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9 May 1977
Issue I
Remimeo Ex Dn C/Ses Ex Dn Auditors Ex Dn Course Expanded Dianetics Series 21RA


Ref: Expanded Dianetics Lectures and Case Histories

Since the original lectures on Expanded Dianetics many advancements were made in the application of Expanded Dianetics to cases. Many of these are contained in the Expanded Dianetics Case Histories but have not been covered in a separate issue for easy reference.


The product of Expanded Dianetics is a sane person.

The cases originally put on the Ex Dn project were those who were chronically ill and continually on the Medical Officer’s list of people needing medical attention. The product of Ex Dn at that time was given as “a well person” (Ex Dn Tape 1).

Almost immediately after the chronically ill cases were started Ex Dn application was extended to handle any sort of psychosis, R/Ses and any person’s evil intentions as the latter was found to be the basis of the chronic illness.

At a slightly later time some C/Ses seemed to make the EP of Ex Dn “an OCA all above the center line”. While Ex Dn will change OCAs when done properly it must be remembered the OCA serves as only one of many indicators of sanity.

Other indicators of sanity would be:

A. The pc is not slow or no case gain;

B. The pc will not be chronically nattery or critical;

C. Any chronic illness will have been handled;

D. The pc will not be committing crimes or consistently producing overt products;

E. The pc has had his evil purposes and R/Ses handled;

The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation gives a great number of indicators of sanity.

On HCOB 10 August 1976 LRH states about the Expanded Dianetic Specialist’s hand­ling of R/Ses: “When he is finished, if he has done his job well, the person’s behavior will be magically improved and as to his social presence, menace and conduct, well that will be toward survival.”


Expanded Dianetics programming is not rote but is very specifically adjusted is the pc.

The program is worked out from data gotten by FES, OCA, the Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation and being able “to sniff out the real hot dope” (Ex Dn Tape 2).

In programming Ex Dn one must parallel what the mind is doing. In this bulletin most of the Ex Dn actions are labeled as “left side” or “right side” handlings but which actions are to be done on a case and in what sequence has to be determined by the auditor and the C/S.

In the case of The Gambler as described in Ex Dn Series 25 “… you have to find the trail to the R/Ses on the subject and discharge those.

“This aspect of such a case is the emergency number one handling.” (HCOB 16 March 1977, Ex Dn Series 25 The Gambler)

In such as case a C/S might find he’ll be handling R/Ses early on in Ex Dn and then need to give more “left side” handling.

When running Ex Dn, complete the cases on Expanded Dianetics. One does not use small bits of it mixed up with other rundowns or grades.


Usually a C/S Series 53RK and a list correction are needed set up actions if they haven’t been done. A thorough C/S-1 and full word clearing are vital.

A Drug RD must be done or completed before Ex Dn is done or it will fail. This includes Objectives. You can’t do Ex Dn until Drugs are all handled.


The pc who cannot run engrams has misunderstoods on the commands and terms of R3R and Dianetics, or it’s drugs. The pc will be able to run drugs because that’s what he’s stuck in. He’ll run those automatically as long as you’ve done the necessary word clearing.

Pcs who won’t go backtrack are druggies or in recent shock of having died. This is handled by a thorough Drug RD and if necessary the usual Dianetic backtrack remedies.


On the Expanded Dianetics Lecture 1 LRH gave these stable data about OCAs: “When they’re low on the left in the white on the left, they’re out of valence” and “when they’re low on the right, they’re crazy.”

From these lectures we get “left side” handling which are those Ex Dn actions which eliminate the things which stand between the pc and his ability to actually run out the engrams holding his evil purposes in place which is done on “right side” handling.


This is the “left side” handling. Its use is covered on the first lecture.

You could take all the areas where the guy is and might have charge on by folder study and investigating his environment and make a list. Assess it. (First Assessment.) Take the items by order of read and then assess for Intentions, Attitudes or Emotions (Second Assessment.) From this take the best read. If it’s Attitude or Emotion make a Dianetic list, e.g. “What attitudes are connected with ___.” If it’s an intention L&N for “What intention is connected to ___?”. Good intentions are never run if they should come up.

Intentions exist on all 4 flows so you could list for intentions on all of them provided each listing question read.

Exhaust the Dianetic lists in the case of attitudes or emotions or run the intention R3R Triple or Quad.

This could be repeated reassessing I, A, E and handling what now reads until all handled and then taking the next best reading item from the first assessment and handling similarly until there is nothing sticking the pc’s attention on his PT environment.

Another way of handling the PT environment would be to L&N for something in the pc’s environment his attention is on, he is worried about, he is upset with, etc. Examples of L&N questions are “What terminals make up your PT environment?” and “What terminals does your environment consist of?”. Then do the second assessment and handling on the item found as above. Other L&N questions could be found and handled. This again could be done until there was nothing sticking the pc in his PT environment.

Note: PT environment can be subdivided as needed into home environment, work environment, Scn environment, etc. so no major terminal on the case is missed.


