simplest ways to handle this latter situation is simply to run the engram of the accident or to mock up accidents until the preclear is surfeited with them (by this last, of course, I mean that one has the preclear mock up the accidents).

One can also repeat this by having the preclear mock up the thetan moving the body as above and having the body moving the thetan. This last process is very productive. One does it in brackets. One has the preclear mock up something which he calls the thetan and then has this move the body as in the case of the parents above. Then he has others being moved around by their thetans and thetans moving others around, and then others doing this for others.