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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Method 3 Word Clearing (WCS-31RA) - BTB720207RA74 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 720207 Issue 2R - Board Technical Bulletin - Method 3 Word Clearing by the Students Twin [BTB03-117]
- 720207 Issue 2RA - Board Technical Bulletin - Method 3 Word Clearing [BTB05-068]
CONTENTS “Method 3 Word Clearing by the Student’s Twin” Method 3 Word Clearing Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Issue II
Revised & Reissued 29 July 1974 as BTB
Revised 19 December 1974
BTB OF 7 February 1972R II
Remimeo Students Supervisors Tech & Qual Hats Word Clearing Series 31RA

“Method 3 Word Clearing by the Student’s Twin”

Method 3 Word Clearing

A student must know how to keep himself F/Ning (tearing along successfully in his studies). He should be able to handle anything that slows or interferes with such an F/N.

Students don’t put themselves or each other on a meter to locate a misunderstood word. It’s the Supervisor who meters a student to find the misunderstood word(s) as per these Bulletins, using the F/Ning student system:

For a student using dope-off as the only detection of misunderstoods is studying at below F/N level. The F/N went off long before the student reached the point of dope-off, so waiting for dope-off to occur before handling is waiting too long. As soon as your study stats dropped for half a day or you aren’t quite so “bright” as you were a few minutes ago is the time to look for the misunderstood word. (It’s not a misunderstood phrase or idea or concept but a misunderstood word.) This always occurs before the subject itself is not understood.

This is Method 3 Word Clearing:

1. The student notices he is not flying along and is not “bright” or it could be just plain lack of enthusiasm or too long on one item on the checksheet or yawning or disinterest or doodling or daydreaming, etc.

2. He then looks earlier in the text for a misunderstood word. There is one always, there are no exceptions. It may be that the misunderstood word is two pages or more back, but it is always earlier in the text from where he is now.

3. The word is found. He recognizes it in looking back for it. If the student can’t find the misunderstood by looking back for it, he can get another student to spot check him. The other student takes words from the text that could be misunderstood and asks: “What is the definition of the word?” seeing if the student gives a correct definition.

4. The student looks up the word found in a dictionary, thoroughly clears each definition and uses it verbally several times in sentences of his own composition until he has obviously demonstrated that he understands the word by the composition of his sentences – and feels fine about it.

5. Then the student reads the text that contained the misunderstood word. If he isn’t now “bright”, eager to get on with it, back up tone, etc, then there is another misunderstood word earlier in the text. This is found by repeating steps 2-5.

6. When he is bright, up tone, etc (an F/Ning student), the student comes forward from where the misunderstood word was in the text to the area of the subject he did not understand (where step 1 began).

He will now be enthusiastic with his study of the subject unless a misunderstood word was missed, not fully cleared, or there’s an earlier one in the text. If so, do steps 2-5. If the student is now enthusiastic, he continues on with studying.

Students do not have to be Word Cleared Method 2 on the total of any course.

Method 3 Word Clearing can be used by students on each other or by a Supervisor or Word Clearer whenever necessary.

Training & Services Bureau by order of
Revised by
Flag Mission 1234
I/C: CPO Andrea Lewis
2nd: Molly Harlow
Approved by the Commodore’s Staff Aides and the Board of Issues
for the
of the