This is “left side” handling mentioned on the first lecture that is of use in running out past bad auditing. It is a list of items connected with auditing which the pc might have charge on. The items are: Auditors, Auditing, Scientology, Dianetics, Engrams, Secondaries, Locks, Reviews, Sessions, Cases, Case Gain, Results. This could be used for the first assessment and handled on the second assessment and so forth, as done for the pt environment.

Caution – do not get into listing significances from significances on this RD as you will not get charge off the case.


This is a “left side” handling mentioned on the first lecture, when the list was called the L3B, which handles past Dianetic flubs. The action amounts to simply taking the L3EXDRB to an F/Ning list. As this is a set up action it would most likely come before any other part of Ex Dn.


This is a “left side” handling first used by LRH on Case C. A pc may be getting no case gain because of a hidden standard (which is not just a physical or mental difficulty but one by which the pc measures his case gain).

This can be handled by getting what the hidden standard is and using an L&N “who or what” question to get it to a terminal. Then finding by L&N the intention of the terminal and running it R3R Triple or Quad.

If the hidden standard is a somatic it can be run R3R Triple or it can be assessed for EAIs and handled accordingly.

A way of finding a physical situation which is a hidden standard is to L&N for “What physical situation do you use to measure case gain by?”. Then L&N “What intention is connected to (item found)?”, and run it R3R Triple or Quad.


Ruds can be run R3R as part of left side handling especially ruds or Long Duration. Problems and ARC Breaks (assessing ARCU as per Tape 1) which are chronic, run very well. On W/Hs one must be careful not to miss the earlier beginning if run. An Ex Dn specialist can spot chronic out ruds by tone level and folder study.


The use of this handling for out of valence cases is well covered on Tape 1.

On this handling the auditor takes the White Form and gets all he can on the subject of emotional stresses. The auditor asks questions to do with losses and stresses as he does the White Form, digging up all emotionally charged incidents he can find. When the White Form has been completed the auditor can take up the secondaries found and run them out. He can also get emotions, attitudes, and intentions connected with other areas of the White Form and run these out.

Now when you’ve bled the White Form of emotional situations and run them you go to LX Lists – LX3, LX2, LX1. Take them to F/Ning lists. At this point if the pc is still out of valence “you might be able to go back and do a new White Form and find out you have an entirely new White Form on the subject of horrible experiences that were terribly emotional and losses of business and things like that. His memory has been pushed back.” (LRH, Ex Dn Lecture 1)

LX lists can also be assessed “In auditing” if auditing is a particularly charged area for the pc.


The Introspection RD as thoroughly covered in HCOBs would be included in “left side” handling where needed. It would be done as the first action in the case of a psychotic break whether the pc was on Ex Dn or not.



This action is the most important of all Expanded Dianetics actions. It is done on every case on Ex Dn.

A list of all evil purposes (unworthy intentions, contra-survival impulses, etc.) and R/S statements is made by culling them from the pc’s folders. Know what they area and get all of them. One should also cull all ethics whys and computations found in the folders. Note: “It is the exact point of the R/S in the session, the exact question that was asked and the exact subject or phrase where the R/S turned on that are important”. (LRH, HCOB 10 Aug 76, R/Ses, What They Mean)

Each evil purpose is taken and verified as to wording and checked for read by giving the evil purpose to the pc and asking him if that is the correct wording for that. Note the read when giving the pc the Evil Purp or when the pc gives the corrected wording if he does so. Use “suppress” and “invalidated” as needed. When you have verified the wording is correct and the Ev Purp has read, without checking interest, run it R3R Triple or Quad. This is not always the first action of an Ex Dn program, particularly if the pc is wildly out of valence.

For R/Ses: “What the Expanded Dianetics Specialist actually does is locate EXACTLY the actual evil intention for every R/S on the case and handle each one to total conclusion.” (LRH, HCOB 10 Aug 1976 R/Ses, What They Mean)

To do this the auditor must have the terminal or subject the R/S is connected with which will read when checked. The R/Sing statement itself will often mention a terminal or subject.

When the auditor has a terminal he would L&N for the evil purpose F-1, 2 and 3 and run each Ev Purp R3R Triple or Quad after it’s found.

The questions would be:

Make sure that the L&N questions read. One can also get in the buttons “suppress”, “careful of”, and “didn’t reveal” to ensure one isn’t abandoning a valid R/S because the pc “can’t think of anything” to do with the R/Sing statement or due to the read having been suppressed.

If there is no terminal mentioned in the R/S statement that read on checking, the auditor would check the subject of the R/S statement for read and L&N for the evil purpose toward the subject using “What (evil purpose) have you had toward (subject)?” and run it R3R Triple or Quad.

If there was no terminal mentioned in the R/S statement that read on checking and the subject didn’t read on checking the auditor would L&N for the terminal connected with the statement and when found would handle as above.

If the R/Sing statement is an overt the auditor would L&N for the evil purpose that would prompt (the overt mentioned in the R/S statement) or L&N for the evil purpose of someone who would (R/S statement).

An R/S statement may contain an evil purpose in it. In this case the Ev Purp would be run when the culled evil purposes are run.

