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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Procedure CCH Continued - PAB-134-580415 | Сравнить

CONTENTS PROCEDURE CCH CONTINUED CCH 2: CCH 3: CCH 4: Cохранить документ себе Скачать
P.A.B. No. 134
The Oldest Continuous Publication in Dianetics and Scientology
Via Hubbard Communications Office
35/37 Fitzroy Street, London W.1

15 April 1958


Compiled from the Research Writings and Taped Lectures of L. Ron Hubbard
CCH 2:

CCH 2 is Tone 40 8-C, which has the following commands: “With that body’s eyes look at that wall.” “Thank you.” “Walk that body over to that wall.” “Thank you.” “With that right hand touch that wall.” “Thank you.” “Turn that body around.” “Thank you.”

One doesn’t acknowledge any of the preclear’s originations and can only “freeze” the command after a cycle of action has been completed. As with all Tone 40 processes this is a precision process and needs validation training for execution on an optimum level.

The intention or goal of this process is to bring the preclear’s body further under control and to insure that he does “precisely” what you tell him to do, and it is a basic step for getting his thinkingness under your command as well. By showing the preclear you can control his body, you are actually inviting him to control it and to take some responsibility for it.

Don’t be surprised if the preclear exteriorizes quickly on this technique. By taking control of the body, he will go in and out of it and eventually feel that the best way to handle it is from a few feet behind his head. As an auditor one must beware of not-ising this phenomenon and should communicate about it when one “freezes” the session and make sure that the preclear understands this and that it is to be expected.

This is an ambulatory process and the auditor should be next to or with his preclear at all times during the running of this technique.

Don’t avoid this process or not administer enough, since 8-C, Tone 40 or otherwise, has been a stable processing datum for over three years and will continue to remain as such for a considerable period of time.

CCH 3:

This is the process that produces some of those fantastic IQ changes, for it deals directly with the preclear’s learning rate and his ability to duplicate communications. Bringing up his non-language factor in the IQ has the effect of bringing the preclear into a better control of his environment and into handling the people and objects in his immediate surroundings.

Its purpose, according to “The Student Manual,” is “to bring up preclear’s communication with control and duplication. (Control + Duplication = Communication.)”

Book Mimicry, as this process is called, is run in the following manner: Auditor tells the preclear that he is going to make a motion with the book and that he wants the preclear to duplicate the auditor’s motion mirror-image-wise. He hands the book to the preclear and then waits for the preclear to execute that motion. He acknowledges the execution of that command and then asks the preclear if he “is satisfied that he duplicated that command.” If the preclear says he is satisfied, and the auditor is sure he did not do it satisfactorily, the auditor does the same command until the preclear and the auditor are both satisfied.

There is a gradient scale of simplicities and complexities here. One first starts with fairly simple commands, graduating into complexities. LRH found that straight lines and angles are simplicities, whereas circles and arcs are complexities. Preclears who like complexities will be able to do the difficult ones with great ease while finding the simple motions burdensome. One keeps on doing both until the preclear can do each with relative ease.

In order to do this process properly the preclear has to be in present time, and that will unstick him from the rest points on the track, and it has been noted by many auditors that engrams and valences turn on, also a lot of dope-off and anaten which must naturally be run flat.

For the preclear who is in manic motion, small, very slow movements will cause a panic and should be done until he can tolerate the no-motion with ease and vice versa.

One must be sure, however, to remember the commands one has given in case the preclear cannot execute them and one has to do it again. Also, we are interested in giving our preclears only wins and one should work closely within that framework. Give the preclear only the commands, on a gradient scale towards difficulties, that he can execute. It does not mean that one cannot make it complex, but one mustn’t give impossible commands and so confuse and invalidate the certainty that he can duplicate a communication between himself and another terminal.

This is not a Tone 40 process, but the auditor does not talk until the motion he has made is executed unless the preclear has as-ised the command before he started the motion or finds himself unable to complete it.

Since engrams do appear and odd sensations and somatics turn on, communicate with the preclear about them, but remember the intention of the process and do not go chasing after facsimiles.

CCH 4:

CCH 4 is “Hand Space Mimicry” and the purpose of this process as per “The Student Manual” is “to develop reality on the auditor using the reality scale (solid comm line) and to get the preclear into communication by control + duplication. “

It is run as follows: Auditor and preclear sit straight opposite each other. The auditor then raises his two hands with his palms facing the preclear and says, “Put those hands against mine, follow them and contribute to their motion.” He then makes a simple motion with his right and then left hand and asks the preclear, “Did you contribute to the motion?” “Good.” “Put those hands in your lap.” After this has been run flat, increase the space between the palms of the auditor’s and preclear’s hands by half an inch. When this is flat gradiently increase the space between the auditor’s and preclear’s palms until the preclear can follow the motion yards away.

