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CONTENTS CONFRONTING Cохранить документ себе Скачать
P.A.B. No. 129
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
35/37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1

1 February 1958


I want to speak to you about a phenomenon having to do with “enough” and “not enough.” This adds up to meaning “insatiable.” The thetan is insatiable as far as “enough” is concerned.

Just what is enough? That limit has never been agreed upon. For instance, the governments of populations have long since exceeded “enough” with internal revenues. But the fact of the matter is that if you object to taxes it is probably because there are not enough taxes.

I was fascinated to study (and I examined several hundred governments to discover what made them persevere) what people considered a good government to be. There are certain requisites to a good government. People seem to buy governments of tremendous duress; and govemments which are very sweet and polite and constructive are all lost. But governments which call in leading citizens, incarcerate them and tear off their toenails with pincers seem to be very well liked on the track. They persevere, not because the police and governments do a good job, but probably only because they can’t be confronted.

Justinian, the first great Christian emperor, used to call in the foremost citizens or members of government that had happened to make his wife a little mad and throw them into the nearest dungeon, torture them to death and sell their wives off to the Arabs for slaves. The leading general of this emperor was actually one of the great generals of all time. But every time he won a victory, Justinian would issue some kind of cross mandate depriving the victory of all significance. At the end Belisarius was rewarded by having his eyes put out.

The more people Justinian illegally taxed, burned and tortured, the happier everybody seemed about the whole thing. There was no smell of revolt. But the same people, just a few years before Justinian and just a short while afterwards, had perfectly good emperors with equitable taxes, just courts, and these emperors lasted only a short period before the populace was in revolt all over the place.

Well, what causes this? The answer is: enough government. The populace had an

idea of how much government there ought to be and if you didn’t give them that much government, they exploded. But they would have exploded to a much higher level if somebody could have caught them. But nobody ever did and as they came up on the upbound they just got a new tyrant who pushed them down harder.

The only reason I am talking about government is that I want you to see a preclear. Take somebody’s wife. He is mean to her and as long as he continues to be

mean she doesn’t explode. One day he decides to be kinder and she explodes. Here is a husband. He hardly puts his foot in the door and she jerks his pay envelope out of his hand, counts it very rapidly, tells him his supper is on the table — and it is cold mutton ! We get a tremendous amount of duress and then one day she is feeling poorly and doesn’t furnish this much duress and he explodes. What does this prove? Unless one applies a tremendous duress and bad 8-C people explode.

A preclear explodes under a mediumly mild 8-C which has regularity rather than a tremendous number of surprises. He has never been given orders he can follow before and all his effort to be orderly goes into restimulation. His efforts to be orderly were manifest at those times when disorder was in his vicinity. You start to handle him well and the disorder to his view goes into automatic and he blows up. This restimulates his efforts to keep a chaotic duress which he first used a long time ago to have an orderly duress against such chaos. You actually start running out the tremendous duress which he has had to apply to keep chaos from exploding. When that runs out you get an explosion of the chaos he has been holding down. You run out, by command, the duress which he has applied to chaotic times of his lives. As a consequence you get an explosion. It looks as though this individual thrives on nothing but chaos, but that is not true. He doesn’t want it and he doesn’t want anything to do with it. A short period of application of very good 8-C that is positive and won’t let him get away with a thing, will run this out.

An individual will apparently sit around in a sort of mucky apathy and be abused for years without anything happening because the abuse he is getting is sort of running out former chaotic periods of his life. It is in restimulation. It convinces him that he cannot handle the wife and that there is nothing one can do about government.

A person who is subjected to a chaotic duress year after year is not getting any place, but, and this seems to be the criteria by which this is judged, he did not revolt.

There is nothing confused about the auditor in a Tone 40 session. If you want a fast blow that will run this all out, you must be very didactic, positive and totally unconfused. He will pull out tricks like origins, then sly tricks and then somatics. None of them interrupt positive control. You just continue to run out all the times when he has tried to control things and has had them blow up in his face.

