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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Checking Evals (DATA-28R) - P730919-1R75 | Сравнить
- Checking Evaluations Addition (DATA-28R1) - P730919-1 | Сравнить
- Multiple Sit Eval Format (DATA-28R2) - P730919-2 | Сравнить

RUSSIAN DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Проверка Оценок (ДАН-28) (ц) - И730919R75 | Сравнить
- Проверка Оценок, Дополнение (ДАН-28-1) (ц) - И730919-1 | Сравнить
- Ситуации, Состоящие из Нескольких Частей (ДАН-28R - 1) - И730919-1 | Сравнить
- Форма для Записи Оценок Нескольких Ситуаций (ДАН-28-2) (ц) - И730919-2 | Сравнить
- Формат Оценки Ситуаций, Состоящих из Нескольких Частей (ДАН-28П-2) - И730919-2 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 730919 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Ideal Scenes, Ethics Whys and Bright Ideas [PL078-019]
- 730919 Issue 1 - HCO Policy Letter - Ideal Scenes, Ethics Whys and Bright Ideas [PL079-009]
- 730919 Issue 1R - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evals [PL032-024]
- 730919 Issue 1R - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evals [PL045-028]
- 730919 Issue 1R - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evals [PL051-014]
- 730919 Issue 1R - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evals [PL067-021]
- 730919 Issue 1R - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evals [PL070-014]
- 730919 Issue 1R - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evals [PL68-064]
- 730919-1 - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evaluations - Addition [PL034-029]
- 730919-1 - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evaluations - Addition [PL045-029]
- 730919-1 - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evaluations - Addition [PL051-015]
- 730919-1 - HCO Policy Letter - Checking Evaluations - Addition [PL067-020]
- 730919-2 - HCO Policy Letter - Multiple Sit Eval Format [PL034-005]
- 730919-2 - HCO Policy Letter - Multiple Sit Eval Format [PL045-030]
- 730919-2 - HCO Policy Letter - Multiple Sit Eval Format [PL051-016]
- 730919-2 - HCO Policy Letter - Multiple Sit Eval Format [PL067-019]
CONTENTS CHECKING EVALS THE COMMON BUG Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Issue IR
Remimeo Data Series 28R (Data Series 28 is cancelled because it could be misinterpreted and I did not authorize its release. The data contained in it would have been written by me as a P/L had I considered them vital to evaluation.)


In checking over the evaluations of others, there is no substitute for following the hard and fast rule of insisting upon

a. Purity of evaluation

b. Consistency

c. Workability

d. Authenticity of the data.

There are no small rules. To quote one of these, "The situation is the direct opposite of the ideal scene." This is not necessarily true and is not a precise definition. A situation is the most major departure from the ideal scene. That's purity by definition.

A Why is not necessarily opposite to an ideal scene. But it is of the same order of thing.

Example: Stat of Income Divided by Staff sunk to 15£.

Ideal scene: Staff producing under competent management.

Sit: Execs not coming to work.

Why: The ED has forbidden any exec to be paid.

If you look this over it is consistent. But it is not reversals or opposites.

The stat found the area, the ideal scene was easy. Search of data found the sit as the biggest departure. Further search found the Why. Further search and knowledge of the existing scene would get a bright idea (which would not be sacking the ED who is probably the only one coming to work, but more likely getting the ED and execs into a hello-okay session and resolve their hates and ordering execs be paid at once).


(Orders of Day Item 24 Feb 75)

"I found that getting the sit was a common bug. Evidently people don't do a real stat analysis and get an ideal scene, look for its furthest departure and get the sit and then look for data and find the Why.

"There are many ways to go about it but the above is easy, simple and foolproof.

"It would look like this on a worksheet:

"GDS analysis to find the area and a conditional guess.

"Ideal scene for that area.

"Biggest depart from it for the SITUATION.

"If you're very good your GDS analysis will get confirmed by data.

"The real Why opens the door to handling.

"And you can handle.

"This doesn't change eval form. It's just a working model.

"All good evals are very consistent-all on same railroad track. Not pies, sea lions, space ships. But pies, apples, flour, sugar, stoves.

"I think evaluators get dispersed and Q and A with data, lacking any guideline. And so take a near forever.

"Last one I did, the GDS analysis gave the whole scene and then it got confirmed, all on the same outline as above. That org is still booming!

"It took 61/2 hours, including doing the majority of the targets!

"It doesn't take days or weeks, much less months!

"It takes hours."
