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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Cramming Actions (CRAM-02RB) - BTB750308-1 | Сравнить
- Cramming Expertise (CRAM-06RA) - BTB750308-5 | Сравнить
- Cramming Officer Statistic (CRAM-07RA) - BTB750308-6 | Сравнить
- High Crime Checkouts and Technical Oks (CRAM-04RB) - BTB750308-3 | Сравнить
- TRs in Cramming (CRAM-05RB) - BTB750308-4 | Сравнить
- Types of Cramming Admin Cramming (CRAM-03R) - BTB750308-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 750308 Issue 1 - Board Technical Bulletin - Cramming Actions [BTB06-018]
- 750308 Issue 2 - Board Technical Bulletin - Types of Cramming - Admin Cramming [BTB06-019]
- 750308 Issue 3 - Board Technical Bulletin - High Crime Checkouts and Technical OKs [BTB06-020]
- 750308 Issue 4 - Board Technical Bulletin - TRs in Cramming [BTB06-021]
- 750308 Issue 5 - Board Technical Bulletin - Cramming Expertise [BTB06-022]
- 750308 Issue 6 - Board Technical Bulletin - Cramming Officer Statistic [BTB06-023]
8 MARCH 1975
Issue III
Revises, Combines & Cancels
BTB 12 Dec 71RA, Issue X, Cramming Series 4RA,
BTB 5 Sept 72RA, Cramming Series IIRA,
BTB 9 June 73RA, Cramming Series 17RA,
BTB 10 June 73, Issue V, Cramming Series 22.
Remimeo Cramming Series 4RB


(Ref: HCO PLs 7th & 8th Mar 66, High Crime)

All new Bulletins by Class or technical PLs issued are checked out on all HGC Auditors and Internes by the Cramming Officer within 24 hours of receipt. The Cramming Officer has these main actions which he ensures are done by all HGC Auditors, C/Ses, and Internes:

A. That they read the new Bulletin fully.

B. That all misunderstood words are fully cleared, using Method 3 & Method 4. Starrate checkout is then done by the Cramming Officer or Interne Supervisor.

C. Clay Demos are done of the key principles in the new Rundown.

D. That all new procedures or Rundowns are additionally drilled, including E-Meter drills if required by the procedure, in Cramming.

E. Writes up a list of “Okays to Audit” for the procedure or Rundown and sends to D of P for use in Pc assignment.

Any confused technical questions, strange ideas or considerations expressed are immediately handled with Word Clearing. All Case Supervisors and Tech and Qual personnel on technical posts must also check out on all new Bulletins and technical Policy Letters. They do A, B and C above.

The Cramming Officer must have a special High Crimes New Issues Log Book. He lists down one side of the page the names of all the personnel involved. Across the top of the page, he lists the appropriate HCO (or Board) Bulletin or Policy Letter, with a line going down the page.

Name HCOB 2 Aug 72 BTB 10 Aug 72 HCO PL 13 Aug 72 HCOB 20 Aug 72 HCOB 22 Aug 72 HCOB 23 Aug 72 HCOB 1 Sep 72
Mary Jones Date Date Date Date Date Date Date
Bill Smith Date Date Date Date Date Date Date
John Brown Date Date Date Date Date Date Date

When a new HCO (or Board) Bulletin or technical Policy Letter arrives in the Org, a copy must go immediately to the Cramming Officer. He logs it in his book and ensures that sufficient copies are made immediately available for checkouts to be done within 24 hours of receipt.

High Crime checkouts are done by Auditors to their highest Class. For example, Class VIIIs would check out on all new issues. An HDC would check out on any new Dianetic issues. A Class IV would check out on all Class IV issues. Where an issue is not applicable to an Auditor or staff member, a slash is put on his section of the book when the issue is entered. A Supervisor would be logged to check out on any new Supervision or Study Tech Bulletins or PLs. The C/S checks out on all new issues.

High Crime Checkouts can be done by the Cramming Officer or Interne Super. The Cramming Officer will retain the High Crime Log Book and continue to be responsible for them being in PT. Any High Crime Checkouts done by the Interne Super must be logged in the book by the Interne Super daily.


The Cramming Officer must make a special report to CS-7, CS-1 and CS-5 at Flag if there is a delay in the supply of Bulletins and Policy Letters into his/her Org. This is a serious matter and must be reported immediately.

Mimeo Checklists of all issues are sent from Flag to the Orgs periodically.


The Ethics Officer should inspect the High Crime Log Book weekly to ensure that checkouts are in PT.

If the checkouts are not in PT, he must call an Ethics Hearing on the Cramming Officer and chit the Qual Sec.

Violations of High Crime Policies are not to be treated lightly and are handled per HCO PL 8 Mar 66, “High Crime”.

Attestations are not accepted on any High Crime Checkouts.


Any person who does a technical action must get an OK to do such an action from the Cramming Officer or Interne Super.

This includes Auditors, Supervisors, Pc Examiners, Personnel Programmers, all Qual auditing correction actions, Word Clearers, C/Ses, D of P technical actions, such as PTS Interviews, Two-Way Comm, MLOs who do Assists, etc.

There are a few terminals outside of Tech and Qual who do technical actions who should also get a Qual OK and these are the Ethics Officer for PTS Interviews and handling and the Success Officer on his meter handling of completions.

If a new auditing rundown comes out, the C/S is expected to get an OK to C/S that action from Qual.

The way to put this in on any existing staff who do not have such OKs is to make up a list of what needs to be done and then give a short time limit on the completion. Do not use this Policy to stop existing production. If the OKs have not been given, pull them in and get them done. In such a case, the Qual Sec, Cramming Officer and Interne Super would be expected to work together to get it done.

OKs may be withdrawn by the Qual Sec, Cramming Officer, or C/S if found to have been falsely issued by reason of repeated flubs.

Attestation is not accepted in Qual for OKs to Audit.

Revised by
Msm John Eastment, A/CS-5
Approved by
Guardian WW
FB Ad Council
FB Exec Council
Commodore’s Staff Aides
Approved by the Board of Issues
for the
of the