It is very interesting to watch a child move up into his teens. His parents have been giving him 8-C, family style — did you wash your face, why don’t you get a glass of milk, no there isn’t any milk, go to bed, no don’t go to bed, no get up, go to bed, no don’t stand up. When he gets into the teens all of a sudden his parents aren’t applying very much duress on him and he revolts. It is not really a feeling, sentient, knowing revolt at all. It is a restimulation of his own effort to take care of the chaos which happened to him years ago. So actually bad control breeds periods of chaos which will someday explode.

The actual appearances that come out of this are quite fascinating. One of them is that the individual needs a lot of dramas. You might say, “Well if the thetan can stand up to that much drama he must like it.” He does not like it but it is at least something to do. And that is his misconception of what is worth confronting.

For example, a man had a nice art collection, lived an orderly existence, was an interesting conversationalist and lived in his Maryland village. He never had a caller. One day he died and the whole environment went to his funeral. Obviously a funeral is worth confronting but a live being isn’t. Just add this up to what we used to have to say about Acceptance Level. Now we have Confronting Level.

Another man hardly had anybody to talk to him in the office. He did a good job, and there wasn’t anybody who ever talked to him particularly. One day he got sick and everybody in the office came to see him clear down at the hospital. If he had got sick from leprosy they all would have come in the first five minutes.

An individual has a concept of what is worth confronting, and all of the chaos which he has been handed has got him so confused that he doesn’t understand that things don’t have to be horrible, terrible, miserable or dramatic in order to be confronted. He falls this way straight away from confronting the universe around him, and he confronts only the horribleness and nastiness and so on.

Lately the Book Review tells us that a book called Andersonville by McKinley Cantor is supposed to be and is advertised as the greatest Civil War novel ever written. I took a look at it. It isn’t about the Civil War at all. It is about a prison camp erected in Georgia by Southerners in which they incarcerated damn Yankees. Every nasty foul condition of humanity is delineated, painfully and unartfully at exceeding length. This low tone level is something that is worth confronting.

Have you watched TV lately, some of the 1.5-ing and high toned TV actors acting at 1.5? That is evidently worth confronting. If you could just figure out what a lot of people consider to be worth confronting and then give it to them you would probably come up with much greater popularity than anything else. The same thing goes for the circus and screen. Hollywood got the idea and I imagine laid a tremendous multibillion dollar egg with their Vista Vision and Wide Screen. They are getting actors bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger screens, and finally you sit down and begin to feel like an ant crawling on one of the actor’s knees.

There is another side of the manifestation. We have the anxiety to be confronted. We get these two things in conflict with each other, and those two things in their adjustment make the drama of life.

Where do we find preclears stuck? They are stuck in drama, and one gets the idea that that is something worth confronting. They go off on a gradient scale to things nobody could possibly confront and which they never did confront and then go anaten.

First he starts facing these things which are, he considers, worth confronting, and if he considers enormous drama the only thing worth confronting then he easily falls into enormous chaos. When he goes over into enormous chaos he gets caught up in the fact that nobody could possibly confront the thing, but he is already stuck on an earlier postulate that there was nothing worth confronting and so he gets no havingness in the physical universe.

People run such tricks on other people’s havingness. They tell him nothing around here is worth looking at. “This is a dull town.” (I think America invented the small town just to convince people there was nothing worth confronting.) These small communities, with their small minds, work one way or the other on making nothing out of things that a child was willing to confront. So they bred, as the child grew older, a contempt for anything in his vicinity, and he started looking for things that were worth confronting.

Here is a sample process which could go: “Mock up something that isn’t worth confronting. Make it a little more solid. Thank you.” The person gets streets in his immediate vicinity. He gets havingness and the only things that he could ever get havingness from. Yet his total idea is that none of this is worth confronting and he never sees it. Thus you get your standard homo sapiens, vacant eyed, walking down the street.

