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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- Clearing - Free Needles - P620719 | Сравнить

SCANS FOR THIS DATE- 620719 - HCO Policy Letter - Clearing - Free Needle [PL005-068]
CONTENTS CLEARING — FREE NEEDLES Cохранить документ себе Скачать
Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex
Sthil Students CenOCon


Any auditor running a Routine 3 process and obtaining a free needle on an E- Meter should, on the Saint Hill course, have an Instructor observe and verify that condition and in a Central Organization should have it observed by an HCO Area Secretary.

Any auditor obtaining a free needle on all lines continuously (the state of a first goal clear) should, on the Saint Hill course, demonstrate that condition to an Instructor and, in a Central Organization, to an HCO Area Secretary.

An Instructor or HCO Area Secretary should make a statement on the auditing report testifying to the fact and existence of the free needle.

In short, there are two stages of observation — the first free needle obtained on one line and the state of continuous free needle on all lines.

No verbal statement by an auditor, not otherwise confirmed as above is to be given credence or be used to establish the condition of a case.

The early observation on one line being difficult to maintain for observation is not mandatory, but if not verified as above may not be claimed.

The state of a “first goal clear” is established by:

  1. A free needle on each lin.]listed from the goal.
  2. No reaction of the goal on the meter after a final prepcheck on that goal as per HCO Policy Letter 15 July 1962.
  3. Tone Arm near Clear Read.

A free needle is not a stage 4 needle or an inverted stage 4. It is floating and free.

In Routine 3GA we have actual, lasting clearing. It is accomplished by expert and exact auditing. There is no reason to fake the condition or rumour that someone is clear when he or she is not, or to tell someone he or she is clear when they are not.


We are on solid ground with technology and procedure. Let’s keep it that way. The goal has been sought on Earth for 2,500 years. We have achieved 8 first goal clears on the Saint Hill course in the last two months. People, with reason, trust a clear. We have attained the state of clear in Man. We must not upset that Trust.