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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Procedure (IPS-02RA) - BTB721205RA75 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 721205RA - Board Technical Bulletin - Procedure [BTB06-030]
CONTENTS PROCEDURE SUMMARY Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Revised 13 May 1975
Remimeo Integrity Processing Series 2RA


Integrity Processing must be done only by a well trained auditor, skilled in TRs, basic auditing and metering, who can make a prepared list read, and who has been fully checked out and drilled on these techniques.

As an auditing action it is done in model session with Rudiments in.

Every reading question of an Integrity Processing Form is F/Ned. The actual form question must be taken to F/N, not some other question.

Here is the basic procedure for Integrity Processing:

1. Set up the room, chairs, table, etc., as you would for any auditing session with all admin to hand, worksheet paper, Integ Form you will use, etc.

2. Make sure your pc's hands are not too dry or moist, the cans are the correct size and the pc knows how to hold them. Ref. False TA HCO Bs.

3. Start the session and fly a Rud if no F/N. If TA high or low do not try to fly a Rud but do a C/S Series 53RJ, assess and handle. If you are not trained in doing a C/S Series 53, end off for C/S instruction.

4. Put in any needed R-Factor on doing Integrity Processing.

5. Clear the procedure and the use of the buttons "suppress" and "false" etc. If necessary as an example run a non-significant question to demonstrate the procedure (e.g. Have you ever eaten an apple?).

6. Take up the first question and clear the words backwards, then the full command noting any read while clearing, which is valid. See BTB 2 May 72R, Clearing Commands, and HCO B 28 Feb 71, C/S Series 24, Metering Reading Items. Then, as needed, groove in the question further by asking for the time period the question would cover, the activities and people that would be involved, etc. This will steer the pc to the area and bring it into view.

7. With good TR 1 give the pc the first question, keeping an eye on the meter and noting any instant read. Even the smallest change of characteristic is checked in Integrity Processing and that question taken up if it develops into an "SF", "F", "LF" or "LFBD".

8. Take up each reading question getting the who, what, when and where of every overt, going earlier similar to F/N. Get specifics, not general or vague answers. If the pc gives off another's overt ask him if he ever did something like that. You want what the pc has done.

9. Take the original reading question to F/N. Not some other question. Always repeat the original question as part of the earlier similar command to keep the pc on that question.

10. If the question does not read and does not F/N put in Suppress on the question (and if necessary Invalidate, Abandoned, Not-Is, etc.) asking, "On the question ______ has anything been suppressed?" and noting any instant read. If Suppress (or one of the other buttons read) has read it means the read has transferred from the question to the button, so take up the question as in 8 above to F/N. If there is no read on the buttons the question should just F/N. After the question is taken to F/N there is no need to then check Suppress. Just go on to the next question.

11. If the pc gets critical realize you have missed a withhold and pull the MWH.

12. If an R/S occurs note it large and clear on the worksheets and then circle it in red after session with the statement or question on which it occurred. Note the fact on the Auditor Report Form and Program Sheet with session date and W/S page.

13. If a reading question does not go to F/N and bogs or the TA goes high, take up an L1RA (Integ Repair List), assess and handle per instructions.

14. Examiner. All Integrity Processing sessions must be followed immediately by a standard Pc Examination.

15. On any Bad Exam Report (non-F/N, BIs or non-optimum statement) after an Integ session, or on any pc who gets sick or upset or does not do well or has a high or low TA, give an L1RA as the next action.

The 24 Hour Red Tag Rule must be strictly enforced.

In the case of a pc requiring an L1RA the Case Supervisor would also look for evidence of questions F/Ned on something else, unflat questions, or withholds gotten off more than once.

A poor or comm lag TR 2, hidden from the view of the C/S, can also mess up a pc on Integ as it invalidates his answers and makes him feel he hasn't gotten it off. If suspected this could be checked by D of P Interview or pc to Exams: "What did the auditor do?"

16. The Integrity Form is complete when all questions on the Form have been handled as above and all reading questions taken to an F/N on that question.


If this procedure is followed and the Integrity Processing done with good TRs and metering the pc will get great results and regain abilities.

Originally reissued as BTB
by Flag Mission 1234
Revised & Reissued by CS-4
Approved by
Commodore's Staff Aides
and the Board of Issues
for the
of the