As an example: On a lovely cool day people were riding and walking down the street. One lady pushed a little boy in a cart and they were all going along vacant eyed.

All of a sudden the woman pulled the tongue of the little cart up and catapulted the little boy out onto the pavement with a crash. Instantly traffic jammed up. The kid wasn’t even hurt, he just cried a little, but all the cars stopped and their passengers popeyed onto this terrifying scene. People stopped walking and crowded around the spectacle. That was worth confronting. The ingredients of blood-curdling drama were added. But when the little boy wasn’t hurt and he shut up, looks of disappointment were on all faces and the crowd dispersed quietly to the vacancy of other blocks.

Another process on this line: “Mock up something that nobody can confront,” and we discover the favorite games of psychos. Not a productive process at all. By the way, when you get something that nobody could confront you get black minds with ridges, shooting stars and space opera flying around them that they could not make head or tail of.

If you said, “Invent something to confront. Mock it up and make it a little more solid,” you would probably get the best process that can be worked out of this morass. The individual would gradually change his mind concerning things there were to be confronted. There are no such things as can’t be confronted at all. There are only things which are difficult to confront.

“Mock up something you’ve got to confront” and you get the standard run of the mill, homo sapiens nonsense such as alarm fires, funerals, etc. We also get work. Work is considered to be about the last thing that anybody should ever be expected to confront. The Anglo-American view is to put a tremendous amount of kick in the pants on this thing called work. The way you work out work as something that is impossible for anybody to confront is to discourage a child when you see him perform any work. You say, “Oh, get out of my way. It’s too much trouble to show you. You’re in my road.” And by the time he is six or seven he’s thoroughly educated that he will not be permitted to work. And then the laws of state keep him from getting jobs and earning money so that he can escape from the tremendous dependency of family. Further up in his teens they realize the police have a vested interest in crime and they have here a good quality juvenile delinquent. Then he is not permitted to work either. We get him in his early twenties and insist he get married and then we show him that he’s got to work. Here you’ve got one of these super duress got-to-confronts. No wonder people get tired, because every time you put them into a “got to confront” you run them into all the emergencies.

What is an emergency? It is something that requires a necessity level. What is a necessity level? It is a heightened willingness — a sudden heightened willingness which untaps a tremendous amount of ability and you get these tremendous feats. Now this cycle of super energy and application winding up with super tiredness gets applied to the work-a-day world of turning a lathe or driving a truck or keeping a set of books. He’s got to get the work done and he finally goes into total exhaustion. This is because he has no orientation on what’s worth while confronting. This adds up to the fact that Man goes into an emergency level of activity when he has got to confront and his whole lifetime is one long activity at an emergency height. This tells us the reason for the hectic anxiety to get the work done. The human body has its limitations and cannot stand that since it is built on a number of “now I am supposed to’s” and every time you have the problem handled you go out in the middle of the Sahara Desert and “now I am supposed to have a drink of water” keys in and you haven’t got it licked at all.

“Mock up something you have got to confront” brings to the guy the tools of his trade. Run it a bit further and you’ll get women if it is a man, and vice versa. It is a “got to confront.”

You can ask what the solution of confrontingness in the preclear would mean in terms of exteriorization. Things that are impossible to confront, that are not worth confronting, each play their role in exteriorization. A person who is dead in the head knows that he couldn’t possibly confront a skull of a body, but he has got to confront one.

I would say that it would take a lot of preparation with the early steps of CCH before one started soaring into those rarefied realms of confrontingness. There is one process called Locational Processing which works out a tremendous amount of confrontingness and controls attention at the same time. It is run Tone 40, with great accuracy and precision by the auditor, who then controls the preclear’s attention which was previously controlled by facsimiles. And a steady control like that runs out the preclear’s attempts to control. Locational Processing happens to make the thetan make the body confront the wall. This is an objective confrontingness process. As a subjective one, “Invent something to confront. Mock it up and make it a little more solid,” is very good, and they are at present the two standard confrontingness processes in Scientology.