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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- 3D Criss Cross - Assessment Tips (HCOIL) - P620200 | Сравнить

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
All Auditors doing 3DXX


LISTING: To get a list to Differentiate and Nul rapidly, the list must be complete.

It is assumed there will be one or more heavily charged items on a list. Unless this charge is blown, a SCRATCHY NEEDLE, DISINTEREST IN DIFFERENTIATION and HARD NULLING may result. The bulk of the list consists, not of errors, but of LOCK VALENCES. When the lock valences are off the top of the Item, the pc can state the item.

There is a phenomenon here wherein the pc “can’t quite say it”, “can’t reach it”, “hasn’t said it right.. “ All this adds to an actual feeling of distance from the item, or wrongness. It is a feeling. It has flows connected with it. So long as the pc has this feeling of not quite right, the list does not contain the actual item. And if itdoes not, then disinterest in Differentiation, hard nulling and scratchy needle mayresult.

The answer to this phenomenon (call it Incompleteness) is to get more items listed. Do not let the pc just sit and comm lag and reject wordings. Take them all down. Every one rejected is really a lock valence, so get it down on the list. Keep the pc giving items, “trying to phrase it right”. And put down whatever pc says.

If pc is on meter during listing, you’ll see a heavy fall when the item comes on.

Don’t consider a list complete until the pc can answer an unequivocal “Yes” to this question: “Are you sure that you’ve stated the correct item yet?” or “Are you satisfied we’ve got all the things that would?” or “Have you phrased the item to your complete satisfaction?”

This is the complete list. It is better to complete a list by questioning the pc about its completeness than by bleeding meter, as an unskilled auditor can get a read on ARC Break and keep asking for items each time he gets the ARC Break read caused by asking for items.

A poor list can be caused by:

  1. Line being started is of no possible interest to pc. (True only of the start of a line and for the question being used to get a line.)
  2. A dissatisfaction on the part of the pc as to having stated the item correctly.


The best ways to start a line in order of workability are:

  1. Assessment of the 8 flows for the pc’s chronic flow and use it for a line “Who, what would (flow)”. This can be done over and over, getting one flow, then another, each time by assessment of remaining flows.
  2. Assessment of Pre-Hav Scale on “You” for a level and getting items for that PH Level. (Aux PH Scale.) Listing “Who — what would ______” or appropriate wording. Then doing new PH assessment for next line.
  3. A Problems Intensive to locate chronic problems, etc, and listing “Who — what would oppose”.
  4. Dynamic Assessment.

Finding Dynamic, listing “Who or what would represent (dynamic)”.

Finding new Dynamic when first items found.

  1. The direct question, “What do you really consider is wrong with you?” or “What are you being audited to change?” (Best for new HGC pcs on their first intensive.)
  2. Assessing whole Know-to-Mystery Scale for most reaction. Then “Who or what would?”
  3. Arbitrary selection, dislike, like, first dynamic o/w, etc.


There is no pat wound-up doll question for Differentiation. The more the wound- up doll repetitive question approach is used the less good the pc gets out of Differentiation.

In Differentiation of a list, we want the pc to:

  1. Look.
  2. Decide if item belongs or doesn’t.
  3. What the item named is in relation to the item the list came from. To do Differentiation, the pc must be in session.

Differentiation blows the lock valences. A pc with ruds out blows nothing. Therefore, there is no substitute for ruds in and pc in session.

Auditors who interpret this on their own flow patterns, think In session means different types of flow from pc. It’s just “Willing and able to talk to the auditor”. And “Interested in own case”.

An auditor who’s interested in the pc is also interested in the list. Stiff, rugged, mechanical formality and Differentiation just don’t go together.

During Differentiation remove any item from the list that the pc says to remove, add any new item pc wants added.

Don’t suggest any item to pc ever or suggest the removal of an item.


Nulling and Checking are covered earlier.