Repeating overts can be handled by L&Ning for the evil purpose that would prompt the overt.

BTB Expanded Dianetics Series 27, CONFESSIONALS AND EXPANDED DIANETICS gives the procedure for using a short confessional to find evil purposes and R/Ses in an area, and then running the evil purposes. This action should be done to ensure that all evil purposes and R/Ses on a case are handled.


This is a very high-powered action which must be precisely done. It consists of


“One uses the general theory of the Ex Dn location of evil purposes and simply finds them on these exact points on the OCAs that are down. This is generally done after general handlings, left and right, when an OCA still shows some down point. Can be done by a confessional on it, listing it etc. Ex Dn simply finds the evil purpose and R3Rs it.” (LRH)

An application of this is shown in Ex Dn Case B.


Metalosis is in actual fact a form of PTS handling as the pc would be PTS to metal. Its use is shown in Ex Dn Cases D and C.

In handling one would:

1) Have the pc stand, look him over for metal and question him for metals he’s been wearing or has worn, or used or has in his somatic area, past or present, and find what it is that rests exactly in the somatic areas. Give the pc the R-factor: Metal worn on the person can cause your condition. Indicate it.

2) Then put the pc on the meter and L&N “What metal object have you (worn, used, had) in (area of somatic) area?” Check for read. Get a BD F/N item.

3) Run the item found R3R Triple or Quad using “wore” or “used” in the R3R commands. e.g. “Locate an incident of another causing you to wear a metal buckle.” Repeat 1), 2) and 3) on all somatic areas.

A 2WC about the illness or somatic could be used before the above to get data and get the pc looking into the area.

Further handling would be:

1) Word clear electromagnetic field fully. Clear field distortion.

2) L&N “What could cause a field distortion in that area?” R3R Triple or Quad the item. This can be continued, handling all possible angles of field distortion of body in ill area.


This is a “wants handled” or “hasn’t been handled” rundown, not necessarily a hidden standard which by definition of its words is a case measurement thing used by the pc.

The important points of the RD are to clear it and run it as “wants to get rid of”, not a “wants to achieve” and to complete each thing the pc wants handled before going on. It is done as a right side handling.

To find the thing the pc wants handled L&N “What do you really want handled?” to BD F/N item.

Handling of each thing the pc wants handled is dictated by what the “thing” is. A somatic is run R3R Triple or Quad. The intention connected can also be L&Ned for and run. If it’s a terminal, L&N for the intention connected with it and run it. You can also L&N and run the intentions on the other 3 flows. If it’s a condition L&N W/W would have it then list for and run that terminals’ intention. If it’s a doingness L&N for the intention of someone who would do that and run it.

Additional handling could be done such as assessing P, S, E, and A on it and taking the best read and making a Dianetic list and exhausting. Then reassessing P, S, E, A and repeating this until all handled. Or one can find and run out by R3R the prior confusion or the earlier problem to which it is a solution.

When the first thing is fully handled the procedure can be repeated using “What remains to be handled?” for the L&N.

Difficulties on this RD stem from not getting the thing the pc really wants handled which will read very well and run like a bomb, or out ethics holding the condition in place.


The Vital Info RD is covered in an HCOB. It can be done at any time after a Drug RD but as part of Ex Dn would be part of “right side” handling.

Ref: HCOB 6 October 1974 The Vital Information Rundown, The Technical Breakthrough of 1974.


Another rundown using Ex Dn is Service Facs by Dynamics as contained in Expanded Dianetics Series 20. The fixed postulate on each dynamic is run out R3R Triple or Quad.


On left side handling for an intention to be run it must read very well. Therefore in all left side actions L&N is used to find intentions.

You can only list and run intentions connected with a terminal or mass or somatic, never a significance.

Good intentions are never run. If a pc starts coming in with good intentions then reword your L&N to ask for “unworthy”, “bad”, “discreditable” etc. intentions. Or one could use “impulse”, “motive”, “purpose”, etc. instead of intention. The point is to find an L&N question that communicates to the pc.

The cure for a pc who is run on a good intention is a 53RK. The cure for the auditor is to fully define the words: good, worthy, positive, pro-survival. Then have him re-study the related materials. If it recurs, get him audited on a 3 May PL and through Ex Dn.


Each of these rundowns is covered in the Expanded Dianetics Lectures or Case Histories or later bulletins. This does not cover all the possible applications of Expanded Dianetics. Others can be found on the original lectures, however those included here are the primary actions which can be done in Ex Dn.

Since the original lectures many new rundowns were developed using Ex Dn as covered in the Case Histories and later bulletins. Other technical advancements were made such as the broader application of L&N to Ex Dn since the Case Histories.

This bulletin is part of the Expanded Dianetics Overhaul to get complete Expanded Dianetics tech recompiled, issued and gotten back in.

No case is beyond the reach of the Expanded Dianetics Specialist. He has all the tools needed to handle.

Richard Sheehy FMO 1709 I/C
W/O John Eastment CS-4/5
Approved by
for the
of the