There is a lot of two-way communication during the running of this process, and the auditor must allow the communication which is born from the duplication and control to come forth without restraining the preclear’s desires to do so.

The distance factor here (affinity in the communication formula) will affect various preclears in different ways, and it is of interest that the preclear will communicate a lot about love and the second dynamic to the auditor which can then be viewed. There seems to be a certain distance factor here for each preclear, and once the auditor moves out of it suddenly without that gradient increase in space the preclear will go out of communication with the auditor, and the process should therefore be kept to small increases only.

The strained feeling in the preclear’s (and sometimes auditor’s) wrists is not a tiredness as one may suppose, but will disappear as he gets into communication with the auditor. He will go through a lot of anaten and dope-off, but should come out very bright and in present time and in much better shape than when the session started. HE will be able to communicate and recognize your body as a solid terminal opposite his and will really find the auditor during the process if he has not done so already. His reality level will increase to the point where he can communicate by agreement only and know that he is doing so (see the last PAB on the Scale of Reality).

This is not a Tone 40 process and should not be run as such.

CCH 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are the essential basics to the running of every case, and where these are neglected (where control in these facets has been neglected) there will only be failure. It is therefore remunerative in the long run to really flatten each process.

The workability of these processes is astonishing and is a delight in the hands of a Validated Auditor who has been coached on them himself. If ever processes demanded that one knows HOW to run them, these do, for the untrained auditor might just confuse both himself and the preclear if he doesn’t know what to expect and how to handle that which is sure to arise from such processes as CCH.

One can run these processes over and over again. Run 0, 1, 2 and either 3 or 4, then back to CCH I — right hand, through the other steps, left hand, through the other steps, both hands, and up again, or instead of using “Give me that hand” the auditor can run “Don’t give me that hand” — right, left and “those hands,” and so forth.

Somewhere along the line one of these processes is going to bite and then each and every one of them will do the same. If nothing happens it means that there is a threat to the preclear’s havingness and that the present time problem should be cleared while “help” is run again, after which one of the four CCHs should open up the preclear’s bank.

As an example, here is a case history from one of the Washington HGC staff auditors: Preclear, a business man, age 48, who had numerous pressing present time problems in the home environment. His profile proved that he was totally unable to handle his numerous present time problems as his ability to communicate was on the very low minus side. What’s more, his profile showed that he should really be a three- week preclear but was accepted on the understanding that since he couldn’t possibly afford more time, he would be given this week as an exception to the rule since he came a very long way (the HGC doesn’t accept for processing a 25-hour case who really needs 75 hours).

LRH looked at this profile and suggested quite calmly to the auditor that CCH steps 0 to 5 should do it.

The preclear was out of communication. He did not volunteer any information and seemed to get nothing out of the first 71/2 hours when the first 5 steps were covered. (His present time problems were handled by Locational Processing.) Since this preclear was withholding information the auditor ran him on “Don’t give me that hand,” which started biting slightly, a few minor somatics shot through various areas of his body and facsimiles darted in and out of his field, but the preclear still felt that this meant nothing. (His critical level was high and he was making nothing out of the auditing.) But when the auditor arrived at Hand Space Mimicry, the preclear burst open for he couldn’t tolerate the close contact with the auditor and volunteered information about a second dynamic restimulation which blew the aberration out of the way and opened the Case.

After that the preclear exteriorized with full visio and sonic when run on Tone 40 8-C, felt that he could control both his body and his environment much more ably and with greater certainty as to what he was doing.

Further up the line on Control Trio and Trio, the preclear ran each one of the six commands flat in approximately half an hour, with cognitions ranging from the first to eighth dynamic, each intimately related to his own life and livingness, and the preclear is a clear.

This preclear still has his present time problems at home, but feels much more confident about handling them and the auditor reports that he is moving heaven and earth to return for the outstanding two weeks.

This might not have been possible on older technologies since the factor of control wasn’t so neatly and exactly organized by LRH as it is now, but the fact remains, much against some people’s better wishes, that one has to be coached into knowing through experience to fully comprehend the power of Procedure CCH.