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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Cramming Actions (CRAM-02RB) - BTB750308-1 | Сравнить
- Cramming Expertise (CRAM-06RA) - BTB750308-5 | Сравнить
- Cramming Officer Statistic (CRAM-07RA) - BTB750308-6 | Сравнить
- High Crime Checkouts and Technical Oks (CRAM-04RB) - BTB750308-3 | Сравнить
- TRs in Cramming (CRAM-05RB) - BTB750308-4 | Сравнить
- Types of Cramming Admin Cramming (CRAM-03R) - BTB750308-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 750308 Issue 1 - Board Technical Bulletin - Cramming Actions [BTB06-018]
- 750308 Issue 2 - Board Technical Bulletin - Types of Cramming - Admin Cramming [BTB06-019]
- 750308 Issue 3 - Board Technical Bulletin - High Crime Checkouts and Technical OKs [BTB06-020]
- 750308 Issue 4 - Board Technical Bulletin - TRs in Cramming [BTB06-021]
- 750308 Issue 5 - Board Technical Bulletin - Cramming Expertise [BTB06-022]
- 750308 Issue 6 - Board Technical Bulletin - Cramming Officer Statistic [BTB06-023]
8 MARCH 1975
Issue I
Revises, Combines & Cancels
BTB 21 Jan 72RA, Cramming Series 2RA,
BTB 10 June 73RA, Cramming Series 19RA,
BTB 10 June 73, Issue III, Reissued 19 July 74, Cramming Series 20.
Remimeo Cramming Series 2RB

Cramming Actions

The particular areas of expertise a Cramming Officer has to have, in addition to being a proven Auditor and Supervisor to the level of the Org are:

1. TRs 0-9 & Rapid TR 2

2. Metering

3. Axioms & Codes

4. Coaching

5. Mechanics of the Mind

6. Problems of Work

7. Word Clearing – M2, 3, 4, 6, 7 & 9

8. The Tech Materials to the level of the Org

9. 10 points of Keeping Scientology Working.


The general procedure in use in handling Auditors sent to Cramming is as follows:

A. Interview the Auditor with the folder and Cramming Order.

B. Go over the folder locating all errors in sequence, earliest to latest.

C. Find the Why for the goof on a meter.

D. Ensure the Cramming Order handles the Why, is short and written in sequence of gradient handling, including basics.

E. See that the misunderstoods are cleaned up back to the Basics (e.g. errors handling out Ruds traced back through Basic Auditing Series to the Auditor’s Code). Always use WC 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 9 in addition to starrates and clay.

F. Have the Auditor drill the procedure flubbed until flawless.

G. Have the Auditor do TRs 0-4 (6-9 if necessary), debugging individual TRs on a gradient of perfection.

H. If a chronic error, metering error or low hours, check over his meter position, eyes and his handling of the meter, and OT TR 0 and TR 0 particularly.

I. Now, with the error corrected and basics in, interview the Auditor and verify that the Why is handled and send to the Pc Examiner as a VGIs F/Ning student.

J. If no F/N, check him over on the meter for by-passed why or misunderstoods, isolate the area and get it corrected and Word Cleared M2 & 9 and starrated and drilled.

K. Write up the “Why” and key actions of the handling for the C/S, attach the F/N Exam form and route to the C/S logged as complete.

Steps A & B have several parts:

a. Show me.

b. Tell me.

c. Obnosis.

d. What happened just before that?


In many instances, if a person is asked what was done, he will not report exactly what was done, so a Cramming Off should get a person to show him what he did.

A Cramming Off has to hand a Cramming Order. His first action is to get the person to demonstrate by going through the motions. In many cases, he won’t have to go any further because the demonstration will immediately show what was wrong and requiring correction.

For example, an Interne is having trouble with assessment, but a simple demonstration shows that he does not know how to set up for a session. He has his Meter way over to the left, the worksheets in the center and the assessment sheet way over to his right, and thus cannot see the list, the Meter and the Pc all in one field of vision. Such a demo can take one minute and save a Cramming Off 20 minutes of digging.

In Admin Cramming, Show Me can take the Cramming Off into the Staff Member’s area.


When Show Me is not possible, have the person tell what happened. “Exactly what did you do?” is a stable datum. Get the exact sequence of events not a lot of ramble. If very confused have the person use a Demo Kit. Don’t get caught up in reasons or explanations.


The Cramming Officer must be able to pick out the outnesses in what is being said or shown. One doesn’t have to be an expert to recognize and follow down something that doesn’t make sense.


In some cases, particularly in the Tech Cramming area, the Cramming Off will have to find out what happened just before the goof.

When checking for what happened just before a goof, the Cramming Off will find A. something he didn’t understand, and/or B. something he couldn’t control.

A new Interne flubs the commands of R3R. Now, if the Cramming Off doesn’t ask what happened just before that, he may miss out on his Why. He will probably find out that the Interne realized he was running out of paper, or some such common incidence, which caused him to become flustered, TRs to go out, and he flubbed the commands. In this case, through his own lack of planning and set-up actions, the Interne lost control of the session. So the Cramming Off will cram the Interne on session set-up actions and strengthen his TR 0 through the use of TRs booklets and tapes and see that he continues daily TRs Training on the Interneship.

When a look into a situation does not readily show up a Why, go earlier and find out what happened.


The only hidden barrier to real success in Cramming is non-participation, the indicator of Out Ethics. A Cramming Off must recognize Out Ethics and get it handled. He may be able to get the Staff Member to handle it on the spot, or he may have to send the person to Ethics or even to Integrity Processing. The point is to recognize the barrier to progress and get it removed.


Unless Qual is also correcting Training where needful, Cramming will be overloaded with flubbed products who didn’t get the data in the first place and are now goofing on their Tech or Admin post.

The Qual Sec should inspect Course rooms daily. Does the Super have his E-Meter set up on his desk ready for an M2 or M4? Is the Super moving around the class constantly, handling students, keeping them moving and F/Ning? Actual Super two way comm with students should be listened to and TRs and Supervisor or study tech correction written up.

Any Supervisor with down stats, drop-outs, blows or slow students must become bait for a continuing correction program until the standard is way up and into an acceptable level.

The value of a good Academy or HSDC Supervisor, who runs snap and pop courses, gets his students through rapidly and thoroughly is extremely high. In this case, he is personally worth about two times that of a top HGC Auditor in terms of beans into the Org. HAS and HQS Course Supers prove their worth in future beans and re-sign-ups in the Org. They help to create future business in the Academy and the HGC. Therefore, proven top Supervisors should not be ignored as areas of facility differential.

A Supervisor is handled in Cramming like any other person in for correction. The Situation is located, the Why found and the handling for that Why executed. There are many such Situations and Whys to be found on most to get them to a point of being flubless Supervisors. It is a no more lengthy cycle than getting an Interne through his Interneship.

A good Supervisor produces the Org’s future Auditors.

Revised by
Msm John Eastment
Approved by
Guardian WW
FB Ad Council
FB Exec Council
Commodore’s Staff Aides
Approved by the Board of Issues
for the
of the