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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- To the Students, Auditors School - 520124 | Сравнить

CONTENTS TO THE STUDENTS, AUDITOR’S SCHOOL Cохранить документ себе Скачать


24 января, 1952


This is Dianetics, 1952.

You are the first classes to have a complete curriculum of a complete subject. As such you are as much pioneers as were the first people who came to me in Dianetics. You have the advantages of all that has been learned in the last two years, since the first book. You have the advantages of past errors. You have the advantages of processes which work in twenty-five hours on the majority of cases when skillfully and courageously used.

Dianetics has changed greatly in the past months. The twenty cases I have just run, complete and incomplete, have told me what I wanted to know — we have the basic process. We have means of bringing cases up to a point where the basic process can be applied, means which tax the auditor very little.

You are being trained as THE corps of processors. Within a year you will find yourselves in enviable professional position. Today you are laying the groundwork for that position. You will find older HDAs here and there in argu­ment with this course, this school, the Foundation and with me. These are stuck on a time track somewhere between 49 and 51. We will repair them when we get around to them. They need not influence you.

You are not working for an HDA. You may get one if you pass. You are working for a BDn, if you continue on past the regular school course and qualify. Your qualification for a BDn, and later a DDn, will be determined by the schoolwork you do right here and now. An HDA is not automatically qualified for a BDn. An individual holding an HDA at this time must complete the very work you are doing to qualify for the additional work required for a BDn.

As pioneers you will have to work out many of your own problems, even your own service facsimiles. You are attending a school which has been set up to be accredited. It is intentionally a rough school, difficult to pass because your subject is one which you must know. If you know this subject you can produce results and solve your own problems. If you don’t know this subject of Dianetics 1952, if you would rather wonder about mysticism or witch doctoring, you won’t produce the results Dianetics can produce. The changes which you see in staff, in the Foundation, in the field, in you, are designed to make Dianetics eligible to tackle ANY social problem. We’re playing for the high slakes of being the only science recognized in the humanities. Study hard, work well.